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Last active February 24, 2024 05:30
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Please let this one post fix the drama and everything so everyone can just work and live their lives in peace.
Okay @AimiIsFat maybe I should go and post more on the voxel_game / blockygame repo if I was in the wrong space ask to questions, of which I am not for this is on topic as much as it gets. I literally made chest assets today to help further this specific topic of voxel metadata. I disagree with your statement and opinion because I am asking legitimate questions that are in the right places and they need space and I need help at times too.
Also just because its annoying you does not mean it is spamming for there's no malicious or excessive posting but rather the opposite in that I am genuinely trying to develop more on what is here. As in specifically a general case use examples of voxel_metadata for not just myself but the community to use to make more than just my game example but for everyone's game too. For there are a lack of working examples for storage and entities; this would greatly help not just myself but you and the author and everyone who uses this to make a working game.
The author does not have time for random internet drama and this malarkey. This stuff is HARD okay, I don't ask willy nilly I test for hours and then when i am really stuck I ask for help mate. They are busy and said so consistently but I will not take any malarkey from the community without good reason of which this does not have any. This is a waste of time arguing and I wish I spent my time and other's time more productively reading my rebuttal but i will refute this charges and I will defend myself rightly.
I am asking dev questions in the dev question section about the exact point where I need help. How else is one to get help for storage / chests and entities if its an engine capability? Its like going to the engineers who make the engine and saying how can this be upgraded in x spot for more performance? These questions are about storage and entities. Anyone can use these for they are engine capabilities. I gave plenty of examples already why there should be working examples of storage and entities for great engine capabilities for the Godot_voxel engine / project / work.
What is there for not just myself but for a template for others to use freely for basic general features that can be used in other games. I do need help too mate, you said this: "It is best to only post inside issues when you actually NEED help and can't figure it out on your own.". This issue is for metadata not for just my own uses but to make a template to help other people first; then once a community template is working then I can make my own version. That's my plan because this is a template and open source example for the community; the chest art for example it's not for my game its for the community first. So I don't exactly know what you are doing but this is on point.
You said this:"not to tell people about your unrelated project that has almost nothing to do with this one, as that is considered spamming, and is against GitHub ToS" This is wrong mate like this is related to this project and this part of the project specifically. It seem that you are just upset at myself for asking a lot of questions when I genuinely need help when I get stuck. Also don't threaten to remove my account without expecting myself to defend myself, there will consequences if you treat people poorly and are so quick to easily offend other people when your feelings are so easily upset.
If you treated people better they will treat you better and your life will be a more pleasant and fulfilling experience. I have nothing against you but I will defend myself when I feel I have been wronged as herein for I greatly care about my work. I greatly care about making things better for the community than from when I found them and I have things to lose mate if I get banned because one person lost their temper online and I was wrongly punished when doing community good. that is not right and thus I am not happy with that judgement and I will disagree and refute your claims and I will give my case for all to see; even if a bit lengthy.
"There are better places to do that" If not here then where; where is a better place? I think this is the best place to ask dev questions about this issue. This issue here is about voxel metadata. It literally has a chest partial code example:
var items = voxel_tool.get_voxel_metadata(chest_position)
items.append({"type": "arrows", "count": 64})
voxel_tool.set_voxel_metadata(chest_position, items)
I am literally trying to work on implementing a community working community template example from a code that is literally part of the the main first post of this issue. How is this not the best place to ask for help for this case?
What do you even do? You have nothing on your Github. Who are you to say I should be banned? You have nothing to lose mate. You have at the time I write this literally 4 posts from last year like mate 4 posts and you tell what to do on Github because your feeling were hurt? Not a warning, not an attempt for dialog or diplomacy or a more reasonable approach. No you thought the best thing is to threaten me with a full ban to my account where I lose everything I worked for; I will disagree especially when I not guilty and I am follow the terms of service to Github. Imagine how the author of this whole masterwork of Godot Voxels would feel if some random 4 posts person got wrongfully upset over literally doing things that the entire website of Github was made to do to as in help devs and ask dev questions; and this random 4 post person got them banned for things they are not guilty of? All the the work and the friend and people connections lost. But you cant because you have NOTHING to lose on your Github account, not even close. What are you doing with this malarkey? THIS is the wrong place for drama. I am trying to do dev work to make this project better for not just myself but mainly for the community. Yet it needs questions asked about technically demanding issues and to ask these on point specific questions where are related to. As like literally how to make a chest in the place with a chest code example; mate it's simple. I wish things were better that is why I am here to make community examples so once its made and it works we all benefit.
I wish I didn't have to bug people and be annoying and ask 1,000 questions in a 1,000 places and deal with a 1,000 random aggravating people online. Yet it about being the person in the arena and trying to make a proper go of it you know? How else do we to get help other than asking questions when we are genuinely stuck and need help? That is what the community is literally for to help one another when are in need. You are probably a nice person most days, you'd probably want to help me and others in many areas and I hesitate to say anything demonstrably mean to you without near absolute necessity to make a defensive point for my case. I am sure this wall of text make is making me not look great in all lights. Yet but I believe in the good in people past the bad too. I believe it's worth working to make things better for the community. I am flawed yes won't hide that from you anyone for am open to reason and genuine dialog. As in in my heart of hearts it's not really about why we can't do things, it's really about why we can do things. that is why we should take care of the community and it make better than we found it. I don't want to argue with you over and over or anyone. I just work a lot and I wish I was less annoying and better but I just have to ask these questions. I wish I could answer them them myself yet alas here we are. I feel my case has been communicated exhaustively. Please let this one post fix the drama and everything so everyone can just work and live their lives in peace.
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