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Created October 16, 2012 14:07
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Moose Customer Error on Type Constraint Violation
package Index;
use Mouse;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Index::Types;
has 'date' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Index::Types::Date',
coerce => 1,
required => 1,
$ perl -Ilib
Attribute (date) does not pass the type constraint because: This date (2012) is not a valid date! at /opt/perlbrew/perls/cdrtools/lib/site_perl/5.14.2/x86_64-linux/Mouse/ line 361
Mouse::Util::throw_error('Mouse::Meta::Attribute=HASH(0x106bce28)', 'Attribute (date) does not pass the type constraint because: T...', 'data', 2012, 'depth', -1) called at line 6
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl;
use Index;
my $index = Index->new( date => '2012' );
package Index::Types;
use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
subtype 'Index::Types::Date'
=> as 'Str'
=> where { m/\d{8}/ }
=> message { "This date ($_) is not a valid date!"};
coerce 'Index::Types::Date',
from 'Str',
via {
my $digits = $_;
$digits =~ s/[^\d]//g; # Strip anything that isn't a digit.
return $digits;
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