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Created June 2, 2019 15:22
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UVa 509
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int DiskNumber;
int BlockDigit;
int BlockNumber;
char ParityCharacter;
string Raid[100][6];
string getExclusiveOrResult(const string &diskInfo, int parityPos)
auto parity = diskInfo[parityPos] - '0';
auto exclusiveResult = (ParityCharacter == 'E') ? parity : (1 - parity);
for (auto index = 0; index < diskInfo.size(); index++)
if (index == parityPos || diskInfo[index] == 'x')
exclusiveResult = exclusiveResult ^ (diskInfo[index] - '0');
return to_string(exclusiveResult);
bool repair()
for (auto digit = 0; digit < BlockDigit; digit++)
for (auto block = 0; block < BlockNumber; block++)
auto missingDigitCount = 0;
auto missingDigitPos = -1;
auto diskInfo = string {};
for (auto disk = 0; disk < DiskNumber; disk++)
auto dataBit = Raid[block][disk].substr(digit, 1);
if (dataBit == "x")
missingDigitPos = disk;
diskInfo += dataBit;
auto parityPos = block % DiskNumber;
string result = getExclusiveOrResult(diskInfo, parityPos);
if (missingDigitCount >= 2 || (missingDigitCount == 0 && result != "0"))
return false;
if (missingDigitCount == 1 && diskInfo[parityPos] != 'x')
Raid[block][missingDigitPos].replace(digit, 1, result);
return true;
string recoveryData()
auto dataString = string {};
for (auto block = 0; block < BlockNumber; block++)
for (auto disk = 0; disk < DiskNumber; disk++)
if (block % DiskNumber != disk)
dataString += Raid[block][disk];
auto redudantDigit = dataString.size() % 4;
dataString.append(string(redudantDigit == 0 ? 0 : (4 - redudantDigit), '0'));
auto result = string {};
for (auto index = 0; index < dataString.size(); index += 4)
auto hexStringStream = stringstream();
auto bitList = bitset<4>(dataString.substr(index, 4));
hexStringStream << uppercase << hex << bitList.to_ullong();
result += hexStringStream.str();
return result;
bool inputData()
auto validInput = scanf("%d", &DiskNumber);
if (DiskNumber == 0 || validInput == -1)
return false;
scanf("%d%d\n%c ", &BlockDigit, &BlockNumber, &ParityCharacter);
for (auto disk = 0; disk < DiskNumber; disk++)
auto diskInfo = string {};
getline(cin, diskInfo);
for (auto index = 0, block = 0; index < diskInfo.size(); index += BlockDigit)
Raid[block++][disk] = diskInfo.substr(index, BlockDigit);
return true;
int main()
auto T = 1;
while (inputData())
if (repair())
printf("Disk set %d is valid, contents are: %s\n", T++, recoveryData().c_str());
printf("Disk set %d is invalid.\n", T++);
return 0;
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