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Forked from riaf/Geohash.php
Last active January 30, 2016 11:56
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* Geohash
* @author Keisuke SATO
* @license MIT License
* # Based
* Geohash library for Javascript
* Copyright © 2008 David Troy, Roundhouse Technologies LLC
* Distributed under the MIT License
class Geohash
static private $initialized = false;
static private $bits = array(16, 8, 4, 2, 1);
static private $base32 = '0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz';
static private $neighbors = array(
'top' => array('even' => 'bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx',),
'bottom' => array('even' => '238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp',),
'right' => array('even' => 'p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy',),
'left' => array('even' => '14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb',),
static private $borders = array(
'top' => array('even' => 'bcfguvyz'),
'bottom' => array('even' => '0145hjnp'),
'right' => array('even' => 'prxz'),
'left' => array('even' => '028b'),
static public function init() {
if (self::$initialized) {
self::$neighbors['bottom']['odd'] = self::$neighbors['left']['even'];
self::$neighbors['top']['odd'] = self::$neighbors['right']['even'];
self::$neighbors['left']['odd'] = self::$neighbors['bottom']['even'];
self::$neighbors['right']['odd'] = self::$neighbors['top']['even'];
self::$borders['bottom']['odd'] = self::$borders['left']['even'];
self::$borders['top']['odd'] = self::$borders['right']['even'];
self::$borders['left']['odd'] = self::$borders['bottom']['even'];
self::$borders['right']['odd'] = self::$borders['top']['even'];
self::$initialized = true;
* Geohash encode
* @param float $latitude
* @param float $longitude
* @return string
static public function encode($latitude, $longitude){
eq('xpssc0', Geohash::encode(43.025, 141.377));
eq('xn76urx4dzxy', Geohash::encode(35.6813177190391, 139.7668218612671));
$is_even = true;
$bit = 0;
$ch = 0;
$precision = min((max(strlen(strstr($latitude, '.')), strlen(strstr($longitude, '.'))) - 1) * 2, 12);
$geohash = '';
$lat = array(-90.0, 90.0);
$lon = array(-180.0, 180.0);
while(strlen($geohash) < $precision){
$mid = array_sum($lon) / 2;
if($longitude > $mid){
$ch |= self::$bits[$bit];
$lon[0] = $mid;
} else {
$lon[1] = $mid;
} else {
$mid = array_sum($lat) / 2;
if($latitude > $mid){
$ch |= self::$bits[$bit];
$lat[0] = $mid;
} else {
$lat[1] = $mid;
$is_even = !$is_even;
if($bit < 4){
} else {
$geohash .= self::$base32{$ch};
$bit = 0;
$ch = 0;
return $geohash;
* Geohash decode
* @param string $geohash
* @return array
static public function decode($geohash){
list($latitude, $longitude) = Geohash::decode('xpssc0');
eq(array(43.0224609375, 43.027954101562, 43.025207519531), $latitude);
eq(array(141.3720703125, 141.38305664062, 141.37756347656), $longitude);
$is_even = true;
$lat = array(-90.0, 90.0);
$lon = array(-180.0, 180.0);
$lat_err = 90.0;
$lon_err = 180.0;
for($i=0; $i<strlen($geohash); $i++){
$c = $geohash{$i};
$cd = stripos(self::$base32, $c);
for($j=0; $j<5; $j++){
$mask = self::$bits[$j];
$lon_err /= 2;
self::refine_interval($lon, $cd, $mask);
} else {
$lat_err /= 2;
self::refine_interval($lat, $cd, $mask);
$is_even = !$is_even;
$lat[2] = ($lat[0] + $lat[1]) / 2;
$lon[2] = ($lon[0] + $lon[1]) / 2;
return array($lat, $lon);
* Geohash decode
* @param string $geohash
* @return array
static public function center($geohash){
list($latitude, $longitude) = Geohash::decode('xpssc0');
eq(43.025207519531, $latitude);
eq(141.37756347656, $longitude);
$is_even = true;
$lat = array(-90.0, 90.0);
$lon = array(-180.0, 180.0);
$lat_err = 90.0;
$lon_err = 180.0;
for($i=0; $i<strlen($geohash); $i++){
$c = $geohash{$i};
$cd = stripos(self::$base32, $c);
for($j=0; $j<5; $j++){
$mask = self::$bits[$j];
$lon_err /= 2;
self::refine_interval($lon, $cd, $mask);
} else {
$lat_err /= 2;
self::refine_interval($lat, $cd, $mask);
$is_even = !$is_even;
$lat = ($lat[0] + $lat[1]) / 2;
$lon = ($lon[0] + $lon[1]) / 2;
return array($lat, $lon);
* adjacent
static public function adjacent($hash, $dir) {
$hash = strtolower($hash);
$last = substr($hash, -1);
$type = (strlen($hash) % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even';
$base = substr($hash, 0, strlen($hash) - 1);
if (strpos(self::$borders[$dir][$type], $last) !== false)
$base = self::adjacent($base, $dir);
return $base . self::$base32[strpos(self::$neighbors[$dir][$type], $last)];
static private function refine_interval(&$interval, $cd, $mask){
$interval[($cd & $mask)? 0: 1] = ($interval[0] + $interval[1]) / 2;
static public function grid($hash) {
$result = array($hash,
self::adjacent($hash, 'top'),
self::adjacent($hash, 'right'),
self::adjacent($hash, 'bottom'),
self::adjacent($hash, 'left'));
$result[] = self::adjacent($result[1], 'left');
$result[] = self::adjacent($result[1], 'right');
$result[] = self::adjacent($result[3], 'left');
$result[] = self::adjacent($result[3], 'right');
return $result;
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