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gambiarra pra tentar pegar os drops de um item, funciona com fortuna e silk touch kappa
private static final Map<Material, Material> DROPS = new HashMap<Material, Material>() {{
put(Material.CARROT, Material.CARROT_ITEM);
put(Material.POTATO, Material.POTATO_ITEM);
put(Material.NETHER_WARTS, Material.NETHER_STALK);
put(Material.COCOA, Material.INK_SACK);
put(Material.COAL_ORE, Material.COAL);
put(Material.DIAMOND_ORE, Material.DIAMOND);
put(Material.EMERALD_ORE, Material.EMERALD);
put(Material.LAPIS_ORE, Material.INK_SACK);
put(Material.REDSTONE_ORE, Material.REDSTONE);
put(Material.QUARTZ_ORE, Material.QUARTZ);
public static List<ItemStack> getDrops(Block block, ItemStack itemStack, Random random) {
Material type = block.getType();
List<BlockDrop> blockDrops = getDrop(type, itemStack.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS), random, itemStack.containsEnchantment(Enchantment.SILK_TOUCH));
return -> new ItemStack(drop.drop.getItemType(), drop.count, drop.drop.getData())).collect(Collectors.toList());
private static List<BlockDrop> getDrop(Material material, int fortune, Random random, boolean silkTouch) {
switch (material) {
case STONE:
return Collections.singletonList(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(silkTouch ? Material.COBBLESTONE : material), 1));
return silkTouch ? Collections.singletonList(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(material), 1)) : Collections.singletonList(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(Material.INK_SACK, (byte) 4), 4 + random.nextInt(5) * dropCount(fortune, random)));
case COCOA:
return Collections.singletonList(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(Material.INK_SACK, (byte) 3), 2 + random.nextInt(2)));
case CROPS:
List<BlockDrop> drops = new ArrayList<>(2);
drops.add(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(Material.WHEAT), 1));
drops.add(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(Material.SEEDS), random.nextInt(Math.max(silkTouch ? 0 : fortune + 1, 4))));
return drops;
return Collections.singletonList(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(Material.NETHER_STALK), 4 + random.nextInt(3) * (silkTouch ? 1 : dropCount(fortune, random))));
if (!silkTouch)
return Collections.singletonList(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(DROPS.get(material) == null ? fixMaterial(material) : DROPS.get(material)), DROPS.containsKey(material) ? dropCount(fortune, random) : 1));
return Collections.singletonList(new BlockDrop(new MaterialData(material == Material.GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE ? Material.REDSTONE_ORE : fixMaterial(material)), 1));
private static int dropCount(int fortune, Random random) {
return fortune == 0 ? 1 : Math.max(random.nextInt(fortune + 2) - 1, 1);
private static Material fixMaterial(Material material) {
switch (material) {
case CARROT: return Material.CARROT_ITEM;
case POTATO: return Material.POTATO;
case COCOA: return Material.INK_SACK;
case SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK: return Material.SUGAR_CANE;
default: return material;
static class BlockDrop {
final MaterialData drop;
final int count;
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