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Last active August 9, 2020 14:26
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Could not match type
with type
( id :: Int
while trying to match type ()
with type ( id :: Int
while solving type class constraint
Prim.Row.Cons "capture"
(Record t0)
while inferring the type of parseRoute urlSpec
in value declaration it
where t0 is an unknown type
t1 is an unknown type
class ReadCapture a where
readCapture :: String -> Maybe a
class ParseRoute (url :: Symbol) (specs :: # Type) (conn :: # Type) where
parseRoute :: SProxy url -> RProxy specs -> String -> Either String { | conn }
class ParsePath (xs :: PList) (specs :: # Type) (from :: # Type) (to :: # Type) | xs -> from to where
parsePath :: PProxy xs -> RProxy specs -> String -> String -> Either String (Builder { | from } { | to })
instance parsePathNil :: ParsePath PNil specs to to where
parsePath _ _ _ _ = pure identity
instance parseCapture ::
( IsSymbol var
, IsSymbol capture
, Symbol.Cons h t capture
, Symbol.Cons h t "capture"
, Row.Cons var vtype ctail ctype
, Row.Cons var vtype from' to
, ReadCapture vtype
, Row.Lacks var ctail
, Row.Cons capture { | ctype } from' to
, Row.Cons capture { | ctail } from' from'
, ParsePath tail spcstl from from'
) => ParsePath (PCons (CaptureVar var) tail) (RL.Cons capture { | ctype} spcstl) from to where
parsePath _ specs url url' = do
let { after, before } = String.splitAt 1 url
(Tuple var tail) = case flip String.splitAt after <$> readIndex after of
Nothing -> (Tuple after "")
Just {after: after', before: before'} -> Tuple before' after'
case readCapture var of
Nothing -> Left "capture could not be parsed."
Just (v :: vtype) -> do
rest <- parsePath (PProxy :: _ tail) (RLProxy :: _ spcstl) tail url'
let x = Builder.modify captureP (\r -> Record.insert varP v r)
pure $ x <<< rest
readIndex u = String.indexOf (Pattern "/") u <|> String.indexOf (Pattern "?") u
captureP = (SProxy :: _ capture)
varP = (SProxy :: _ var)
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