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Created November 24, 2013 01:10
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[00:00:53] #bukkit - Fri Nov 15 00:00:53 2013
[00:00:53] ---
[00:01:08] * Topic is ': | What is Bukkit? | Rules: | #bukkitdev for (plugin) dev-related chatter only | RB RSS Feed: | Latest Recommended Build: 1.6.4-R2.0 - What's new?'
[00:01:08] * Set by EvilSeph! on Wed Nov 13 17:09:23
[00:01:16] * Lymia ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[00:03:21] * xaero ( Quit (Quit: just keep ..)
[00:05:21] * Wundsalz_ ( Quit ()
[00:07:32] * obscurehero (obscureher@dynamic-oit-mbgnet-d-25.Princeton.EDU) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:08:18] * ks is now known as ks|away
[00:09:46] * Riking is now known as Riking|away
[00:10:53] * Cake|Away is now known as roblikescake
[00:17:39] * jjacobson||away is now known as jjacobson
[00:19:32] * Skirmisher is now known as Skirm|GatedOut
[00:20:12] * c45y ( Quit (Quit: om nom nom network cables)
[00:23:21] * Dynista ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[00:24:57] * borbra ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[00:25:37] * r3dsea ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:26:02] * se1by is now known as se1by|afk
[00:26:15] * dirtcakeAFK is now known as dirtcake
[00:28:53] * Snowmanot ( has joined #bukkit
[00:31:25] * filnari (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[00:31:27] * Snowman ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[00:32:34] * Evan is now known as SD|away
[00:34:10] * obscurehero (obscureher@dynamic-oit-pu-dormnet-bb-d-13.Princeton.EDU) has joined #bukkit
[00:36:13] * Guest7508 is now known as matthewvz
[00:36:51] * Jess ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:38:49] * Guest18206 is now known as Foxy
[00:39:19] * Foxy is now known as Guest6369
[00:39:21] * Jess (~Jess@2601:8:a980:a10:4a3:a13e:8adf:602) has joined #bukkit
[00:39:36] * CSG ( has joined #bukkit
[00:39:44] <CSG> Hello!
[00:39:49] * r3dsea ( has joined #bukkit
[00:40:18] <CSG> Where do I go to get help for coding a plugin and making custom commands? I can't seem to find what I am looking for on Google and I was hoping someone would know.
[00:44:08] * CSG ( Quit (Client Quit)
[00:47:59] * Fulcnix is now known as Fulcnix|ChasingClouds
[00:48:13] * Nonoriri ( has joined #bukkit
[00:48:43] * Nonoriri ( has left #bukkit
[00:50:14] * LaxWasHere is now known as LaxWazHere
[00:50:54] * LaxWazHere is now known as LaxWasHere
[00:52:39] * Alto ( Quit (Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - -)
[00:53:00] * gabizou_ (~gabizou@ has joined #bukkit
[00:53:39] * gabizou__ ( has joined #bukkit
[00:53:54] * ElgarL|Away is now known as ElgarL
[00:55:01] * mydrox ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[00:56:35] * gabizou_ (~gabizou@ Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[00:56:50] <shellofchaos_>
[00:56:56] <shellofchaos_> owh he left nvm
[00:57:06] * gabizou ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[00:57:28] * SagaciousZed (~Sagacious@ Quit ()
[00:57:48] * Sway ( Quit (Quit: Brb D:)
[00:59:50] * LaxWasHere is now known as LaxWazHere
[01:00:47] * Sway ( has joined #bukkit
[01:01:17] * damccull (~damccull@ has joined #bukkit
[01:01:27] * teneafk is now known as Tenebrae
[01:03:05] * Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
[01:05:43] * mydrox ( has joined #bukkit
[01:06:01] * Glendening (~Glendenin@ has joined #bukkit
[01:06:36] * Riking|away is now known as Riking
[01:12:56] * aPunch ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[01:13:48] * orthoplex64 ( has joined #bukkit
[01:16:52] * cmastudios|away is now known as cmastudios
[01:18:05] * MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
[01:20:40] * stardustrider (stardustri@ Quit ()
[01:25:57] * aPunch ( has joined #bukkit
[01:27:25] * ane200055 is now known as ane200055[Offline]
[01:27:44] * Enkidu_ak ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:34:14] * r3dsea ( Quit ()
[01:35:11] * SagaciousZed (~Sagacious@ has joined #bukkit
[01:35:11] * MineBot sets mode: +v SagaciousZed
[01:38:00] * gabizou__ is now known as gabizou
[01:39:38] * bobo||dinner is now known as bobo
[01:39:49] * Guest6369 is now known as Foxy
[01:40:20] * Foxy is now known as Guest30740
[01:41:28] * Contex is now known as Contex|Away
[01:48:52] * Wazez ( has joined #bukkit
[01:49:32] * gabizou_ ( has joined #bukkit
[01:52:03] * gabizou ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[01:58:29] * Tenebrae ( Quit (Quit: Bai)
[01:58:53] * Joey1205 (~Joey@ has joined #bukkit
[01:59:45] * dirtcake is now known as dirtcakeAFK
[02:01:07] * Tenebrae ( has joined #bukkit
[02:02:14] * chaseoes is now known as chaseoes|away
[02:03:35] * Pingu ( Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
[02:03:45] * Fratello ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:05:44] * Snowmanot ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:05:53] * alecgorge (~alecgorge@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:06:18] * alecgorge (~alecgorge@ has joined #bukkit
[02:07:17] * bobo ( Quit (Quit: Panama)
[02:09:45] * Cay ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:09:49] * alecgorge (~alecgorge@ Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[02:09:51] * niso (~nisovin@ has joined #bukkit
[02:11:08] * r3dsea ( has joined #bukkit
[02:11:33] * nisovin (~nisovin@ Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[02:12:25] * nisovin (~nisovin@ has joined #bukkit
[02:14:08] * stardustrider (stardustri@ has joined #bukkit
[02:14:17] * Fulcnix|ChasingClouds is now known as Fulcnix
[02:15:01] * [z] ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[02:15:22] * dirtcakeAFK is now known as dirtcake
[02:15:28] * Odium ( has joined #bukkit
[02:15:32] * coolsa ( has joined #bukkit
[02:17:06] * niso (~nisovin@ Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[02:19:15] * [z] ( has joined #bukkit
[02:23:07] * SD|away is now known as Evan
[02:26:40] * KiSM ( has joined #bukkit
[02:30:09] * Qowface ( has joined #bukkit
[02:32:08] * Glendening (~Glendenin@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:33:11] * SagaciousZed (~Sagacious@ Quit ()
[02:33:47] * shellofchaos_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:37:24] * stardustrider (stardustri@ Quit ()
[02:39:52] * Lymia ( has joined #bukkit
[02:39:53] * MineBot sets mode: +o Lymia
[02:40:39] * Guest30740 is now known as Foxy
[02:40:45] * ]seth[_ ( has joined #bukkit
[02:40:50] * Pingu ( has joined #bukkit
[02:40:53] * Wazez ( Quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
[02:41:09] * Foxy is now known as Guest71273
[02:42:30] * boonkerz ( Quit (Quit: boonkerz)
[02:43:11] * jb-error404 is now known as jb-aero
[02:43:48] * Izraili ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:44:11] * Irrelium ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[02:46:41] * ]seth[ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[02:47:31] * xzise ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[02:52:38] * Calcium|Away is now known as Calcium
[02:53:15] * roblikescake is now known as Cake|Away
[02:53:31] * Double0|Offline is now known as Double0negative
[02:55:09] * Wazez ( has joined #bukkit
[02:55:34] * Cake|Away is now known as roblikescake
[02:58:18] * roblikescake is now known as Cake|Away
[02:58:40] * Cake|Away is now known as roblikescake
[02:59:59] * Calcium is now known as Calcium|Away
[03:01:57] * originaltide ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:03:11] * roblikescake is now known as Cake|Away
[03:07:27] * Cake|Away is now known as roblikescake
[03:13:34] * cptwin is now known as cptwin|away
[03:13:52] * MomoGame is now known as MomoNasty
[03:15:14] * alecgorge ( has joined #bukkit
[03:17:16] * alecgorge ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:17:36] * alecgorge ( has joined #bukkit
[03:18:54] * Dynista ( has joined #bukkit
[03:20:36] * FatherSouth (~FatherSou@ has joined #bukkit
