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Created July 24, 2014 01:39
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  • Save WolfieMario/6ab80ef6fb377663080a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WolfieMario/6ab80ef6fb377663080a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Temporary gist of an AutoHotkey script which provides helpful shortcuts for Minecraft map-makers and server ops. This is a heavily abridged version; the full version is currently a 4885 line WIP with far more features.
| Mapmaking Shortcuts Abridged script copyright WolfieMario |
| Feel free to use for your mapmaking endeavors or other purposes, and feel free to |
| make modifications, but do not remove this notice if you distribute this script. |
| I am not liable for any way in which you use or abuse this script. |
\*=================================================================================\ /
; If you game is slow and hotkeys seem unstable, make this number bigger.
global delayStep := 70
; Its default value is 70.
; You can set the default difficulty (used by Butcher (Alt+B) and Purify (Alt+P) here:
global defaultDifficulty := "n"
; Difficulties recognized by Minecraft: peaceful = p = 0, easy = e = 1, normal = n = 2, and hard = h = 3
/ Script Command Reference \
| Alt+Y | Repeat Chat | Repeat last Minecraft command/chat |
| Alt+V | Paste Text | Types text from the Windows clipboard. Useful for |
| | | signs and book titles, where Ctrl+V won't work. |
| Alt+S | Stone Platform | Sets the block below you to stone |
| Ctrl+Alt+S | Setblock | Input "/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:" |
| Alt+Space | Teleport Up | Teleport 50 blocks up |
| Ctl+Alt+Space| Teleport Down | Teleport 1 block down |
| Alt+N | Night Vision | Give 100 minutes of Night Vision to self |
| Ctrl+Alt+N |Clear Night Vision| Clear Night Vision from self |
|Ctl+Alt+Shft+N| Clear Effects | Clear all status effects from self |
| Alt+K | Resistance | Give 30 seconds of Resistance 5 to self |
| Ctrl+Alt+K | Kill Self | Kill self with /kill |
| Alt+M | Creative Mode | /gamemode c (Creative) to self |
| Ctrl+Alt+M | Survival Mode | /gamemode s (Survival) to self |
| Alt+Shift+M | Spectator Mode | /gamemode sp (Spectator) to self |
|Ctl+Alt+Shft+M| Adventure Mode | /gamemode a (Adventure) to self |
| Alt+G |Give Command Block| Give self a Command Block |
| Ctrl+Alt+G | Give Doubleslab | Input "/give @p minecraft:double_stone_slab 1 " |
| | | (8, 9, and 15 are special seamless doubleslabs) |
| Alt+Shift+G | Give Redstone Kit| Give self Redstone Dust, Redstone Torch, Repeater, |
| | | Comparator, and Sign |
|Ctl+Alt+Shft+G| Give Barrier | Give self a Barrier block |
| Alt+T | Time Day | Set time to Day (1000) |
| Ctrl+Alt+T | Time Night | Set time to Night (14000) |
| Alt+W | Weather Clear | Clear weather: /weather clear 1000000 |
| Ctrl+Alt+W | Weather Rain | Rainy weather: /weather rain 1000000 |
|Ctl+Alt+Shft+W| Weather Thunder | Thundering weather: /weather thunder 1000000 |
| Alt+B | Butcher | Kill all hostile mobs by switching difficulty to |
| | | Peaceful, then back to Normal (configurable) |
| Shift+Alt+B | Set Difficulty | Set the difficulty Alt+B switches back to |
| Alt+P | Purify | Use Time Day, Weather Clear, & Butcher in sequence |
| Shift+Alt+[#]| Bind Command | Bind a single line of command/chat to # (0-9) |
| Alt+[#] | Bound Command | Execute a command/chat which the above bound to # |
| Shft+Ctrl+[#]| Bind Input | Bind a single text input to # (0-9) |
| Ctrl+[#] | Bound Input | Type an input which the above bound to # |
| Shift+Alt+[#]| Bind Sequence | Bind a sequence of commands/chat to # (0-9) |
| Alt+[#] | Bound Sequence | Execute a sequence which the above bound to # |
|_____ Everything beyond this is actual code. Play at your own risk! |
\ /================================================================================/
\ /
GroupAdd, Minecraft, ahk_class SunAwtFrame
GroupAdd, Minecraft, ahk_class LWJGL
#IfWinActive ahk_group Minecraft
global bindS := [], bindM := [], bindI := []
!Y:: chat("{Up}")
!V:: SendInput % "{Raw}" . RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r\n?|\n\r?", "`n")
!S:: command("setblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:stone")
^!S:: input("/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:")
!Space:: command("tp ~0 ~50 ~0")
^!Space:: command("tp ~0 ~-1 ~0")
!N:: command("effect @p 16 6000")
^!N:: command("effect @p 16 0")
^!+N:: command("effect @p clear")
!K:: command("effect @p 11 30 4")
^!K:: command("kill")
!M:: command("gamemode c")
^!M:: command("gamemode s")
!+M:: command("gamemode sp")
^!+M:: command("gamemode a")
!G:: command("give @p minecraft:command_block")
^!G:: input("/give @p minecraft:double_stone_slab 1 ")
command("give @p minecraft:redstone")
command("give @p minecraft:redstone_torch")
command("give @p minecraft:repeater")
command("give @p minecraft:comparator")
command("give @p minecraft:sign")
^!+G:: command("give @p minecraft:barrier")
!T:: command("time set 1000")
^!T:: command("time set 14000")
!W:: command("weather clear 1000000")
^!W:: command("weather rain 1000000")
^!+W:: command("weather thunder 1000000")
command("difficulty p")
command("difficulty " . defaultDifficulty)
result := set("Input Default Difficulty", "Input difficulty for Alt+B to reset to (default ""n"").`n"
. "peaceful = p = 0`neasy = e = 1`nnormal = n = 2`nhard = h = 3")
if not ErrorLevel
defaultDifficulty := result
Gosub !T
Gosub !W
Gosub !B
key := getKey()
chat("{Raw}" . bindS[key])
key := getKey()
result := setS(key)
if not ErrorLevel
bindS[key] := result
key := getKey()
input("{Raw}" . bindI[key])
key := getKey()
result := setI(key)
if not ErrorLevel
bindI[key] := result
key := getKey()
For index, text in bindM[key]
chat("{Raw}" . text)
key := getKey()
num := set("Bind Multichat " . key, "How many lines of chat would you like to bind?")
if not ErrorLevel
original := bindM[key]
bindM[key] := []
Loop %num%
result := setM(key, A_Index)
if ErrorLevel
bindM[key] := original
bindM[key][A_Index] := result
StringRight, key, A_ThisLabel, 1
Return key
set(title, input)
InputBox, value, %title%, %input%
Return value
Return set("Bind Chat " . bind, "Enter the chat or command to bind to Alt+" . bind . " (currently """ . bindS[bind] . """):")
Return set("Bind Input " . bind, "Enter the input to bind to Ctrl+" . bind . " (currently """ . bindI[bind] . """):")
setM(bind, num)
Return set("Bind Multichat " . bind . ":" . num, "Enter the chat or command to bind to Ctrl+Alt+" . bind . ", line " . num . ":")
SendInput /
Sleep delayStep
SendInput %cmd%
Sleep delayStep
SendInput {Enter}
Sleep delayStep
SendInput t
Sleep delayStep
SendInput %text%
Sleep delayStep
SendInput {Enter}
Sleep delayStep
SendInput t
Sleep delayStep
SendInput %text%
Sleep delayStep
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