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Created February 28, 2023 18:38
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Creating a EdDSA signed VC
Steps to create a signed verifiable credential in the *DataIntegrityProof*
import jsonld from 'jsonld';
import { base58btc } from "multiformats/bases/base58";
import * as ed from '@noble/ed25519';
import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256';
import { bytesToHex, concatBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils';
import { vcv2 } from './credv2.js'; // Used to bring in context
// Set up a document loader so we don't have to go to the net
const CONTEXTS = {
"": {
"@context": vcv2 // Local copy
// grab the built-in Node.js doc loader
const nodeDocumentLoader = jsonld.documentLoaders.node();
// change the default document loader
const customLoader = async (url, options) => {
if (url in CONTEXTS) {
return {
contextUrl: null, // this is for a context via a link header
document: CONTEXTS[url], // this is the actual document that was loaded
documentUrl: url // this is the actual context URL after redirects
return nodeDocumentLoader(url);
jsonld.documentLoader = customLoader;
const keyPair = {
publicKeyMultibase: "z6MkrJVnaZkeFzdQyMZu1cgjg7k1pZZ6pvBQ7XJPt4swbTQ2",
privateKeyMultibase: "z3u2en7t5LR2WtQH5PfFqMqwVHBeXouLzo6haApm8XHqvjxq"
let document = {
"@context": [
"AlumniCredential": "",
"alumniOf": ""
"id": "",
"type": [
"issuer": "",
"issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:23:24Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "",
"alumniOf": "Example University"
document = {
"@context": [
{"UniversityDegreeCredential": ""}
"id": "",
"type": [
"issuer": "",
"issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
"degree": {
"type": "BachelorDegree",
"name": "Bachelor of Science and Arts"
// Canonize the document
let cannon = await jsonld.canonize(document);
console.log("Canonized unsigned document:")
// Hash canonized document
let docHash = sha256(cannon); // @noble/hash will convert string to bytes via UTF-8
console.log("Hash of canonized document in hex:")
// Set proof options per draft
let proofConfig = {};
proofConfig.type = "DataIntegrityProof";
proofConfig.cryptosuite = "eddsa-2022";
proofConfig.created = "2023-02-24T23:36:38Z";
proofConfig.verificationMethod = "" + keyPair.publicKeyMultibase;
proofConfig.proofPurpose = "assertionMethod";
proofConfig["@context"] = document["@context"]; // Missing from draft!!!
// canonize the proof config
let proofCanon = await jsonld.canonize(proofConfig);
console.log("Proof Configuration Canonized:");
// Hash canonized proof config
let proofHash = sha256(proofCanon); // @noble/hash will convert string to bytes via UTF-8
console.log("Hash of canonized proof in hex:")
// Combine hashes
let combinedHash = concatBytes(proofHash, docHash); // Hash order different from draft
// Sign
let privKey = base58btc.decode(keyPair.privateKeyMultibase);
privKey = privKey.slice(2, 34); // only want the first 2-34 bytes
console.log(`Secret key length ${privKey.length}, value in hex:`);
let signature = await ed.sign(combinedHash, privKey);
console.log("Computed Signature from private key:");
// Verify (just to see we have a good private/public pair)
let pbk = base58btc.decode(keyPair.publicKeyMultibase);
pbk = pbk.slice(2, pbk.length); // First two bytes are multi-format indicator
console.log(`Public Key hex: ${bytesToHex(pbk)}, Length: ${pbk.length}`);
let result = await ed.verify(signature, combinedHash, pbk);
console.log(`Signature verified: ${result}`);
// Construct Signed Document
let signedDocument = Object.assign({}, document);
delete proofConfig['@context'];
signedDocument.proof = proofConfig;
signedDocument.proof.proofValue = base58btc.encode(signature);
console.log(JSON.stringify(signedDocument, null, 2));
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