[03:23:11] * Iguil` ( has joined #bukkit
[03:23:19] * LaxWazHere is now known as LaxWasHere
[03:23:26] * cmastudios is now known as cmastudios|away
[03:24:40] * Riking is now known as Riking|away
[03:25:28] * VlperX is now known as zz_VlperX
[03:33:26] * cptwin|away is now known as cptwin
[03:35:30] * nug700 ( has joined #bukkit
[03:35:41] * Wferr_ ( has left #bukkit
[03:40:57] * cmastudios|away is now known as cmastudios
[03:41:38] * nkrecklow ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:42:36] * r3dsea_ ( has joined #bukkit
[03:42:36] * pyr0 ( Quit (Quit: ircN 8.00 for mIRC (20100904) -
[03:42:42] * pyronix ( has joined #bukkit
[03:43:51] * r3dsea ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[03:46:16] * x741 (~seema@ has joined #bukkit
[03:47:06] * nug700 ( Quit (Quit: bye)
[03:49:36] * x74 (~seema@ Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[03:50:47] * krofek ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[03:51:39] * aPunch ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[03:53:18] * krofek ( has joined #bukkit
[03:54:28] * Lazy3ye ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:54:38] * Lazy3ye ( has joined #bukkit
[03:55:49] * SagaciousZed ( has joined #bukkit
[03:55:49] * MineBot sets mode: +v SagaciousZed
[03:56:45] * byunique ( has joined #bukkit
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[03:59:04] * nug700 ( has joined #bukkit
[04:00:47] * zz_VlperX is now known as VlperX
[04:01:19] * byunique ( has joined #bukkit
[04:03:06] * jrje (~Lucia_tra@ has joined #bukkit
[04:04:30] * jrje (~Lucia_tra@ Quit (Client Quit)
[04:05:23] * byunique ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:05:34] * byunique ( has joined #bukkit
[04:11:59] * Z750 is now known as Z750|afk
[04:12:36] * byunique ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:12:45] * byunique ( has joined #bukkit
[04:16:40] * Dark_Hunter is now known as Dark_Hunter|Off
[04:20:29] * byunique ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:20:34] * Roenie ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:22:37] * r3dsea_ ( Quit ()
[04:26:41] * NextInLine ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[04:27:33] * AlexM850 is now known as AlexM850|away
[04:28:49] * md_5|away is now known as md_5
[04:29:38] * c45y ( has joined #bukkit
[04:37:54] * alecgorge ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:37:58] * Riking|away is now known as Riking
[04:44:48] * obscurehero (obscureher@dynamic-oit-pu-dormnet-bb-d-13.Princeton.EDU) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:45:30] * obscurehero (obscureher@dynamic-oit-pu-dormnet-bb-d-13.Princeton.EDU) has joined #bukkit
[04:47:24] * Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
[04:47:52] * chaseoes|away is now known as chaseoes
[04:48:10] * eueln (~eueln@ Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
[04:54:46] * xaero ( has joined #bukkit
[05:02:44] * Kimax (~Dj_kimax@ Quit (Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - -)
[05:04:42] * MorphFK (~Morphan1@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:10:30] * Four_Down_ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:12:00] * hcherndon|Somewhere is now known as hcherndon
[05:12:04] * xmannj2 ( has joined #bukkit
[05:19:00] * RobotoRaccoon ( has joined #bukkit
[05:20:26] * Double0negative ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[05:20:53] * xmannj2 ( has left #bukkit
[05:21:09] * mussonking ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:27:03] * mussonking ( has joined #bukkit
[05:27:40] * RingOfStorms ( has joined #bukkit
[05:28:18] * stuntguy3000 (~stuntguy3@ has joined #bukkit
[05:30:14] * KiSM ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:31:39] * MyPictures is now known as MyPictures|afk
[05:32:20] * Fulcnix is now known as Fulcnix|ChasingClouds
[05:33:03] * dirtcake (dirtcakeAF@ Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[05:33:33] * dirtcake (dirtcake@ has joined #bukkit
[05:35:39] * KiSM ( has joined #bukkit
[05:37:41] * admalledd ( has joined #bukkit
[05:39:07] * KiSM ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[05:41:16] * BlackFing (webchat@ has joined #bukkit
[05:41:36] <BlackFing> Hi! How do I setup auto restart on AutoSaveWorld plugin?
[05:42:23] * nxtguy ( has joined #bukkit
[05:42:41] * KiSM ( has joined #bukkit
[05:42:49] <BlackFing> I don't know how to setup the times.
[05:43:22] * nxtguy ( Quit (Client Quit)
[05:44:18] * dirtcake is now known as dirtcakeZzz
[05:48:21] * pxyc ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[05:48:46] * orthoplex64 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[05:51:22] <BlackFing> Anyone?
[05:57:14] * Me4502|Away is now known as Me4502
[05:59:42] * Merc ( has joined #bukkit
[06:02:39] * Flynnftw ( has joined #bukkit
[06:03:23] * Silicon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[06:08:18] * boozaa (~boozaa@2a00:d880:3:1::2dc1:9509) has joined #bukkit
[06:12:56] * Pingu ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[06:13:12] * roblikescake is now known as Cake|Away
[06:13:45] * nephyrin (~neph@2620:101:8003:200:7a2b:cbff:fe9e:2e67) Quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[06:14:50] * nephyrin ( has joined #bukkit
[06:15:51] * evil_gordita ( has joined #bukkit
[06:17:15] * BlackFing (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[06:19:01] * MomoNasty is now known as MomoAway
[06:19:36] * Merc ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[06:21:32] * borbra ( has joined #bukkit
[06:22:27] * Dynista ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[06:22:43] * AndroUser2 ( has joined #bukkit
[06:22:46] * lilacorn ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:23:17] * admalledd ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:23:32] * Pingu ( has joined #bukkit
[06:24:45] * omgitsmi1 ( has joined #bukkit
[06:27:13] * omgitsmit ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[06:27:59] * originaltide ( has joined #bukkit
[06:28:33] * cmastudios is now known as cmastudios|away
[06:31:23] * jb-aero is now known as jb-error404
[06:32:16] * Mary ( has joined #bukkit
[06:34:01] * Flynnftw ( Quit ()
[06:35:29] * Ambush|AFK is now known as Ambush
[06:35:35] * Jess (~Jess@2601:8:a980:a10:4a3:a13e:8adf:602) Quit (Quit: <3)
[06:40:01] * redpill ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[06:43:20] * fr1zle_OFF is now known as fr1zle
[06:46:31] * NeonMaster|AFK is now known as NeonMaster
[06:49:17] * fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
[06:50:44] * mcmonkey ( has joined #bukkit
[06:52:52] * Evan is now known as SD|away
[06:53:21] * raysky ( Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[06:56:13] * freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
[07:00:42] * tryy3 is now known as tryy3|Away
[07:00:54] * Thor^^ ( has joined #bukkit
[07:01:58] * Fulcnix|ChasingClouds is now known as Fulcnix
[07:03:01] * kuke|sleep is now known as kuke|away
[07:04:56] * Tenebrae is now known as teneafk
[07:05:12] * Fulcnix is now known as Fulcnix|ChasingClouds
[07:05:54] * Fulcnix|ChasingClouds is now known as Fulcnix
[07:08:08] * pxyc ( has joined #bukkit
[07:09:13] * oerg866 ( has joined #bukkit
[07:09:32] * hcherndon is now known as hcherndon|Somewhere
[07:14:01] * Gilded_Knight ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[07:14:07] * Fulcnix is now known as Fulcnix|ChasingClouds
[07:19:00] * Sherwoodax is now known as Obama
[07:19:53] * Qowface ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[07:21:07] * Obama is now known as NukeEurope
[07:21:21] * NukeEurope is now known as Obama
[07:23:15] * Obama is now known as Sherwoodax
[07:24:23] * MyPictures|afk ( Quit (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
[07:24:23] * Z750|afk ( Quit (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
[07:24:24] * Smanly|Away ( Quit (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
[07:25:26] * teneafk ( Quit (Quit: Drifted off...)
