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Last active March 6, 2019 03:03
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  • Save Windsooon/3df1a13f3d91b58d5303c685849cf385 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Windsooon/3df1a13f3d91b58d5303c685849cf385 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Player crash
** A. CalledProcessError (only the first time)**
1. run `python player`
2. use 001 as recording files
3. run `Redetect` in `Offline Pupil Detection`
(pupil) windson@WindsondeAir ~/learn/pupil/pupil_src (v1.11-preview) $ python player
MainProcess - [INFO] os_utils: Disabled idle sleep.
No module named 'pyrealsense2'
player - [INFO] video_capture: Install pyrealsense to use the Intel RealSense backend
player - [INFO] video_capture: Install pyrealsense2 to use the Intel RealSense backend for D400 series cameras
player - [INFO] launchables.player: Starting new session with '/Users/windson/Downloads/split-recordings/001'
player - [INFO] update_methods: Updating meta info
player - [INFO] update_methods: Checking for world-less recording
player - [INFO] update_methods: Updating recording from v1.4 to v1.8
player - [INFO] update_methods: Updating meta info
player - [INFO] update_methods: Updating recording from v1.8 to v1.9
player - [INFO] update_methods: Version update: Copy recorded annotations.
player - [INFO] update_methods: Updating meta info
player - [INFO] update_methods: Updating recording from v1.9 to v1.11
player - [INFO] update_methods: Updating meta info
No module named 'pyrealsense2'
player - [INFO] video_capture: Install pyrealsense to use the Intel RealSense backend
player - [INFO] video_capture: Install pyrealsense2 to use the Intel RealSense backend for D400 series cameras
player - [INFO] Building extension modules...
player - [INFO] launchables.player: Application Version: 1.8.365
player - [INFO] launchables.player: System Info: User: windson, Platform: Darwin, Machine: WindsondeAir, Release: 18.2.0, Version: Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Thu Dec 20 20:46:53 PST 2018; root:xnu-4903.241.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Starting buffering thread!
player - [INFO] camera_models: Previously recorded calibration found and loaded!
player - [INFO] pupil_producers: Cached detected pupil data to /Users/windson/Downloads/split-recordings/001/offline_data/offline_pupil.meta
player - [INFO] video_export.plugins.world_video_exporter: World Video Exporter has been launched.
player - [INFO] video_export.plugins.eye_video_exporter: Eye Video Exporter has been launched.
player - [INFO] pupil_producers: Cached detected pupil data to /Users/windson/Downloads/split-recordings/001/offline_data/offline_pupil.meta
player - [INFO] pupil_producers: Cached detected pupil data to /Users/windson/Downloads/split-recordings/001/offline_data/offline_pupil.meta
player - [INFO] pupil_producers: Cached detected pupil data to /Users/windson/Downloads/split-recordings/001/offline_data/offline_pupil.meta
player - [INFO] pupil_producers: Cached detected pupil data to /Users/windson/Downloads/split-recordings/001/offline_data/offline_pupil.meta
player - [ERROR],mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2: moov atom not found
player - [ERROR] libav.mjpeg: unable to decode APP fields: Invalid data found when processing input
player - [CRITICAL] libav.mjpeg: No JPEG data found in image
player - [ERROR] libav.mjpeg: mjpeg: unsupported coding type (c9)
player - [ERROR] libav.mjpeg: unable to decode APP fields: Invalid data found when processing input
player - [CRITICAL] libav.mjpeg: No JPEG data found in image
No module named 'pyrealsense2'
eye0 - [INFO] video_capture: Install pyrealsense to use the Intel RealSense backend
eye0 - [INFO] video_capture: Install pyrealsense2 to use the Intel RealSense backend for D400 series cameras
eye0 - [INFO] Building extension modules...
eye1 - [INFO] video_capture: Install pyrealsense to use the Intel RealSense backend
No module named 'pyrealsense2'
eye1 - [INFO] video_capture: Install pyrealsense2 to use the Intel RealSense backend for D400 series cameras
eye1 - [INFO] Building extension modules...
error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/windson/learn/pupil/pupil_src/shared_modules/pupil_detectors-0.1-py3.7.egg-info'
eye1 - [ERROR] launchables.eye: Process Eye1 crashed with trace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/windson/learn/pupil/pupil_src/launchables/", line 153, in eye
from pupil_detectors import Detector_2D, Detector_3D, Detector_Dummy
File "/Users/windson/learn/pupil/pupil_src/shared_modules/pupil_detectors/", line 18, in <module>
File "/Users/windson/learn/pupil/pupil_src/shared_modules/pupil_detectors/", line 32, in build_cpp_extension
ret = sp.check_output(build_cmd).decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/", line 395, in check_output
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/", line 487, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/Users/windson/.virtualenvs/pupil/bin/python', '', 'install', '--install-lib=/Users/windson/learn/pupil/pupil_src/shared_modules']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
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