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Created March 3, 2017 12:13
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[rocket-chip] Generate a bit array whose length equals to a UInt
* The `UIntToOH1` method is found from rocket-chip repo at
* As it is hard to me to figure out what the abbreviation of OH and OH1 is,
* I write this standalone demo in order to find out its semnatic from the pattern output.
* Finally, I find that the `UIntToOH1` method will convert a UInt value to bits of 1 whose length equals to that value.
* To run this demo:
* 1. git clone demo
* 2. cd demo
* 3. wget this script
* 4. sbt "runMain OH1"
* References:
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.iotesters._
class OH1 extends Module {
val inputWidth = 19 // Width of dshl shift amount cannot be larger than 20 bits
val outputWidth = 64
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val x = Input(UInt(width = inputWidth))
val y = Output(UInt(width = outputWidth))
def UIntToOH1(x: UInt) = ~(SInt(-1, width = outputWidth).asUInt << x)(outputWidth - 1, 0)
io.y := UIntToOH1(io.x)
class Tester(oh1: OH1) extends PeekPokeTester(oh) {
for (x <- 0 to 30) {
poke(, x)
println(s"x: ${x} -> oh1: ${peek(}")
object OH1 extends App {
chisel3.iotesters.Driver(() => new OH1) { oh1 => new Tester(oh1) }
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