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Last active April 5, 2024 09:40
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  • Save Wooder/ac35e0d716ab9122ca4c3568943e4715 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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useful-git-commands collection
#H1 Useful GIT commands
#H2 Which Git Branches contain the given commit
#H3 local
git branch --contains your_commit_hash
#H3 remote
git branch -a --contains your_commit_hash
#H2 Revert a merge commit that was already pushed
git revert -m 1 <commit-hash>
git commit -m "revert the last merge commit which was wrong."
git push
#H2 Revert a local merge that was not commited yet
git merge --abort
#H2 Find and restore a stash that was deleted on source tree
git fsck 2> /dev/null | awk '/commit/{print $3}' | git show --stdin --merges --grep 'Somestring that identiefies your deleted stash'
then take the commit hash of the stash you found and apply statsh to restore it
git stash apply 9608bca44613c4537be4ebacf4057de5a5c3db2e
#H2 pretty printed git log
git config --global alias.smartlog "log --graph --pretty=format:'commit: %C(bold red)%h%Creset %C(red)<%H>%Creset %C(bold magenta)%d %Creset%ndate: %C(bold yellow)%cd %Creset%C(yellow)%cr%Creset%nauthor: %C(bold blue)%an%Creset %C(blue)<%ae>%Creset%n%C(cyan)%s%n%Creset'"
git config --global '!git smartlog'
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