[07:26:47] * timsandtoms ( has joined #bukkit
[07:27:57] * xaero ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[07:30:50] * Pingu ( Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
[07:30:55] * originaltide ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[07:31:17] * MyPictures|afk ( has joined #bukkit
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[07:31:17] * Z750|afk ( has joined #bukkit
[07:31:27] * Z750|afk is now known as Guest73120
[07:31:27] * Guest73120 is now known as Z750
[07:31:54] * Riking is now known as Riking|away
[07:31:57] * Z750 is now known as Guest30929
[07:32:15] * likecommand ( has joined #bukkit
[07:33:59] * originaltide ( has joined #bukkit
[07:37:54] * Silicon ( has joined #bukkit
[07:37:56] * Iguil` ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[07:38:18] * fr1zle is now known as fr1zle_OFF
[07:43:45] * Silicon ( Quit ()
[07:46:37] * SagaciousZed ( Quit ()
[07:51:18] * Silicon ( has joined #bukkit
[07:53:34] * frdmn|afk is now known as frdmn
[07:53:49] * AlexM850|away is now known as AlexM850
[07:57:24] * Me4502 is now known as Me4502|Away
[07:58:21] * cooper ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[08:00:08] <AlexM850> xD
[08:00:39] * cooper ( has joined #bukkit
[08:01:34] * Lepidus ( has joined #bukkit
[08:03:37] * pirotec ( has joined #bukkit
[08:03:40] * Ambush is now known as Ambush|AFK
[08:04:30] * pirotec ( Quit (Client Quit)
[08:07:25] * Fulcnix|ChasingClouds is now known as Fulcnix
[08:11:44] * Fulcnix is now known as Fulcnix|ChasingClouds
[08:14:57] * jjacobson is now known as jjacobson||away
[08:15:18] * alecgorge ( has joined #bukkit
[08:17:32] * Cay ( has joined #bukkit
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[08:32:26] * NickG365 (~Nick@2605:a000:1218:406b:8c4c:5134:47f0:b3e0) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:32:47] * NickG365 (~Nick@2605:a000:1218:406b:8c4c:5134:47f0:b3e0) has joined #bukkit
[08:35:55] * Lepidus ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[08:35:57] * xzise ( has joined #bukkit
[08:35:59] * Fulcnix|ChasingClouds is now known as Fulcnix
[08:36:28] * f14tomcat|away is now known as f14tomcat
[08:36:55] * PhanaticD_2 ( has joined #bukkit
[08:36:55] * Kriez (~Kriez@ has joined #bukkit
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[08:45:55] * TNTUP is now known as TNTUP|offline
[08:45:58] * jake6177 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[08:46:11] * Wolvereness sets mode: +b *!*
[08:46:41] * gendish ( has joined #bukkit
[08:49:29] <@Wolvereness> 10 minutes
[08:49:47] * PhanaticD_2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[08:55:26] * oerg866 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[08:59:14] * Wolvereness sets mode: -b *!*
[08:59:57] * AndroUser2 ( Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[09:00:42] * aPunch ( has joined #bukkit
[09:03:02] * ScoreUnder ( has joined #bukkit
[09:04:31] * Score_Under (~Score_Und@ Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[09:07:29] * Sellyme ( Quit (Quit: Oh god my bouncer is down help)
[09:11:53] * x741 (~seema@ Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[09:13:10] * Sellyme ( has joined #bukkit
[09:18:47] * Kriez (~Kriez@ Quit (Quit: ghfhgh)
[09:19:44] * aPunch ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[12:03:12] <Wundsalz> Not exactly bukkit related, but does anyone know if entities (e.g. cows) are stored in mcedit schematics?
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[12:03:53] <blha303> Wundsalz: i don't think so
[12:03:56] <blha303> but it'd be easy to find out
[12:04:08] * mallo ( has joined #bukkit
[12:04:35] <mallo> any news today about a dev?
[12:05:25] <Wundsalz> as in Bukkit/craftbukkit 1.7.2 dev build release?
[12:05:39] * KyleL (~KyleL@2604:9a00:2010:a002:3::) has joined #bukkit
[12:06:12] <Wundsalz> There hasn't been any announcement on the forum the last time I've checked (which was yesterday)
[12:06:30] <Wundsalz> I'd really appreciate some sort of ETA for it :-/
[12:06:44] <stuntguy3000> Good luck with that
[12:07:20] <stuntguy3000> Bukkit don't and won't update on dev releases, because that is APPARENTLY too hard..
[12:07:30] <stuntguy3000> I think we won't see a build unti 2014
[12:07:35] <stuntguy3000> personally
[12:08:12] <Wundsalz> sure, I understand that it's impossible to provide a specific, but a statement like "we'll need at least 1-2more weeks/months" would be nice
[12:08:24] <Wundsalz> specific date*
[12:08:24] <stuntguy3000> I disagree with the first point
[12:08:31] <stuntguy3000> They know exactly what needs to be done
[12:08:35] <stuntguy3000> So why can't we know aswell?
[12:09:10] <mallo> how long do u guys guess it take until we have the first dev build to download
[12:09:27] <stuntguy3000> Because this same thing happens every Minecraft release
[12:09:35] <stuntguy3000> Bukkit stops all communication
[12:09:37] <stuntguy3000> and take a few weeks
[12:09:47] <Wundsalz> well, mojangs chatlog basicly reads like a severe face slapping of minecrafts modding community
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[12:10:02] <mallo> how long do u guys guess it take until we have the first dev build to download
[12:10:04] <Wundsalz> which is basicly the entire minecraft community...
[12:10:10] <stuntguy3000> Mallo - 2014
[12:10:15] <stuntguy3000> Jan 7
[12:10:17] <stuntguy3000> My guess
[12:10:21] <Wundsalz> [13:08:42] <stuntguy3000> They know exactly what needs to be done
[12:10:24] <Wundsalz> not at all
[12:10:25] <mallo> i heard today
[12:10:33] <mallo> some said today
[12:10:35] <stuntguy3000> Thats a lie, completly
[12:10:43] <stuntguy3000> Wundsalz, think about it - They know what has been changed
[12:10:51] <stuntguy3000> They just need to implement it into bukkit
[12:10:52] <Wundsalz> mojang changed a lot of code in the background and refactorated stuff
[12:10:55] <mallo> why does it take so damn long
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[12:11:11] <stuntguy3000> But bukkit would know what has changed (they have "internal tools")
[12:11:19] <stuntguy3000> I assume they would of done a compare the compare
[12:11:22] <Wundsalz> as teh bukkit team doesn't have access to the source code of minecraft, they work with decompiled code
[12:11:31] <stuntguy3000> I think they do
[12:11:45] <stuntguy3000> or at the very least, have special communications with Mojang
[12:12:22] <mallo> this update has allready taked 3 weeks
[12:12:27] <mallo> and no dev
[12:12:29] <stuntguy3000> And i expect it to take 3 more
[12:12:33] <stuntguy3000> Mallo - Welcome to Bukkit
[12:12:34] <mallo> not a word
[12:12:44] <mallo> from any bukkit staff
[12:13:15] <mallo> why dont bukkit dev communicate with the users?
[12:13:30] <stuntguy3000> Because they have a stupid development system
[12:13:31] <Wundsalz> stunt, just take a look at the net.minecraft code in any bukkit release and you'll see what the bukkit team struggles with atm
[12:13:49] <stuntguy3000> I understand it is hard to work with, but i am mainly bashing their lack of communication
[12:13:52] <stuntguy3000> and previous history
[12:13:55] <mallo> spigot communicate in channel
[12:14:03] <stuntguy3000> md5 is a cool guy
[12:14:16] <mallo> ya
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[12:14:29] <mallo> md_5 he communicate
[12:14:48] <mallo> bukkit dev dont say anything
[12:14:50] <Wundsalz> They'll have to read themself into a bunch of classes named "A", "B", "C" with methods named "a","b","c" and have to figure out what all of these are doing
[12:15:01] * MikeMatrix_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[12:15:38] <mallo> my guess is that they w8 for 1,8 and then rel a dev
[12:15:40] <Wundsalz> they sure as hell need a shit ton of time to find out what the new/rewritten code sections do in order to wrap there api around it...
[12:16:05] <stuntguy3000> No they don't
[12:16:13] <stuntguy3000> A simple github thingie and they can see all the changes
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[12:16:26] <stuntguy3000> <Wundsalz> They'll have to read themself into a bunch of classes named "A", "B", "C" with methods named "a","b","c" and have to figure out what all of these are doin
[12:16:30] <stuntguy3000> They have tools to undo this
[12:16:39] <stuntguy3000> or something
[12:17:04] <Wundsalz> yep... which will show a lot of semi-readable code, which has been commented by the bukkit team beein replaced by a shit ton of unknown code
[12:17:13] <stuntguy3000> Mallo, go spam @EvilSeth on bukkit
[12:17:25] <stuntguy3000> Maybe he will start caring
[12:17:32] <xion87> asd
[12:17:33] <Wundsalz> [13:14:00] <stuntguy3000> I understand it is hard to work with, but i am mainly bashing their lack of communication
[12:17:49] <mallo> Evilse is not good at communicate
[12:17:54] <Wundsalz> yep their communication with the community is kind of poor
[12:18:10] <xion87> yep
[12:18:22] <mallo> poor? IT 0!!!
[12:18:24] <Wundsalz> I've been quite certain that the next bukkit update will take month(s) when reading the change log
[12:18:45] <xion87> it will come as xmas gift
[12:18:55] <Wundsalz> yet there isn't an announcement from the bukkit team addressing this problem in any form
[12:19:02] <stuntguy3000> Yep
[12:19:08] <mallo> So do we see a dev for 1.7.2 in next week?
