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Winston Campeau WinstonCampeau

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WinstonCampeau / gist:a8cffe043e718e09c11a197eeff0ba8f
Last active July 27, 2018 04:41
SageMath - Maximum Biclique, Maximum Weighted Biclique, Maximum Densest Biclique
#The following code finds the maximum biclique in bipartite graphs. (Note: Not effecient for large bigraphs, but great for multiple small)
#Generates a dictionary containing the sets of neighbors for each vertex in a bipartition (in this case the right bipartition)
for K in some_list_of_bipartite_graphs_you_generate:
for vertex in K.bipartition()[1]:
WinstonCampeau / gist:b714bcfb64206a6aa05fe12c4b2d36db
Created July 27, 2018 04:58
SageMath - Add all potential edges in a bipartite graph, with weight
#Code produced with the help of Dr. Brett Stevens @ Carleton University
#Add all potential missing edges in a bigraph and with weight
#First copy some bigraph G and generate list of known edges
auxillary_graph = G.copy()
edge_list = []
for edge in auxillary_graph.edges():
WinstonCampeau / gist:d56b4e7ccc26b71dd7087b163df8ba3c
Created July 27, 2018 05:10
SageMath - Diversity Measures of Weighted Bipartite Graphs (Tokenism & Entropy)
#Code generated with the help of Dr. Brett Stevens @ Carleton University
#input matrices are easily generated by, G.reduced_adjacency_matrix()
#Mutual information is minimized when p(x,y)=p(x)*p(y). Otherwise, the joint probability is equal to the product of the marginals
def mutual_entropy(input_matrix):
matrix_sum = (matrix([1]*input_matrix.nrows())*input_matrix*(matrix([1]*input_matrix.ncols())).transpose())[0][0]
row_probabilities = (input_matrix*(matrix([1]*input_matrix.ncols())).transpose()).transpose()[0]
WinstonCampeau / gist:f27d1d68a3898f5b1b8d3e1bc156f90a
Last active August 28, 2018 16:12
SageMath - Shapley Value of Tricycle Game
#Three traders F1, F2, and F3 each have a front wheel of a tricycle and three traders R1, R2, and R3 each have one rear wheel of a tricycle.
#To construct a tricycle, two rear wheels and one front wheel are required. The value of a coalition is the number of tricycles it can construct.
# E.g. v(FRR) = 1, v(RR) = 0 v(FR) = 0.
#Let A be the front wheels and B be the rear wheels
subset_dictionary = {}
#Generates dictionary of regional sets (id:array). Regional sets can vary in species composition and number of populations (I consider each element a population).
import numpy as np
import random
reg_sets = {}
global_set = []
n_set = []
unique = {}
#Adjust number of regional sets, number of species, and number of populations in each set
# seed requires an even length number, no restrictions on length
# number is the number of numbers you wish to be generated
# raw=1 returns raw data, aka "0429" instead of 429
# this method is horrible, but still often used as a teaching method
MSM <- function(seed, number, raw) {
options("scipen" = 2*nchar(seed))
if(missing(number)) {
number <- 15
WinstonCampeau / gist:4912a7ad0f681f780295838d65c0bcd8
Created October 27, 2018 03:40
R - Catchall (A plethora of 2D model analysis)
cat("Please select your data; The data must be (X_COLUMN, Y_COLUMN) and csv file type\nIf you did not enter a number of bootstrap resamples, the default is set to 100 - double for jackknife - and defaults to 5 kfolds")
WinstonCampeau / gist:ac6347034cc332968833edc47e387430
Last active May 31, 2024 22:12
R - Middle Square Method + Coin Flip (Pedagogical Tool)
#Where seed commences the generation of all future numbers
#number is the number of resultant generated numbers
#show_list allows you to see the list of generated numbers
#raw changes the numbers from strings to numeric (1 = strings, 0 = numeric)
#I used this method to teach student's a little about simulation, probabilities, and p-values.
#I have them do the middle square method by hand using a 4-digit seed
#They quickly learn the pitfalls of the MSM and such a small length seed (can easily converge to 0 or cycle -- although sometimes with desirable results!)
#They then use excel or google sheets and the binom.dist function to get a dirty p-value. (Pick the lower count of heads and tails as your successes and then multiply by 2 for two-tailed)
#Student's can then comment on the simulation, how to improve the simulation; they discover the concept of probabilities, fair coins, and the utility of statistical testing.
#Collatz Conjecture
#Will produce graph and number of steps to converge to 1
collatz <- function(start_val, show_me) {
show_me <- start_val
n <- start_val
comp <- c()
md <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T) #This is not working, need to use FILE, IMPORT DATASET, FROM TEXT(BASE), then select csv, DESELECT "Strings as Factors", IMPORT
#removes leading and trailing numbers from sequences
for(i in 1:nrow(md)){
md[i,] <- substr(md[i,], 3, nchar(md[i,])-2)
#Check for even length stem