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Last active September 12, 2017 16:48
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v0.3.0 of a Given-When-Then implementation for Haskell's HSpec. In similar vein to Ruby's rspec-given and Javascript's (Node's) jasmine-given.

I guess we could call it hspec-given.

If there is some interest I could package it up for Hackage. Ideas on improvements and contributions are also welcome, as I suspect I've only found a local optimum while implementing, e.g. in terms of syntax.

See here for a usage example.

Which executes like this with HSpec:


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module GivenWhenThen where
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Data.IORef
import Test.Hspec as Hspec
import ComposeLTR
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec (SpecM)
noop :: Monad m => m ()
noop = return ()
given = noop
when = noop
(#=) = writeIORef
(#~) = modifyIORef
var #=? expectation = do
readIORef var `shouldReturn` expectation
c1 :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)
c2 :: (a -> z -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> z -> c)
c3 :: (a -> z -> y -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> z -> y -> c)
c1 f g a = f a $> g -- = (.>)
c2 f g a b = f a b $> g
c3 f g a b c = f a b c $> g
g = [|
-- f :: (Monad m, Monad m3) => m3 b -> m (m3 b)
f cont = return $ do
-- if $alr
-- then error "`given`s should come before `then_`s"
-- else cont
in f
gi = varE $ mkName "given"
alr = varE $ mkName "alreadyRanAThenLine"
w = [|
f cont = return $ do
in f
wh = varE $ mkName "when"
then_ = [|
-- f :: HasCallStack => _
f cont = do
if (focusCount <= 1) then
it "then" $ do
$gi >> $wh
-- (cont :: HasCallStack => _ ())
else return ()
in f
gi = varE $ mkName "given"
wh = varE $ mkName "when"
thenn_ = [|
-- f :: HasCallStack => _
f cont = do
if (focusCount <= 2) then
it "then" $ do
$gi >> $wh
-- (cont :: HasCallStack => _ ())
else return ()
in f
gi = varE $ mkName "given"
wh = varE $ mkName "when"
thenn = thenn_
focusCount =
-- + 1
and = [|
f cont = do
it "and" $ do
in f
newUninitIORef :: HasCallStack => SpecM a (IORef a1)
newUninitIORef = Hspec.runIO $ newIORef uninit
uninit = error "Uninitialized IORef"
-- -- TODO Try setting a flag in each context to only set up Givens & Whens once per Then blocks
-- desc = [|
-- let
-- f title cont = context title $ $guard2
-- in f
-- |]
-- where
-- -- alr = varE $ mkName "alreadyRanAThenLine"
-- -- guard1 = LetS [ValD (VarP $ mkName "alreadyRanAThenLine") (NormalB (ConE GHC.Types.False)) []]
-- guard2 = return $ DoE
-- [ LetS [ValD (VarP $ mkName "alreadyRanAThenLine") (NormalB (ConE $ mkName "False")) []]
-- , NoBindS (UnboundVarE $ mkName "cont")
-- ]
{-# language DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module GivenWhenThenSpec (spec) where
import Prelude hiding (and)
import Test.Hspec
import Data.IORef
import GivenWhenThen.Main
spec :: Spec
spec = do
context "GivenWhenThen toolkit" $ do
counter <- newUninitIORef
given <- $g $ counter #= 0
string <- newUninitIORef
given <- $g $ string #= ""
$then_ $ counter #=? 0
context "`given`s are chained" $ do
given <- $g $ counter #~ (+1)
given <- $g $ counter #~ (+1)
$then_ $ counter #=? 2
$and $ counter #=? 2
context "`when`s are chained" $ do
when <- $w $ counter #~ (+1)
when <- $w $ counter #~ (+1)
$then_ $ counter #=? 2
$and $ counter #=? 2
context "`given`s and `when`s are chained" $ do
given <- $g $ counter #= 20
given <- $g $ counter #~ (+1)
when <- $w $ counter #~ (+1)
$then_ $ counter #=? 22
context "`given`s and `when`s are chained even if wrong order" $ do
context "in order" $ do
given <- $g $ string #= "a"
given <- $g $ string #~ (++"b")
when <- $w $ string #~ (++"c")
$then_ $ string #=? "abc"
context "out of order" $ do
given <- $g $ string #= "a"
when <- $w $ string #~ (++"c")
given <- $g $ string #~ (++"b")
$then_ $ string #=? "abc"
context "`given` can reset the initial conditions that `when`s act on" $ do
given <- $g $ string #= "a"
when <- $w $ string #~ (++"b")
$then_ $ string #=? "ab"
context "reset" $ do
given <- $g $ string #= "x"
$then_ $ string #=? "xb"
context "GivenWhenThen manual (less sugary version of what happens above)" $ do
counter <- newUninitIORef
given <- return $ do given; counter #= 0
given <- return $ do given; counter #~ (+1)
it "then" $ do
readIORef counter `shouldReturn` 1
$then_ $ readIORef counter `shouldReturn` 1
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