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Last active October 8, 2021 07:51
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Save Wohlstand/3895db6a738aebce296c2f284cb163a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The code piece used by me in early process of SMBX to TheXTech porting
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>VB6 to CPP</title>
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return " = 0.0f";
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return "";
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function convertComment(com)
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function convertArgs(args)
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// output = output.replace(/^(?!\/\/)(.*)RangeArr<(Single),(.*)/gm, "$1RangeArr<float,$3");
// output = output.replace(/^(?!\/\/)(.*)(Double) (.*)/gm, "$1double $3");
// output = output.replace(/^(?!\/\/)(.*)RangeArr<(Double),(.*)/gm, "$1RangeArr<double,$3");
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