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Last active January 5, 2020 23:08
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Save WinstonFassett/8a9c06cce5782acc317248ef000c011b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Doc Viewer&
Doc Viewer&
No Mode Set
Local Only
Remote Only
Local and Remote*&
go local only -> Local Only
go remote only -> Remote Only
go local and remote -> Local and Remote
Doc Lifecycle
Doc Created
doc loading -> Doc Providers
Doc Providers&
Local Provider
Local Provider Pristine
start local provider -> Local Fetching
Local Fetching
local fetching done -> Local Idle
Local Idle
save local change -> Local Saving
Local Saving
local saving done -> Local Idle
stop local provider -> Local Provider Pristine
Remote Provider
Remote Provider Pristine
start -> Awaiting Valid Auth Token
Awaiting Valid Auth Token
valid auth token -> Connecting Remote Doc
Connecting Remote Doc
connection success -> Loading Remote Doc
connection failed -> Connection Failed
connection timeout -> Connection Failed
connection auth rejection -> Connection Auth Failed
Loading Remote Doc
Sent Sync Step 1
received sync step 2 -> Remote Doc Loaded
Remote Doc Loaded
start syncing -> Remote Syncing
Remote Syncing
sending remote message -> Remote Sync Push Active
received remote message -> Remote Sync Pull Active
disconnected from remote syncing -> Disconnected after Load
Remote Syncing Idle
Remote Sync Active&
remote syncing timeout -> Remote Syncing Idle
Remote Sync Push
Remote Sync Push Idle
Remote Sync Push Active
remote sync pull idle timeout -> Remote Sync Pull Idle
Remote Sync Pull
Remote Sync Pull Idle
Remote Sync Pull Active
remote sync pull idle timeout -> Remote Sync Pull Idle
Disconnected after Load
reconnected -> Loading Remote Doc
Disconnected after Load - Idle
reconnect -> Disconnected after Load - Reconnecting
Disconnected after Load - Reconnecting
stop remote provider -> Remote Provider Pristine
Remote Provider Error
Connection Failed
Connection Auth Failed
Unknown Remote Error
Remote Provider Load Failed
Remote Syncing Failed
function render(model){
let current_state_name = model.active_states[0].name;
return $("h1",
{style: {color: "darkBlue"}},
`The current state is: ${current_state_name}`);
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