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Created August 21, 2012 22:17
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QnD php cli ftp spy
//Super Q&D. Monitors a single FTP directory for new files.
//Modify the vars below and run as 'php ftpmon.php'.
//Notification is via growlnotify, which requires purchase of growl.
$host = "";
$user = "ftpuser";
$pass = "secret";
$dir = "/somedir/";
$sleeptime = 60;
function notify($title, $message) {
system("growlnotify -t '$title' -m '$message' -s");
set_time_limit(0); //infinite
$mtime = '';
$mdate = '';
$mmonth = '';
$mname = '';
$found = false;
while (!$found) {
$conn = ftp_connect($host) or die("Couldn't connect\n");
ftp_login($conn, $user, $pass) or die("Couldn't log in\n");
$contents = ftp_rawlist($conn, "-lt $dir");
sizeof($contents) or die("Couldn't get file listing\n");
$file = explode(' ', $contents[0]); //most-recent file. Looks like this:
array(15) {
string(10) "-rwxr--r--"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(1) "1"
string(7) "user"
string(0) ""
string(7) "group"
string(0) ""
string(10) "2785658880"
string(3) "Aug"
string(2) "17"
string(5) "09:36"
//12 is the filename. Anything above 12 is because the filename has spaces in it.
string(6) "pics-2"
string(1) "-"
string(13) "condo-old.tar"
if (strlen($mtime) == 0) {
$mtime = $file[11];
$mdate = $file[10];
$mmonth = $file[9];
$mname = $file[12]; //XXX Should grab everything 12+ in case of spaced filenames but this is just for UI
echo "First run. Most recent file is '$mname' at $mmonth $mdate $mtime\n";
if ($file[11] != $mtime) {
$found = true;
echo date(DATE_ATOM) . " - notifying & exiting.\n";
notify('FTP site updated', $contents[0]);
} else {
echo date(DATE_ATOM) . " - Not found, sleeping $sleeptime.\n";
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