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Last active January 28, 2023 08:31
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// supposed in the standalone courseCardComponent
// extract template and class Input() property only
template: `
    <ng-container *ngIf="course">
      <div class="course-card" [ngClass]="cardClasses()">
        <div class="course-title">
          {{ cardIndex + " " + course.description }}

        <!-- can apply select attribute to only project certain tags, or classes -->
          *ngIf="course.iconUrl; else noImage"
        <!-- instantiate ng-template using *ngTemplateOutlet directive -->
        <ng-template #noImage>
              context: { description: course.description }

// class
export class CourseCardComponent {
  @Input() noImageTpl: TemplateRef<any>;
// parent component: app.component.html
<div class="courses">
  // define the template to be input in the course card component
  // could be separated as component also, but using ng-template reduces nubmer of files
  // and could be performant
  <ng-template #blankImage let-courseName="description">
    <p class="warn">{{ courseName }} has no image yet.</p>
    <img src="/assets/empty-image.png" />
  // input the blankImage ng-template
  // instantiate it in the course card component
    *ngFor="let course of courses; index as i"
    [cardIndex]="i + 1"
    <!-- the nested content will be projected with ng-content in the course-card component -->
    <!-- it is used when building the generic components, and fill in the content accordingly -->
    <!-- can project component inside another component -->
    <course-image [src]="course.iconUrl"></course-image>
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