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Created October 24, 2012 04:33
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Save Wollw/3943863 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Perl script using ffmpeg and ffprobe to slow or speed a video so it lasts a particular duration of time.
# This script scales an input video to be the duration provided.
# usage:
# [-a audiofile] [-b bitrate] -d hh:mm:ss infile outfile
# The bitrate should be in kbps
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
my %opts;
getopts('a:b:d:', \%opts);
my ($src, $dst) = @ARGV;
## Convert a H:M:S duration into seconds ##
sub convert_duration {
my @time_parts = reverse(split(":", $_[0]));
my $accum = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @time_parts; $i++) {
$accum += $time_parts[$i] * 60 ** $i;
return $accum;
## Check for a custom bitrate ##
my $bitrate = $opts{b} ? $opts{b} : 128;
## Parse the target duration ##
my $duration_dst = $opts{d} ?
print STDERR "No target duration found, use option -d\n";
## Get input file's duration ##
my $probe = join(" ", grep /Duration/, `ffprobe $src 2>&1`);
my $duration_src = convert_duration(
join(" ", $probe =~ /Duration:(?<duration>[^,]+)/));
## Mix in audio if we need to
my $audio = $opts{a} ? "-i \"$opts{a}\"" : "";
## If we have an input and output file attempt to convert
if (@ARGV == 2) {
my $pts_value = $duration_dst / $duration_src;
`ffmpeg $audio -i $src -b $bitrate"."k -vf "setpts=($pts_value)*PTS" $dst`;
} else {
print STDERR "Requires a single source and destination file.\n";
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