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Created April 6, 2018 06:55
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Documentation of the APDU Ledger Nano S API


  • Everything is encoded in Little-Endian without any padding or alignment.
  • Strings have a fixed length but can be null-terminated if they are shorter.
  • All integer numbers are always encoded in 8 bytes using two's complement representation.
  • Boolean values are encoded in one byte, with 0x00 meaning false and any other value meaning true.
  • IOTA addresses are always transferred in their 81 character base-27 encoding without checksum information.

Set the active IOTA seed


Field Type Content Range
CLA byte (1) Always 0x80
INS byte (1) 0x01
P1-P2 byte (2) ignored
L byte (1) Number of bytes to follow $[0,255]$
path[0] signed int64 (8) Level 0 of path
path[1] signed int64 (8) Level 1 of path
path[2] signed int64 (8) Level 2 of path
path[3] signed int64 (8) Level 3 of path
path[4] signed int64 (8) Level 4 of path
security signed int64 (8) set the used security level $[1,3]$


Field Type Content
SW1-SW2 byte (2) 0x9000 for success

Get Public Key of active Seed


Field Type Content Range
CLA byte (1) Always 0x80
INS byte (1) 0x02
P1-P2 byte (2) ignored
L byte (1) Number of bytes to follow $[0,255]$
idx signed int64 (8) Index of the address $[0, 2^{32}-1]$


Field Type Content
address 81 char string (81) Base-27 encoding of public address
SW1-SW2 byte (2) 0x9000 for success

Add single transaction

The transactions must form a valid bundle:

  1. The bundle contains at least 2 transactions and at least 1 input transaction. Currently, the maximum number of transactions is limited to 8.
  2. Meta transactions have to be included (similar to a finalized bundle in iota.lib.js)
  3. The last index is identical for all transactions and corresponds to the index of the last transaction.
  4. The total values of all transactions sum up to $0$.
  5. The normalized bundle hash does not contain a M.


Field Type Content Range
CLA byte (1) Always 0x80
INS byte (1) 0x03
P1-P2 byte (2) ignored
L byte (1) Number of bytes to follow $[0,255]$
address 81 char string (81) Base-27 encoding of transaction address
address_idx signed int64 (8) Corresponding index of the address; ignored for non-input transactions $[0, 2^{32}-1]$
value signed int64 (8) Transaction value $<0$ for input transactions
$\geq 0$ otherwise
obsolete_tag 27 char string (27) Base-27 encoding of transaction tag
index signed int64 (8) Index of that transaction in the bundle $[0, 9]$
last_index signed int64 (8) Last transaction index in the bundle $[2, 9]$
timestamp signed int64 (8) Timestamp $[0, 2^{32}-1]$


Field Type Content
finalized bool (1) Whether the bundle was finalized, i.e. the last transaction has been transmitted
hash 81 char string (81) Base-27 encoding of the bundle hash; undefined if bundle was not finalized
SW1-SW2 byte (2) 0x9000 for success

Sign a single transaction input

Called multiple times for the same index, to query all signature fragments.


Field Type Content Range
CLA byte (1) Always 0x80
INS byte (1) 0x04
P1-P2 byte (2) ignored
L byte (1) Number of bytes to follow $[0,255]$
transaction_idx signed int64 (8) Index of the input transaction in the bundle; must be an input transaction $[0, 9]$


Field Type Content
signature_fragment 243 char string (243) Base-27 encoding of the signature fragment
fragments_remaining bool (1) true if more fragments need to be queried
SW1-SW2 byte (2) 0x9000 for success

Response codes

SW1 SW2 Description
0x67 0x00 Wrong Length - the data has invalid length for this instruction
0x69 0x82 Security Status not Satisfied - the user declined the transaction, or the bundle cannot be verified
0x69 0x84 Command Invalid Data - the data is not in the format or within the ranges specified above
0x69 0x85 Command Invalid State - this command cannot be run in the current state
0x69 0x86 App not Initialized - the Ledger App has not been correctly initialized
0x6B 0x00 Wrong P1-P2 - P1,P2 are invalid for that particular instruction
0x6C 0x00 Incorrect Length L - the length specified in the header does not match
0x6D 0x00 Instruction not Supported - invalid INS-code
0x6E 0x00 CLA not Supported - invalid CLA-code
0x6F XX Unspecified Internal Error
0x90 0x00 Success
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