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Created October 30, 2018 13:38
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R - Middle Square Method + Coin Flip (Pedagogical Tool)
#Where seed commences the generation of all future numbers
#number is the number of resultant generated numbers
#show_list allows you to see the lsit of generated numbers
#raw changes the numbers from strings to numeric (1 = strings, 0 = numeric)
#I used this method to teach student's a little about simulation, probabilities, and p-values.
#I have them do the middle square method by hand using a 4-digit seed
#They quickly learn the pitfalls of the MSM and such a small length seed (can easily converge to 0 or cycle -- although sometimes with desirable results!)
#They then use excel or google sheets and the binom.dist function to get a dirty p-value. (Pick the lower count of heads and tails as your successes and then multiply by 2 for two-tailed)
#Student's can then comment on the simulation, how to improve the simulation; they discover the concept of probabilities, fair coins, and the utility of statistical testing.
MSM <- function(seed, number, show_list, raw) {
options("scipen" = 2*nchar(seed))
#Sets number of numbers generated to 15 by default and raw output and do not show list
if(missing(number)) {
number <- 15
if(missing(show_list)) {
show_list <- 0
if(missing(raw)) {
raw <- 1
#The middle square only works appropriately with even numbers, this checks if the seed is an even number, if not, stops the function
if(nchar(seed)%%2 != 0){
cat("Please enter a seed with an even number of digits")
} else
while_char <- seed
MSM_LIST <- c()
for(i in 1:number){
seed_sqr <- seed^2
#this while loop adds trailing zeros
while(nchar(seed_sqr) < 2*nchar(while_char)) {
seed_sqr<- stri_pad_left(seed_sqr, 2*nchar(while_char), 0)
#this section identifies the middle number and populates a list
left_digit <- nchar(seed_sqr)/4 + 1
right_digit <- nchar(seed_sqr) - (nchar(seed_sqr)/4)
ran_num <- as.numeric(substr(seed_sqr, left_digit, right_digit))
while(nchar(ran_num) < nchar(while_char)){
ran_num <- stri_pad_left(ran_num, nchar(while_char), 0)
MSM_LIST[i] <- ran_num
ran_num <- as.numeric(ran_num)
seed <- ran_num
while_char <- substr(seed_sqr, left_digit, right_digit)
ifelse(raw==1, MSM_LIST,
ifelse(raw==0, MSM_LIST <- as.numeric(MSM_LIST))
if(show_list == 1){
cat("\nThe following are your randomly generated numbers, \n")
COIN_FLIP <- as.numeric(MSM_LIST)
HEADS <- c()
TAILS <- c()
FOR_HEADS <- 10^(nchar(seed))/2
#The following bits of code assign coin flips and their resultant p-value
for(i in 1:length(COIN_FLIP)){
HEADS[i] <- 1
} else TAILS[i] <-1
if(nchar(seed)%%2 != 0){
HEADS <- c(0)
TAILS <- c(0)
COUNT_HEADS <- sum(HEADS[which(!])
COUNT_TAILS <- sum(TAILS[which(!])
table <- data.frame(FLIP=c("HEADS", "TAILS"), COUNT=c(COUNT_HEADS, COUNT_TAILS))
p <- c()
ifelse(COUNT_HEADS>COUNT_TAILS, p <- 2*pbinom(COUNT_TAILS, number, 0.5), p <- 2*pbinom(COUNT_HEADS, number, 0.5))
if(number%%2 == 0){
p <- binom.test(COUNT_HEADS, number, 0.5)[3]
} else p <- binom.test(COUNT_TAILS, number, 0.5)[3]
ifelse(p<0.05, paste("Reject the null hypothesis of a fair coin, P(coin)=0.5, p=", p), paste("Fail to reject the null hypothesis of a fair coin, P(coin)=0.5, p=", p))
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