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WinnieHAN /
Created May 20, 2019 19:45 — forked from enijkamp/
ebm bert
import math
import pickle
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
def gelu(x):
'''Gaussian Error Linear Unit - a smooth version of RELU'''
cdf = 0.5 * (1.0 + torch.erf(x / math.sqrt(2.0)))
return x * cdf
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INFO - 01/02/19 16:25:57 - 0:00:00 - ============ Initialized logger ============
INFO - 01/02/19 16:25:57 - 0:00:00 - attention: True
attention_dropout: 0
back_dataset: {}
back_directions: []
batch_size: 32
beam_size: 0
clip_grad_norm: 5
command: python --n_enc_layers '5' --n_dec_layers '5' --share_lang_emb 'true' --share_output_emb 'true' --share_enc '5' --share_dec '5' --word_shuffle '3' --word_dropout '0.1' --word_blank '0.1' --langs 'de,en' --mono_dataset 'en:./data2/mono/all.en.tok.60000.pth,,;de:./data2/mono/,,' --para_dataset 'de-en:,./data2/para/dev/newstest2015-deen-src.XX.60000.pth,./data2/para/dev/newstest2016-deen-src.XX.60000.pth' --n_mono '-1' --mono_directions 'en,de' --pivo_directions 'de-en-de,en-de-en' --otf_