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Last active August 27, 2020 12:16
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module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console as Console
import Prim.Row (class Cons, class Lacks, class Union) as Row
import Prim.RowList (class RowToList, kind RowList)
import Prim.RowList as RL
import Record (insert) as Record
import Type.Data.Row (RProxy(..))
import Type.Data.RowList (RLProxy(..))
import Type.Equality (class TypeEquals, to)
type SetA typx typc = (x :: typx, c :: typc)
class Subset (input :: # Type) (output :: # Type) -- where
-- subset :: RProxy input -> RProxy output
instance subsetimpl ::
( Row.Union output trash input
, Row.Union output t (SetA h c)
) => Subset input output -- where
-- subset _ = RProxy :: _ output
build :: forall e r proxy. BuildRec e r => proxy e -> String -> Either String (Record r)
build = buildRec
class ReadValue ty where
readValue :: String -> Either String ty
instance readValueRequired :: ReadValue String where
readValue name = pure name
class BuildRec (e :: # Type) (r :: # Type) where
buildRec :: forall proxy. proxy e -> String -> Either String (Record r)
instance buildRecImpl ::
( Subset e e'
, BuildRecFields el r
, RowToList e' el
) => BuildRec e r where
buildRec _ = buildRecFields (RLProxy :: RLProxy el)
class BuildRecFields (el :: RowList) (r :: # Type) where
:: forall proxy
. proxy el
-> String
-> Either String (Record r)
instance buildRecFieldsCons ::
( IsSymbol name
, BuildRecFields elt rt
, Row.Lacks name rt
, Row.Cons name ty rt r
, ReadValue ty
) => BuildRecFields (RL.Cons name ty elt) r where
buildRecFields _ env = Record.insert nameP <$> value <*> tail
nameP = SProxy :: SProxy name
value = readValue env
tail = buildRecFields (RLProxy :: RLProxy elt) env
instance buildRecFieldsNil :: TypeEquals {} (Record row) => BuildRecFields RL.Nil row where
buildRecFields _ _ = pure $ to {}
x = RProxy :: _ (x :: String, y :: String)
func :: Effect Unit
func = case build x "hello" of
Left e -> Console.log e
Right r -> Console.logShow r.x
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