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Created March 5, 2017 13:26
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GrayCounter found in rocket-chip repo, and verify their index generation logic (why double the gray code space and then calc them down?)
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.iotesters._
object GrayCounter {
def apply(bits: Int, inc: Bool = Bool(true), clear: Bool = Bool(false)): UInt = {
// Incremented
val next = Wire(UInt(width = bits))
val curr = Reg(next = next)
next := Mux(clear, UInt(0), curr + inc.asUInt)
next ^ (next >> UInt(1))
class Index(val depth: Int) extends Module {
val bits = log2Ceil(depth)
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val gray = Output(UInt((bits + 1).W))
val index = Output(UInt(bits.W))
io.gray := GrayCounter(bits + 1)
io.index := io.gray(bits - 1, 0) ^ (io.gray(bits, bits) << (bits - 1))
class TestIndex(idx: Index) extends PeekPokeTester(idx) {
def binary(u: UInt): String = peek(u).toInt.toBinaryString
for (x <- 0 until idx.depth * 2) {
println(s"gray: ${binary(}, index: ${binary(}")
object Index extends App {
chisel3.iotesters.Driver(() => new Index(4)) { idx => new TestIndex(idx) }
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