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Retroactive Item Augmentation (Comment Quotation Block)
"@dorkster Can items retroactively gain more attributes / stats (random or fixed values +1 X or +1-3 X) with this system / idea? Or is a case where every stat generated is only at item generation / creation?
P.S. I realized that there might need to be an if check / gate to not have an items that are over stacked with added stats. Although I suppose if items (somehow) have a stat limit (or something like a stat limit) that could also potentially be a solution to having over stat stacked items. I wonder if an item had a status like, or maybe a check like for a base item.
Would this make any sense to have on items?
item_augmented=0 (or =1)
Then somehow if item_augmented=0 then stats can be added retroactively or item_augmented=1 then stats cannot be added retroactively?
Or is this missing a point? I am taking my best guess / stab at this. I am not sure what would work or not work exactly with Flare.
I guess I am wondering how to add to items without exhaustively making by hand ~10,000+ manual base item + item augmentation combinations. Yet simplicity seems to win out; who needs complexity for the sake of complexity? I don't know all of the details / everything. This kind of feels like Depth verses Feature Creep. I think that your idea (Random Item Generation) is good but I keep thinking about how to augment items for it would add a lot of depth. Yet I am not sure how to do that without tons of added complexity. What do you think about all of this?"
" @Danimal696 A way to empower existing items would be pretty cool, like upgrading to player level or adding more bonuses "
" @dorkster I think it would be best to start by keeping it simple and not allow item modification beyond the initial generation step. Such an augmentation system could work in theory, but I'm not sure it's something I'd want to add to Flare. "
" @WithinAmnesia So @dorkster Flare and ~'socket-able' items? Is this even do-able / worth it? Or is this effectively kind of feature-creep?
I suppose if it happened (somehow) that it could be repurposed for ~'item augmentations' (like ~'enhancements' ['Fire Brand' / 'Fire Rune' +2 ~fire damage or something] ). Would this even be possible or it is kind of just not really do-able?
Are socket-able items sort of kind of related to your idea of Random Item Generation property storing mechanics / ~'new ways of storing extra random item property values' or are these things kind of separate?"
" @dorkster Adding sockets to items was simply an example of something we could do if the aforementioned changes are made to the way item storage is handled in save files. I don't want to write it off just yet, but I'd say it's a bit on the "feature creep" side as it stands.
It also has nothing to do with random item generation, so it's a topic for another time/thread. Let's keep this discussion focused on just random item generation. "
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