[12:19:11] * Cay ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[12:19:15] <stuntguy3000> Very, very doubtful
[12:19:44] <xion87> dudes i want prepares my map for 1.7.2
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[12:19:58] <mallo> we did that
[12:20:03] <mallo> already
[12:20:05] <xion87> i can use the building-save and then keep
[12:20:11] <mallo> but we keep server down
[12:20:13] <xion87> the option for update-struttures
[12:20:15] <xion87> ?
[12:20:30] <mallo> our server has been down 3 weeks
[12:20:38] <xion87> mallo for?
[12:20:45] <mallo> we use hunger games as a place holder
[12:20:53] <mallo> terramining
[12:21:07] <mallo> u prolly know that server
[12:21:33] <mallo> all is set = new spawn
[12:21:36] <mallo> and all
[12:21:46] <mallo> we just w8 for the update
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[12:22:19] <mallo>
[12:22:40] <mallo> we dont open before the update
[12:23:12] <xion87> cool
[12:23:25] <mallo> xion87: u like the webpage
[12:23:50] <xion87> mallo check whisper :P
[12:24:59] <mallo> so we run hunger games and sometimes survival - but main server is closed
[12:25:17] <xion87> mallo i like that site :)
[12:25:35] <mallo> we do server hosting aswell
[12:26:32] <xion87> actual using enjin
[12:26:42] <xion87>
[12:29:57] <mallo> xion87: we are better
[12:30:04] <mallo> and cheaper
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[12:35:42] <Splitspace> Hey guys :)
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[12:56:03] <@EvilSeph> stuntguy3000: encouraging people to harass people will get you a ban.
[12:56:17] <stuntguy3000> It was a joke >_>
[12:56:18] <@EvilSeph> mallo, xion87: please stop advertising.
[12:56:54] <stuntguy3000> EvilSeph, What is YOUR reason as to why updates will never be provided?
[12:57:12] <@EvilSeph> I'm sure it'll be hilarious when I 'joke' about people bugging you if they want a faster update.
[12:57:13] * MikeMatrix ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[12:57:15] * Dark_Hunter|Off is now known as Dark_Hunter
[12:57:29] <stuntguy3000> People don't know who i am..
[12:57:35] <clarjon1> Hey everyone
[12:57:46] <stuntguy3000> Would you like to answer my original question?
[12:57:48] <clarjon1> stuntguy3000 is the new guy that you can bug to speed up updates.
[12:57:49] <clarjon1> ;)
[12:57:59] <stuntguy3000> <stuntguy3000> EvilSeph, What is YOUR reason as to why updates will never be provided?
[12:58:00] <@EvilSeph> would you like to acknowledge that you're being an asshole?
[12:58:13] <stuntguy3000> By asking why you are not updating us..
[12:58:18] <stuntguy3000> ?
[12:58:22] <@EvilSeph> no, by telling people to harass me.
[12:58:32] <stuntguy3000> it was a joke..
[12:58:37] <clarjon1> stuntguy3000: There aren't updates yet because they've not completed the updates
[12:58:37] <@EvilSeph> 'it's a joke' is never an acceptable excuse
[12:58:40] <clarjon1> Yeah
[12:58:44] <stuntguy3000> Well it was..?
[12:58:46] <@EvilSeph> 'go kill yourself' 'just kidding'.
[12:59:03] <stuntguy3000> Clar, by updates i mean the devs saying x is done and y is to go
[12:59:08] <clarjon1> "Go shoot up a school" "Woah man it was ust a joke"
[12:59:09] <stuntguy3000> Evil - Thats a whole new topic
[12:59:22] <@EvilSeph> harassment isn't funny.
[12:59:36] <stuntguy3000> Ok. It's not. Sorry for saying that to the other kid.
[12:59:46] <@EvilSeph> you mean for saying that to ~500 people?
[12:59:53] <@EvilSeph> you think I enjoy being spammed?
[13:00:09] <stuntguy3000> How many people actually cared enough about that message? around 15 estimatly
[13:00:30] <stuntguy3000> Maybe if you provided updates you wouldn't be. Just saying, legitimate suggestion.
[13:00:43] <stuntguy3000> Which folds into my question, why can't you guys update us
[13:00:46] <@EvilSeph> you're an asshole.
[13:01:13] <@EvilSeph> look at the top of and our forums, it's all explained there.
[13:01:13] <stuntguy3000> Once again, for asking you why you are not providing updates?
[13:01:21] <stuntguy3000> NOTHING is explained there
[13:01:33] <stuntguy3000> That doesn't say anything about the current status of development
[13:01:38] <stuntguy3000> only, that it is happening
[13:01:39] <@EvilSeph> no, you're just an asshole. It's self-evident why.
[13:01:39] <Splitspace> Stuntguy3000: do yourself a favour and be quiet for a while
[13:02:01] <stuntguy3000> really?
[13:02:10] <@EvilSeph> As we're working with the Minecraft code base which we have no control over, there is no reliable way to determine a communicable ETA until all the work on the update is actually completed.
[13:02:23] <@EvilSeph> As we're working with the Minecraft code base which we have no control over, there is no reliable way to determine a communicable ETA until all the work on the update is actually completed.
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[13:02:30] <yzUK> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
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[13:02:32] <eJa> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
[13:02:32] <pcnAUV> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
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[13:02:40] <clarjon1> Oh.
[13:02:43] <stuntguy3000> ^ Not me
[13:03:00] <stuntguy3000> Seth, honestly
[13:03:02] <Splitspace> Stuntguy3000: if you have a problem with upload times you should just update it yourself
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[13:03:11] <YkrBxR> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
[13:03:11] <ZCDh> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
[13:03:11] <RPCz> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
[13:03:11] * YkrBxR ( has left #bukkit
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[13:03:15] <stuntguy3000> ^ Not me
[13:03:43] * Gnar ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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[13:03:51] <clarjon1> go away bots
[13:03:51] <hJWjqz> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
[13:03:52] <yZcLGs> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
[13:03:52] * yZcLGs (~yZcLGs@ has left #bukkit
[13:03:52] <NNfi> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
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[13:05:02] <stuntguy3000> Ok evil, new approachj
[13:05:07] <stuntguy3000> Why hasn't the github been updated?
[13:05:18] <stuntguy3000> Atleast in a new branch? To keep the devs updated (at least)?
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[13:05:25] <EXJAX> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
[13:05:25] <TLTNS> EvilSeph it's not like you're an asshole anyways LOLOLOLOL
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[13:05:28] <urs_> same reason as always: because the update isn't done yet
[13:05:35] <stuntguy3000> It doesn't have to be done
[13:05:50] <Splitspace> But that it the way It is done
[13:05:58] * urs_ is now known as urs
[13:06:07] <stuntguy3000> Your missing the point - their is no communication
[13:06:13] <stuntguy3000> of updates or progress
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[13:06:25] <stuntguy3000> I dont see how making a github branch is a bad idea
[13:06:26] <stuntguy3000> finished or not
[13:06:28] <lYUr> stuntguy3000 go fuck yourself
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[13:06:28] <TObkhn> stuntguy3000 go fuck yourself
[13:06:28] <gRXnaC> stuntguy3000 go fuck yourself
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[13:06:40] <stuntguy3000> The bot's are attacking me?
[13:07:02] <stuntguy3000> How odd..
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[13:07:09] <BCxKg> stuntguy3000 go fuck yourself
[13:07:11] <GAIG> stuntguy3000 go fuck yourself
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[13:07:11] <cJSryE> stuntguy3000 go fuck yourself
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[13:07:29] <stuntguy3000> Well this is akward
[13:08:12] * Merc is now known as Merc_
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[13:10:39] <stuntguy3000> EvilSeph, what problem did you/they encounter that made them decide there could not be a 1.7 RB
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[13:12:14] <JVarhol> krofek: Good mornin
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[13:20:54] <stuntguy3000> clarjon1, Who are you, just wondering?
[13:21:00] <stuntguy3000> In relation to the bukkit project
[13:21:36] <stuntguy3000> <Frostalf> I say, they update their repo with what they have, and ask others to help in a problem they can't solve :P
[13:21:36] <stuntguy3000> <Chester> I totally agree ^
[13:23:33] <Frostalf> I am only curious to see what problem was encountered is all =)
[13:23:51] <clarjon1> stuntguy3000: I am clarjon1. I am a donator and supporter of the project. I offer tech support here where i am able, and i help distribute the increasingly rare substance known as "Common sense"
[13:24:03] <Frostalf> Lol
[13:24:07] <stuntguy3000> Nice insult.
[13:24:13] * frdmn is now known as frdmn|afk
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[13:24:21] <stuntguy3000> I am *so* offended.
