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Last active October 31, 2020 16:13
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Watermark (merge) images using php
* Load Image
* @param string $path
* @return resource|false
function loadImage(string $path)
return imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($path));
* Print Image
* @param string $path
* @return void
function printImage(string $path)
header('Content-type: image/png');
* Watermark Image
* @param string $imagePath path to source JPEG/PNG image
* @param string $watermarkPath path to watermark JPEG/PNG image
* @param int $coverPercentage percentage of width to be covered by the watermark
* @param string $position position of watermark (options: Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Top-Left, Top-Right, etc.)
* @param int $paddingPercentage padding percentage for watermark
* @param string $outputFilenameoffset output file name (default: watermarkd-SOURCE-FILENAME)
* @param bool $preserveTransparency preserve transparency of watermark (default: true)
* @return bool
function watermarkImage(
string $imagePath,
string $watermarkPath,
int $coverPercentage = 50,
string $position = 'centre',
int $paddingPercentage = 0,
string $outputFilename = null,
bool $preserveTransparency = true
) {
// load watermark and image
$w = loadImage($watermarkPath);
$i = loadImage($imagePath);
// calculate new width and height while preserving old ratio
$destW = round(imagesx($i) * $coverPercentage / 100);
$destH = round(imagesy($w) / (imagesx($w) / $destW));
// set x y location based on $position and $padding
if ($position) {
$x = round((imagesx($i) / 2) - ($destW / 2));
$y = round((imagesy($i) / 2) - ($destH / 2));
$paddingPixels = round(imagesx($i) * $paddingPercentage / 100);
if (strpos(strtolower($position), 'left') !== false) {
$x = round($paddingPixels);
if (strpos(strtolower($position), 'right') !== false) {
$x = round(imagesx($i) - $destW - $paddingPixels);
if (strpos(strtolower($position), 'top') !== false) {
$y = round($paddingPixels);
if (strpos(strtolower($position), 'bottom') !== false) {
$y = round(imagesy($i) - $destH - $paddingPixels);
// Preserve transparency
if ($preserveTransparency === false) {
imagealphablending($i, false);
imagesavealpha($i, true);
// Merge images
imagecopyresized($i, $w, $x, $y, 0, -1, $destW, $destH, imagesx($w), imagesy($w));
// check output filename
isset($outputFilename) ?: $outputFilename = 'watermarked-' . $imagePath;
// output to file
imagepng($i, $outputFilename);
// clear memory
return file_exists($outputFilename);
// :: Tests ::
// // Test 1 with all settings
// if (watermarkImage('image-1.jpg', 'logo.png', 20, 'Bottom-Right', 4, 'output.jpg', true)) {
// printImage('output.jpg');
// }
// // Test 2 with minimal settings
if (watermarkImage('image-2.jpg', 'logo.png')) {
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