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Last active January 23, 2022 14:08
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UVa 1589
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
enum ChessBoardState
int horseMovebleDirectList[8][2] = {
{ 1, -2 }, //{ 0, -1 }
{ -1, -2 },
{ -2, -1 }, //{ -1, 0 }
{ -2, 1 },
{ -1, 2 }, //{ 0, 1 }
{ 1, 2 },
{ 2, -1 }, //{ 1, 0 }
{ 2, 1 },
int fourDirectionList[4][2] = {
{ 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0 },
{ 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0 },
typedef struct tPosition
int row;
int col;
} Position;
int chessBoard[10][9];
vector<pair<char, Position>> chessList;
Position getNewPosition(Position &chessPosition, int rowMoveStep, int colMoveSetp)
return Position{ chessPosition.row + rowMoveStep, chessPosition.col + colMoveSetp };
void initializeBoardAndChesses()
memset(chessBoard, ChessBoardState::Free, sizeof(chessBoard));
bool isInBlackGeneralMovingBoundary(Position &position)
return 0 <= position.row && position.row <= 2 && 3 <= position.col && position.col <= 5;
bool isObstacle(Position &position)
return 0 <= position.row && position.row < 10 && 0 <= position.col && position.col < 9 && chessBoard[position.row][position.col] != ChessBoardState::Free;
bool isSameRow(Position &position1, Position &position2)
return position1.row == position2.row;
bool isSameCol(Position &position1, Position &position2)
return position1.col == position2.col;
bool isSamePosition(Position &position1, Position &position2)
return isSameRow(position1, position2) && isSameCol(position1, position2);
int countObstacleBetweenChessAndGeneral(Position &chessPosition, Position &newGeneralPosition)
auto minRow = min<int>(chessPosition.row, newGeneralPosition.row);
auto maxRow = max<int>(chessPosition.row, newGeneralPosition.row);
auto minCol = min<int>(chessPosition.col, newGeneralPosition.col);
auto maxCol = max<int>(chessPosition.col, newGeneralPosition.col);
auto obstacleCount = 0;
for (auto row = minRow; row <= maxRow; row++)
for (auto col = minCol; col <= maxCol; col++)
auto currentPosition = Position{ row, col };
if (isObstacle(currentPosition) && !isSamePosition(currentPosition, newGeneralPosition))
return obstacleCount - 1; //don't counted current chess
bool checkEatableInChariotAttackArea(pair<char, Position> &chess, Position &newGeneralPosition)
auto chessType = chess.first;
auto chessPosition = chess.second;
if (chessType != 'R') return false;
return countObstacleBetweenChessAndGeneral(chessPosition, newGeneralPosition) == 0;
bool checkEatableInFlyingGeneralAttackArea(pair<char, Position> &chess, Position &newGeneralPosition)
auto chessType = chess.first;
auto chessPosition = chess.second;
if (chessType != 'G') return false;
return countObstacleBetweenChessAndGeneral(chessPosition, newGeneralPosition) == 0;
bool checkEatableInCannonAttackArea(pair<char, Position> &chess, Position &newGeneralPosition)
auto chessType = chess.first;
auto chessPosition = chess.second;
if (chessType != 'C') return false;
return countObstacleBetweenChessAndGeneral(chessPosition, newGeneralPosition) == 1;
bool checkEatableInHorseAttackArea(pair<char, Position> &chess, Position &newGeneralPosition)
auto chessType = chess.first;
auto chessPosition = chess.second;
if (chessType != 'H') return false;
for (auto direct = 0; direct < 8; direct++)
auto legPosition = getNewPosition(chessPosition, fourDirectionList[direct / 2][0], fourDirectionList[direct / 2][1]);
auto attackPosition = getNewPosition(chessPosition, horseMovebleDirectList[direct][0], horseMovebleDirectList[direct][1]);
if (!isObstacle(legPosition) && isSamePosition(attackPosition, newGeneralPosition))
return true;
return false;
bool isCheckMate(Position &newGeneralPosition)
for (auto &chess : chessList)
auto chessPosition = chess.second;
if (isSamePosition(chessPosition, newGeneralPosition)) continue;
if (checkEatableInHorseAttackArea(chess, newGeneralPosition)) return true;
if (isSameRow(chessPosition, newGeneralPosition) || isSameCol(chessPosition, newGeneralPosition))
if (checkEatableInChariotAttackArea(chess, newGeneralPosition)) return true;
if (checkEatableInFlyingGeneralAttackArea(chess, newGeneralPosition)) return true;
if (checkEatableInCannonAttackArea(chess, newGeneralPosition)) return true;
return false;
bool isEableDirectlyEatRedGeneral(Position &blackGeneralPosition)
for (auto &chess : chessList)
auto chessPosition = chess.second;
if (isSameCol(chessPosition, blackGeneralPosition) && checkEatableInFlyingGeneralAttackArea(chess, blackGeneralPosition))
return true;
return false;
bool checkBlackGeneralAliveAfterMoved(Position &blackGeneralPosition)
for (auto i = 0; i < 4; i++)
auto newBlackGeneralPosition = getNewPosition(blackGeneralPosition, fourDirectionList[i][0], fourDirectionList[i][1]);
if (isInBlackGeneralMovingBoundary(newBlackGeneralPosition) && !isCheckMate(newBlackGeneralPosition))
return false;
return true;
void inputChesses(int N)
for (auto i = 0; i < N; i++)
char chessType[2];
auto row = 0;
auto col = 0;
scanf("%s %d %d", &chessType, &row, &col);
chessBoard[row - 1][col - 1] = ChessBoardState::Obstacle;
chessList.push_back(make_pair(chessType[0], Position{ row - 1, col - 1 }));
void solve(int blackGeneralRow, int blackGeneralCol)
auto blackGeneralPosition = Position{ blackGeneralRow - 1, blackGeneralCol - 1 };
if (isEableDirectlyEatRedGeneral(blackGeneralPosition))
auto result = checkBlackGeneralAliveAfterMoved(blackGeneralPosition) ? "YES" : "NO";
int main()
auto N = 0;
auto blackGeneralRow = 0;
auto blackGeneralCol = 0;
while (~scanf("%d%d%d", &N, &blackGeneralRow, &blackGeneralCol))
if (N == 0 && blackGeneralRow == 0 && blackGeneralCol == 0)
solve(blackGeneralRow, blackGeneralCol);
getchar(); //empty line between two test cases
return 0;
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