[13:24:42] <clarjon1> It seriously was not meant to be an insult. You asked me who I am in relation to the project, so I told you.
[13:24:54] <stuntguy3000> "i help distribute the increasingly rare substance known as "Common sense"
[13:24:57] <stuntguy3000> Not an insult ey?
[13:25:00] <stuntguy3000> doubtful.
[13:25:24] <clarjon1> Read into it what you wish.
[13:25:25] <clarjon1> anywho
[13:25:55] <stuntguy3000> Don't you think they should update us on what happens, or at the very least, update the repo?
[13:26:20] <Frostalf> There is a con and pro to updating the repo =/
[13:26:29] <stuntguy3000> What con's?
[13:26:30] <clarjon1> Why would the update the repo with unfinished code?
[13:26:33] <clarjon1> *they
[13:26:40] <stuntguy3000> In a seperate branch*
[13:26:46] <stuntguy3000> To update us, the devs
[13:26:49] <Frostalf> the con is many people will submit useless pr's the pro is that there could potentionally be usefull pr's
[13:26:49] * Bugboy1028 (~bugboy102@ has joined #bukkit
[13:26:50] <slipcor> the Seph explained why it was bad to have more detailed progress displayed. tl;dr: It lead to more spam than there is now
[13:26:51] <clarjon1> Whyyy would the push unfinished code?
[13:26:51] <stuntguy3000> So we know how they are going
[13:26:59] * FatherSouth (~FatherSou@ has joined #bukkit
[13:27:04] <clarjon1> stuntguy3000: So people try to compile it and file shittons of complaints that it doesn't work at all?
[13:27:06] * evilMonkey ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[13:27:10] <stuntguy3000> That is their problem
[13:27:15] <clarjon1> That totally won't cause slowdowns
[13:27:17] <slipcor> no, it becomes bukkit's problem
[13:27:39] <stuntguy3000> Well what about updates on progress, in general?
[13:27:42] <Frostalf> Could just make a branch for unfinished code :o
[13:27:43] <stuntguy3000> Because i mean, really
[13:27:47] <slipcor> as I just said.
[13:27:56] <clarjon1> Well as they've sead
[13:27:58] <clarjon1> *said
[13:28:12] <clarjon1> they don't know if they're making much progress at this point due the nature of the minecraft code refactoring
[13:28:20] <stuntguy3000> What they said makes no sence, they know exactly what needs to be updates
[13:28:21] <clarjon1> so instead of providing uneducated guesses
[13:28:22] <stuntguy3000> updated
[13:28:23] <Frostalf> But anyways it is after all up to the bukkit team to decide if the con outweighs the pro of it
[13:28:26] <stuntguy3000> They know what has changed
[13:28:46] * clarjon1 facepalm.
[13:28:48] <slipcor> ^
[13:28:55] * clarjon1 double facepalm
[13:29:15] <clarjon1> You sir, are beginning to smell of troll.
[13:29:31] <slipcor> yep and thats why Im afk'ing here :D
[13:29:37] <clarjon1> Not you, stuntguy
[13:29:39] <stuntguy3000> I am a troll?
[13:29:46] <slipcor> I know, clarjon1
[13:29:49] <clarjon1> It's starting to appear you are, stunt.
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[13:42:31] <mallo> i heard a rumor
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[13:42:57] <mallo> that a dev will be out tonighu
[13:43:02] <mallo> that a dev will be out tonight*
[13:43:33] <mallo> dev goes under name magic friday
[13:43:41] <FearFree> i heard a rumour too, but it involved me and 17 women
[13:43:48] <FearFree> it didnt pan out either
[13:43:53] <mallo> lol
[13:44:19] <Frostalf> Lol nice
[13:44:33] <mallo> we have had main server closed now for 3 weeks waiting for a update
[13:44:48] <Frostalf> is truly that hard to run a 1.6 server?
[13:44:54] <mallo> we run hunger games as a placeholder for main server
[13:45:01] <Frostalf> I mean the newest launcher made it easier to switch MC version :o
[13:45:04] <slipcor> ^
[13:45:13] <mallo> problem
[13:45:19] <slipcor> there is no excuse for people still not knowing how to downgrade, man ^^
[13:45:26] * FrozenCow ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[13:45:37] <Frostalf> If your players don't know how to downgrade point your players in the right direction in learning how
[13:45:39] <Frostalf> ;)
[13:45:43] <mallo> is if we run the main server now - we need to reset map when dev comes
[13:45:51] <Frostalf> Not exactly true
[13:45:52] <slipcor> why?
[13:46:09] <Frostalf> if your running 1.6.4 server and then update to 1.7
[13:46:19] <mallo> its rendered in 1.6.4
[13:46:20] <Frostalf> 1.7 terrain will generate where 1.6.4 did not
[13:46:33] <slipcor> yeah but that will create ugly cliffs ^^
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[13:46:53] <slipcor> inb4 extremehills through an ocean biome :D
[13:47:07] <mallo> so we run the new spawn now and new biomes will show when updated
[13:47:23] <Frostalf> New biomes will show where 1.6.4 chunks were not generated
[13:47:40] <mallo> well
[13:47:57] <mallo> most our plugins are custom made
[13:48:11] <mallo> so they will break and need a update
[13:48:21] <Frostalf> Hence a further reason to not update right away?
[13:48:43] <mallo> anyone heard of our server Terramining?
[13:48:48] <FearFree> nope
[13:48:49] <Frostalf> Nope :o
[13:48:58] <FearFree> also sounds like you should just still be running 1.6
[13:48:59] <mallo> google it
[13:49:02] <FearFree> nope
[13:49:05] <slipcor> ^
[13:49:16] * RingOfStorms ( Quit (Quit: RingOfStorms)
[13:49:21] <mallo> swedens biggest server
[13:50:03] <Frostalf> Well, since I live in the US, connecting to servers over seas generally is not good for me playing wise
[13:50:10] <Frostalf> hence most likely the reason I have never heard of it
[13:50:21] <FearFree> also, sweeden is like the size of Miami
[13:50:22] * EvilSeph sets mode: +b *!*
[13:50:22] * mallo was kicked by EvilSeph (advertising.)
[13:51:16] <slipcor> what?
[13:51:19] * fathersouth ( Quit (Client Quit)
[13:51:23] <slipcor> that can't be true xD
[13:51:29] <FearFree> ok, the size of NYC
[13:51:33] <FearFree> (population wise)
[13:51:36] <slipcor> oh
[13:51:40] <slipcor> yeah maybe
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[13:59:23] <clarjon1> I've heard a rumor
[13:59:30] <clarjon1> But i forget what it was. Hm.
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[14:07:12] <slipcor> clarjon1: horses?
[14:07:19] <clarjon1> Nah
[14:08:09] <JVarhol> what is the plugin that allows you to protect a chest by putting a sign on a chest
[14:08:49] <slipcor> Lockette?
[14:09:14] * Odium ( Quit (Quit: Apathy Error: Dont bother striking any key...)
[14:10:33] * SirCuddles ( Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[14:11:09] <FearFree> clarjon1, if it was about my and 17 women, sadly it was untrue
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[14:11:19] <JVarhol> yea slipcor THX
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[15:08:52] <xion87> dudes
[15:08:56] <xion87> struture save plugin
[15:08:59] <xion87> work with spigot?
[15:09:05] <xion87> i was trying to do this
[15:09:05] <xion87>
[15:09:06] * trevor ( Quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[15:09:14] <@EvilSeph> xion87, please do not discuss or recommend unofficial builds. They're known to be unstable, unreliable and can corrupt your world.
[15:13:11] <xion87> i cant disguss about prepare my world for future? XD
[15:13:26] * slipcor points at #spigot
[15:13:46] <@EvilSeph> slipcor, please do not discuss or recommend unofficial builds. They're known to be unstable, unreliable and can corrupt your world.
[15:13:54] <slipcor> okay, boss ^^
[15:13:54] <xion87> wtf
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[16:59:10] <Ownix> whats this error mean? #bukkit :Cannot join channel (+j) - throttle exceeded, try again later
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[17:00:00] <F1shb0ne> i think its how many people can join within so many seconds
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[17:21:07] <Ownix> I wonder what the main bugs left in CraftBukkit 1.7.2 are
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[17:23:01] <originaltide> Alot considering they are only going to release an unsupported dev
[17:23:39] <Ownix> I know that. But if people actually expected a stable RB to come out they are naive
[17:23:58] <Ownix> Im just wondering if at this point in time, the bugs are livable enough for them to just drop the dev
[17:24:14] <originaltide> Seph just tweeted but nothing special
[17:24:32] * Craft is now known as StormNetwork
[17:24:59] <Frostalf> Shouldn't run unsupported Dev builds, never know what bugs may lurk that can destroy worlds
[17:25:13] <TomTheDeveloper> Yep
[17:25:18] <originaltide> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Getting closer to first <a href="">@CraftBukkit</a> 1.7.2 dev build. This update is one of the more complicated and larger updates we&#39;ve had to work with.</p>&mdash; EvilSeph (@EvilSeph) <a href="">November 15, 2013</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></scr
[17:25:22] <originaltide> Oops
[17:25:23] <originaltide> lol
[17:25:27] <Ownix> Ill take my chances, and my players will too, Ive ran dev builds since bukkits inception and never had a world breaking issue
[17:25:35] <TomTheDeveloper> I runned on a Dev build and my world fucked up...
[17:26:17] <Ownix> All I can say is I cant wait for MinecraftAPI which will release at the same time as patches to the game release
[17:26:46] * xCP23x ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:27:04] <Frostalf> Well, you can take your chances all you want, but this update is one of the unique updates
[17:27:19] <Frostalf> so, if your world crumbles and dies can't complain that it happened lol
[17:28:24] <TomTheDeveloper> I wouldn't run on these Dev builds
[17:28:33] <TomTheDeveloper> The world changed a lot so...
[17:29:26] <Ownix> Ill put it this way, if my world crubles I wont come in here crying
[17:29:41] <@mbaxter> world.crumble();
[17:30:07] <Frostalf> lol
[17:30:35] <TomTheDeveloper> world.crash().getServer().deleteAllFiles();
[17:31:05] <PierreW> bukkit.loopSound(moo());
[17:32:32] <Frostalf> XD
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[18:05:25] <HELPMAMAMA> Im OP and I cant even do /plugins on my own server <HELPMAMAMA>: wat to do?
[18:06:46] <Goblom> permissions plugin that you have installed ?
[18:06:59] <Frostalf> Could be a plugin that denies OP perms
[18:07:18] <Frostalf> IE, just because your OP'ed doesn't mean you have the permissions to use such things :P
[18:07:28] <Frostalf> and what Goblom said too
[18:08:06] <Frostalf> so its just a matter of identifying which plugin you have that is denying Op permissions :)
[18:08:21] * HeroCC ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[18:08:25] * Ambush is now known as Ambush|AFK
[18:08:51] * Ambush|AFK is now known as Ambush
[18:10:20] <HELPMAMAMA> GM
[18:10:22] * GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
[18:11:33] * Necrodoom (~necrodoom@2001:41d0:8:697d::1d) has joined #bukkit
[18:12:00] <HELPMAMAMA> groupmanager
[18:12:15] <Necrodoom> type /manload, do you get any error?
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[18:13:13] <HELPMAMAMA> nop
[18:13:13] * Sway|Away is now known as Sway
[18:13:20] <HELPMAMAMA> "All settings were reloaded"
[18:13:38] <HELPMAMAMA> All settings and worlds were reloaded"*
[18:14:16] <Necrodoom> then you denied the permission for /plugins some way
[18:14:20] <Necrodoom> do you use nocheatplus?
[18:14:30] <HELPMAMAMA> no
[18:14:42] <Necrodoom> paste your groups.yml using please
[18:14:56] <HELPMAMAMA> It's default
[18:14:59] <HELPMAMAMA> I haven't touched it
[18:15:03] <HELPMAMAMA> since download
[18:15:08] <HELPMAMAMA> Server is brand new
[18:15:19] <HELPMAMAMA> I haven't changed 1 setting
[18:15:22] <Necrodoom> are you not able to do *any* commands as OP?
[18:15:22] <HELPMAMAMA> only added plugins
[18:15:26] <HELPMAMAMA> I am
[18:15:29] <HELPMAMAMA> i can do
[18:15:32] <HELPMAMAMA> ./gm 1
[18:15:38] * Bugboy1028 ( has joined #bukkit
[18:15:41] <Necrodoom> list plugins please
[18:15:43] <omgitsmit> oh well then, you win the game
[18:16:34] <HELPMAMAMA> there's too many im too lazy
[18:16:35] <HELPMAMAMA> ._.
[18:16:36] <Frostalf> Groupmanager has a config file
[18:16:45] <Frostalf> and in that config file you can have it set to deny op perms
[18:17:02] <Necrodoom> ./plugins is a default permission
[18:17:05] <HELPMAMAMA> alright
[18:17:07] <HELPMAMAMA> donne
[18:17:14] <Necrodoom> HELPMAMAMA: type /plugins in console and paste
[18:17:21] <HELPMAMAMA> xD
[18:17:21] <HELPMAMAMA> XD
[18:17:22] <HELPMAMAMA> xD
[18:17:31] * hofma100_dev ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[18:19:17] <HELPMAMAMA> Bending, Citizens, MOTDColor, killStats, GroupManager, RandomRank, WorldEdit, ServerSigns, RandomSpawn, TagAPI, Multiverse-Core, HealthBar, WorldGuard, Essentials, S86 Powers, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat
[18:19:24] * Craft (~Craft@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:19:35] <HELPMAMAMA> Need to go eat, appreciate help :)
[18:19:39] <HELPMAMAMA> be back later
[18:19:52] <Frostalf> should use pastebin next tim
[18:20:00] <Frostalf> keeps the message spam lower :P
[18:20:13] <omgitsmit> wha?
[18:20:20] <Necrodoom> as far as i see he denied the bukkit.command.plugins permission one way or another
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[18:20:28] * Bugboy1028 ( Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -
[18:20:44] <Frostalf> Should look in Worldguard, Essentials or Groupmanager configs
[18:20:54] <Frostalf> last I recalled each of those has a setting for denying op perms
[18:20:57] <Necrodoom> essentials wouldnt block it
[18:21:04] <Necrodoom> and /plugins a default permission
[18:21:16] <Necrodoom> youd be able to use it without OP
[18:21:29] <Frostalf> well, each of those plugins can block that
[18:21:51] <Frostalf> he might have added bukkit.command.* to GM :P
[18:21:56] <Frostalf> as a negated perm
[18:21:56] <Frostalf> XD
[18:22:12] <Frostalf> but what I mean as Op perms
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[18:22:24] * MineBot sets mode: +v SagaciousZed
[18:22:25] <Frostalf> though, is that even if he negated it, Op perms means Ops get all the perms
[18:22:34] <Necrodoom> negation overrides OP
[18:22:48] <Frostalf> not in GM
[18:23:00] <Necrodoom> no, it works fine in GM
[18:23:08] <Necrodoom> and OP is not all permissions
[18:23:28] <Frostalf> for GM it is unless configured otherwise
[18:23:34] <Necrodoom> ...
[18:23:52] <Frostalf> I have used GM before, have negated perms before, but because its set to allow Op perms
[18:24:00] <Frostalf> Ops get all the permissions plugins have
[18:24:13] <Necrodoom> i have used GM before too, and negation dont override OP
[18:24:14] <Frostalf> including default bukkit commands.
[18:24:25] <Necrodoom> and OP doesnt equal all permissions
[18:24:40] <Frostalf> For some permission plugins it is though
[18:24:44] <Necrodoom> also, the OP override setting is default true anyway
[18:24:54] <Necrodoom> PEX is the only one ive seen that does it
[18:26:04] <Necrodoom> oh, here
[18:26:20] <Necrodoom> Frostalf, HELPMAMAMA:
[18:26:32] * obscurehero (obscureher@dynamic-oit-mbgnet-d-25.Princeton.EDU) has joined #bukkit
[18:26:40] <Necrodoom> remove that line to allow /plugins, or give the permission explictly to groups
[18:28:25] * SteamyShiner ( Quit (Quit: See ya!)
[18:28:50] <Frostalf> Well, you beat me Necro
[18:28:51] <Frostalf> Lol
[18:28:54] <Frostalf> I submit defeat
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[18:30:24] * Extreme_ (Extreme@2001:bc8:323e:f00::1235:99) has joined #bukkit
[18:30:30] <Frostalf> However Necro, those groups only work
[18:30:36] <Frostalf> if the group.yml is set to include those
[18:31:53] * mussonking is now known as mussonAWAY
[18:32:35] * PhonicUK is now known as PhonicUK[Offline]
[18:33:15] <Frostalf> Necrodoom if your not busy could you look at my project page to recommend anything that may help it get approved?
[18:33:37] <Frostalf> I don't want to re-submit it with the possibility of it getting denied again XD
[18:34:41] <lol768> Necrodoom doesn't do DBO.
[18:35:26] * tb01110100 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[18:35:48] * alecgorge ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:36:18] <Frostalf> Well, he can still give some pointers though right?
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[18:36:44] * Cayorion ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:36:51] <lol768> Probably, not sure how familiar he is with that side of things though :P
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[18:37:05] <Frostalf> could you give constructive feed back on it?
[18:37:11] <Frostalf> :)
[18:37:17] * Calinou ( has joined #bukkit
[18:37:27] <Frostalf> I don't really know who does DBO ;o
[18:37:29] <lol768> Hi.
[18:37:49] <lol768> EntityAPI?
[18:37:52] <Frostalf> Yeah
[18:38:22] <Frostalf> I updated the page using Hoolean's feedback, but I want to know if there is more I could include
[18:38:29] <Frostalf> to help better the odds of approval
[18:38:45] <lol768> see PM
[18:39:07] * jk-5 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:39:53] <lilacorn> Keep up the hard work bukkit dev team. Cant wait for the release to come out.
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[18:44:54] <Necrodoom> <Frostalf> However Necro, those groups only work <Frostalf> if the group.yml is set to include those
[18:44:57] <Necrodoom> thats the default
[18:45:31] <Frostalf> Ah. right
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[19:01:27] <ModMasta> anyone know the hex entry point address of mc ?
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[19:23:33] <Goblom> ModMasta what do you mean by Entry Point ?
[19:24:09] <Goblom> -.- well that was pointless
[19:25:13] <Frostalf> lol
[19:26:18] <pkeffect> too little too late
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[19:32:22] <Epicminer> Hello
[19:33:12] <Epicminer> I Need Help With My Bukkit Server
[19:34:09] * Byteflux (~znc5@ has joined #bukkit
[19:37:27] <FearFree> you'll need to be a bit more specific
[19:38:01] <+GoMySQL> Epicminer, "how to bukkit"
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[19:39:49] <clarjon1> heh
[19:40:22] <clarjon1> Epicminer: You'll have to give more info than that. What you have done is essentially called a car mechanic, said "My car needs help", then hung up, expecting the mechanic to know what to do
[19:40:50] <Epicminer> People Can't Join My Minecraft Bukkit Server
[19:41:44] <Epicminer> I've Port Forwarded And Every Thing
[19:42:18] <FearFree> check your firewall
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[19:51:10] <hola> .mcping
[19:51:30] <hola> .mcping
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[19:54:37] <Goblom> EricMiner, if you an anti virus make sure that you check to see if the anti virus allows connections to that port
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[19:54:44] <Goblom> really!? .... again -.-
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[19:57:13] <FearFree> rofl
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[20:36:58] <HELPMAMAMA> Is there any plugin that can give "random gamble option"?
[20:37:18] <HELPMAMAMA> Like random commands from a list executed on a command that riggers it?
[20:37:21] <HELPMAMAMA> Example
[20:37:25] * GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
[20:37:38] <HELPMAMAMA> Command list: /spawn, /home, /msg
[20:37:50] <HELPMAMAMA> ./commandgo
[20:37:52] <HELPMAMAMA> and then
[20:37:59] <HELPMAMAMA> it will execute one of those 3
[20:38:06] <HELPMAMAMA> randomly every time
[20:38:10] <HELPMAMAMA> 33% chance
[20:38:16] * Kriez ( has joined #bukkit
[20:38:17] <HELPMAMAMA> Is there a plugin that can do this?
[20:40:45] <Frostalf> search the plugins on bukkitdev
[20:40:46] <Frostalf> :o
[20:41:59] * Extreme_ is now known as Extreme
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[20:50:46] * MineBot sets mode: +v SagaciousZed
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[21:49:17] <Brixishuge> test ^^
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[21:50:45] <Mozoa> Test succeded, return to base soldier.
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[21:52:13] <Brixishuge> Returning to the base officer.
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[22:16:22] <dsadasd> <HELPMAMAMA>: Is there any plugin that can give "random gamble option"? <HELPMAMAMA>: Like random commands from a list executed on a command that riggers it? <HELPMAMAMA>: Example *** GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away] <HELPMAMAMA>: Command list: /spawn, /home, /msg <HELPMAMAMA>: ./commandgo <HELPMAMAMA>: and then <HELPMAMAMA>: it will execute one of
[22:18:14] <Frostalf> [12:40:40] <Frostalf> search the plugins on bukkitdev
[22:18:24] * Brixishuge (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[22:18:27] <dsadasd> already earched
[22:18:29] <dsadasd> nothing there
[22:18:29] <dsadasd> <HELPMAMAMA>: Is there any plugin that can give "random gamble option"? <HELPMAMAMA>: Like random commands from a list executed on a command that riggers it? <HELPMAMAMA>: Example *** GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away] <HELPMAMAMA>: Command list: /spawn, /home, /msg <HELPMAMAMA>: ./commandgo <HELPMAMAMA>: and then <HELPMAMAMA>: it will execute one of
[22:18:38] <Frostalf> don't spam :o
[22:18:48] <dsadasd> don't tell me what to do :o
[22:19:13] <Frostalf> its rude an impolite to spam in channels not yours especially one where your asking for help
[22:19:36] <DaddyEric|AFK> hey guys, how do i change the name of the console to where it is something other than [Server]
[22:19:39] <FearFree> spamming your request for someone to google for you over and over will accomplish nothing, other than ensuring that nobody will help you
[22:19:59] <Frostalf> Thanks FearFree =)
[22:20:23] <Frostalf> Also if the plugin your asking is not on BukkitDev then that would mean one is most likely not made
[22:20:33] <Frostalf> could also post on bukkit forums in plugin requests to have one made
[22:20:36] <Frostalf> or make it yourself
[22:21:00] <RiccardoF> hello guys, does anyone use VisualJavaVM to profile a MC server?
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[22:21:07] <FearFree> DaddyEric|AFK, this might work
[22:21:08] <DaddyEric|AFK> hey guys, how do i change the name of the console to where it is something other than [Server]
[22:21:27] <DaddyEric|AFK> Riccardo I actually use a vmware virtual box to do the testing
[22:21:41] <DaddyEric|AFK> or you can use eclipse and that will work to test your code etc.
[22:22:00] <RiccardoF> i was wondering if anyone knew what argument i should add to my server's script to make it work with the profiler
[22:22:03] <DaddyEric|AFK> or you can make another server and assign it to a different port
[22:22:17] <RiccardoF> it's on a remote host
[22:22:29] * Z750|afk is now known as Z750
[22:23:09] <chaseoes> RiccardoF: Consider using WarmRoast
[22:23:38] <chaseoes>
[22:24:42] <RiccardoF> why not VisualVM?
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[22:38:43] * Jumla ( Quit (Network ban)
[22:38:58] * hohsis (~hohsis@ Quit (Quit: ZNC -
[22:39:21] * RobotoRaccoon ( has joined #bukkit
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[22:47:06] * Wazez ( has joined #bukkit
[22:50:51] * alecgorge (~alecgorge@ has joined #bukkit
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[22:55:13] * Melair (~peter@ Quit (Quit: Melair)
[22:55:58] * want is now known as xnrand
[22:57:49] * TheKomputerKing ( has joined #bukkit
[22:57:58] * roblikescake is now known as Cake|Away
[22:58:02] <TheKomputerKing> Well hello people
[22:58:37] * LaxWazHere is now known as LaxWasHere
[22:59:40] <Chinwe> Haider
[23:00:05] <TheKomputerKing> I recognise more than half of the people in this channel
[23:00:12] <TheKomputerKing> And it's my first time here... Is that bad?
[23:00:48] <clarjon1> Not really
[23:01:00] <urs> There are, actually, only about 6 people on the internet.
[23:01:02] <urs> And one dog.
[23:01:05] <urs> The rest are bots.
[23:01:05] <TheKomputerKing> D:
[23:01:10] <clarjon1> tho it is interesting you recognize over 243 people here
[23:01:20] <TheKomputerKing> Am I allowed to post a link to a thread on the Bukkit forums here?
[23:01:55] <TheKomputerKing> Because just... look what I did:
[23:03:05] <LaxWasHere> Please play cardz againtz humanity with us! Pass: spigot
[23:03:16] <TheKomputerKing> In a bit :D
[23:03:42] * TheKomputerKing is now known as TheKomputerKing|AFK
[23:03:53] * Johannes13 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[23:04:33] * LaxWasHere was kicked by TnT (Advertising. !SLAP)
[23:04:43] * LaxWasHere ( has joined #bukkit
[23:04:45] * Merc_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[23:05:33] * TheKomputerKing|AFK is now known as TheKomputerKing
[23:05:36] * TheKomputerKing has returned
[23:05:51] * aPunch ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[23:06:29] <@EvilSeph> TheKomputerKing, please disable your (auto-)away script
[23:06:39] <TheKomputerKing> Sorry D:
[23:07:15] * Bertware is now known as bertware
[23:10:25] * aPunch ( has joined #bukkit
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[23:14:15] <clarjon1> lol
[23:14:26] <clarjon1> TheKomputerKing: Your friends started to accuse me for hacking just cuz i was the funniest one there
[23:14:34] <TheKomputerKing> On where? D:
[23:14:45] <clarjon1> TheKomputerKing: cards against humanity
[23:14:46] <clarjon1> so, i left
[23:14:52] <clarjon1> ohwait
[23:14:53] <TheKomputerKing> I'm not on there....
[23:14:54] <clarjon1> lax actually
[23:14:55] <TheKomputerKing> xD
[23:15:09] * williewillus ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[23:15:47] * RiccardoF (~RiccardoF@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:17:23] <TheKomputerKing> Ohhh wait... I know Lax, he was the guy that thought was dodgy on my MineUUID program
[23:17:50] <@feildmaster> You're the one that made that?
[23:17:56] <TheKomputerKing> Mmmhmmm
[23:18:07] <@feildmaster> Did you fix the bug where the program doesn't actually close?
[23:18:15] <TheKomputerKing> Maybe...
[23:18:20] <TheKomputerKing> By that, I mean no
[23:18:23] <@feildmaster> lol
[23:18:25] <LaxWasHere> clarjon1 we do that every game.
[23:18:35] <TheKomputerKing> I probably should, as that was my first GUI program in Java ever
[23:18:48] <LaxWasHere> TheKomputerKing, don't get to know me or you'll regret it.
[23:20:10] * md_5|away is now known as md_5
[23:20:35] * williewillus_ ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:20:38] * Dark_Hunter is now known as Dark_Hunter|Off
[23:21:31] * peter1 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:23:21] * main-- is now known as main--|away
[23:24:00] <Wazez> md_5: you missed out on a fair bit
[23:26:00] * Cake|Away is now known as roblikescake
[23:27:14] * qdtjo ( has joined #bukkit
[23:30:19] * PhonicUK is now known as PhonicUK[Offline]
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[23:34:05] * Goblom ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:34:14] * Fomina (~Fomina@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:34:46] * jake6177 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:34:46] * jake6177_ ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:35:26] * jake6177 ( has joined #bukkit
[23:35:54] <TheKomputerKing> So, who here is doing
[23:35:55] <TheKomputerKing> I am
[23:36:11] <jake6177> What is that even about?
[23:36:21] <TheKomputerKing>
[23:37:00] <jake6177> so each person makes their own plugin based on the given theme?
[23:37:04] <jake6177> or a team makes a plugin?
[23:37:09] <TheKomputerKing> Each person
[23:37:10] <Chinwe> Individually
[23:37:11] * xaero ( Quit (Quit: gtg and)
[23:37:14] <jake6177> ah okay
[23:37:26] <jake6177> im working on 3 plugins atm, so I probably won't participate
[23:38:06] * orthoplex64 ( has joined #bukkit
[23:38:45] <TheKomputerKing> From the 2 plugins I have done that are not the most worked on things ever, I got 90 cents in reward points
[23:38:46] * PhonicUK is now known as PhonicUK[Offline]
[23:38:56] <TheKomputerKing> I am now quitting my job.
[23:39:12] <TheKomputerKing> My... non-existent job
[23:39:25] <jake6177> :P
[23:39:48] <jake6177> I've only released 1 plugin atm, but I'm working on a new one and am working on a private one atm
[23:39:52] * SagaciousZed (~Sagacious@ Quit ()
[23:40:02] <jake6177> (2 plugins actually, but they're essentially the same plugin)
[23:40:05] <@TnT> That's 90 cents you had before you started
[23:40:08] * roblikescake is now known as Cake|Away
[23:40:10] <TheKomputerKing> I'm only jk, my real job is to make people happy by coding awesome and weird stuff
[23:40:13] <TheKomputerKing> Just like Fukkit
[23:40:27] <jake6177> o;
[23:40:58] * Dark_Hunter|Off is now known as Dark_Hunter
[23:41:00] <TheKomputerKing> Set up a folder and open this with a batch file just like bukkit xD:
[23:41:18] <jake6177> Hey TnT, I pm'd a few Admins about whether they could fix my age on the forum, but no one got back to me, is there another way to request the change? (Xenforo itself says to PM an admin)
[23:41:34] * Kenneth ( Quit ()
[23:41:42] * Kenneth ( has joined #bukkit
[23:42:05] * TheKomputerKing slaps TnT to get his attention to jake6177.
[23:42:17] <jake6177> not needed :s
[23:42:29] * @TnT slaps TheKomputerKing around a bit with a large ><(((°>
[23:42:33] * trevor ( Quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[23:42:51] * TheKomputerKing slaps TnT back because what he did was mean.
[23:42:53] <@TnT> I see no PM from you jake6177
[23:43:14] <jake6177> Maybe I didn't PM you. Would you like me to do that?
[23:43:17] * TheKomputerKing was kicked by TnT (><(((°>)
[23:43:18] <@TnT> Yes
[23:43:24] <jake6177> Ok
[23:43:27] <@TnT> :)
[23:43:32] * TheKomputerKing ( has joined #bukkit
[23:43:34] <@TnT> <3
[23:43:38] <TheKomputerKing> </3
[23:43:43] <@TnT> \o/
[23:43:51] <TNTUP> yay pings <3
[23:44:03] <@TnT> Fix your pings TNTUP
[23:44:07] <TNTUP> XD ya
[23:44:19] <@TnT> Or change your name ;)
[23:44:19] <TNTUP> It keeps me active on IRC tho <3
[23:44:31] <chaseoes> ping ping ping
[23:44:36] * ProjectBarks ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
[23:45:03] <jake6177> Sent TnT :)
[23:45:16] <TheKomputerKing> The equivalent of Bukkit forum bumps...
[23:45:28] <TheKomputerKing> BUMP
[23:45:37] <@TnT> I'm lazy jake6177. Make it easy on me.
[23:45:51] <jake6177> :3
[23:46:09] * TNTUP disables lazy mode on TnT
[23:46:13] <TNTUP> :3
[23:46:14] <jake6177> xD
[23:47:29] <chaseoes> TnT.setLazy(true);
[23:48:24] <jake6177> Error: this.lazy has final status at this.setLazy(boolean t).
[23:48:39] <TheKomputerKing> TNTPrimed TnT = Bukkit.getWorld("irc").spawnEntity(EntityType.TNT_PRIMED, loc);
[23:48:48] <TheKomputerKing> TnT.remove();
[23:48:57] <TheKomputerKing> <3
[23:49:13] <TNTUP> yay boom <3 I like exploding TNT blocks (My fav activity while bored!)
[23:49:40] <TheKomputerKing> But... but.. I did remove(); D: I'm sowwy
[23:49:48] <jake6177> for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { Bukkit.getWorld("irc").spawnEntity(EntityType.TNT_PRIMED, loc); }
[23:49:48] <TNTUP> awww
[23:49:52] <jake6177> yey
[23:50:14] <TheKomputerKing> Location loc = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("irc"), 69, 69, 69);
[23:50:19] <jake6177> XD
[23:50:59] * nxtguy ( has joined #bukkit
[23:51:52] <jake6177> Oo sweet, first 1.7.2 dev build soon :)
[23:51:54] * Drool ( has joined #bukkit
[23:52:30] <TheKomputerKing> Bro do you even Fukkit?
[23:52:35] <TheKomputerKing> That didn't come out properly...
[23:52:38] <jake6177> lol
[23:52:49] * Plancke ( Quit (Quit: I have to go)
[23:52:55] <TheKomputerKing> I am so making a version of Fukkit for every single MC update xD
[23:53:48] <jake6177> have fun
[23:54:23] * FatherSouth ( has joined #bukkit
[23:54:23] * Sherwoodax is now known as Obama
[23:54:35] * Obama is now known as Sherwoodax
[23:55:22] * nxtguy ( Quit (Client Quit)
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[23:55:36] <jake6177> I'm trying to figure out if evilseph ever posted a picture of himself on twitter or if these pics are the mc team lol
[23:56:19] * MiracleM4n (~M4n@ Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[23:56:38] * MomoGame is now known as MomoAway
[23:58:50] <TheKomputerKing> @TnT Do you have some kind of API on the forums I could hook into to make a alert notifier?
[23:59:42] <TheKomputerKing> 2 secs
[23:59:43] * TheKomputerKing ( has left #bukkit
[00:00:05] * TheKomputerKing ( has joined #bukkit
[00:00:12] <TheKomputerKing> I have returned
[00:00:16] <jake6177> wb
[00:00:30] <Mozoa> clingy.
[00:00:52] <TheKomputerKing> Wait no...
[00:00:53] * TheKomputerKing ( has left #bukkit
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