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Last active August 16, 2020 13:36
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module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..))
import Prim.Row as Row
import Prim.RowList (kind RowList)
import Prim.RowList as RL
import Prim.Symbol as Symbol
import Record.Builder (Builder)
import Record.Builder as Builder
import Type.Data.Row (RProxy(..))
import Type.Data.RowList (RLProxy(..))
class Parse (row :: # Type) (specs :: # Type) (conn :: # Type) | row specs -> conn, row conn -> specs where
parse :: RProxy row -> RProxy specs -> String -> Either String { | conn }
instance parseNil :: Parse row () () where
parse _ _ _ = pure {}
else instance parseHasRow ::
( RL.RowToList row rl
, ParseRow rl specs () conn
) => Parse row specs conn where
parse _ _ url = (flip {}) <$> parsedRow
parsedRow = parseRow (RLProxy :: _ rl) (RProxy :: _ specs) url
class ParseRow (xs :: RowList) (specs :: # Type) (from :: # Type) (to :: # Type) | xs specs -> from to, xs from to -> specs, xs specs from -> to, xs specs to -> from where
parseRow :: RLProxy xs -> RProxy specs -> String -> Either String (Builder { | from } { | to })
class ParseCapture (var :: Symbol) (specs :: # Type) (cfrom :: # Type) (cto :: # Type) | var specs -> cfrom cto where
parseCapture :: SProxy var -> RProxy specs -> String -> Either String (Builder { | cfrom } { | cto })
instance parseNoCapture ::
( IsSymbol var
, Row.Cons var vtype spectail specs
, Row.Lacks var cfrom
, Row.Cons var String cfrom cto
) => ParseCapture var specs cfrom cto where
parseCapture _ _ url = pure $ Builder.insert varP url
varP = SProxy :: _ var
-- not sure about this
instance parseRowNil2 :: ParseRow RL.Nil (capture :: { | ctype} | specs) from (capture :: { | ctype } | from ) where
parseRow x y z = do
rest <- parseRow x y z
pure $ Builder.modify captureP (\blr -> ( blr {})) <<< rest
captureP = SProxy :: _ "capture"
else instance parseRowNil :: ParseRow RL.Nil specs from from where
parseRow _ _ _ = pure identity
instance parseRowVar' ::
( IsSymbol var
, Symbol.Append "var_" var sym
, ParseRow tail specs (capture :: Builder (Record cfrom) (Record cfrom') | from) (capture :: Builder (Record cfrom') (Record cfrom') | from')
, Row.Cons "capture" { | capspecs } spectail specs
, ParseCapture var capspecs cfrom' cto
, Row.Lacks "capture" from'
) => ParseRow (RL.Cons sym vtype tail) specs (capture :: Builder (Record cfrom) (Record cfrom') | from) ( capture :: Builder (Record cfrom') (Record cto) | from') where
parseRow _ _ url = do
rest <- parseRow (RLProxy :: _ tail) (RProxy :: _ specs) url
capture <- parseCapture varP (RProxy :: _ capspecs) url
let newVar = Builder.modify captureP (\cap -> capture <<< cap)
pure $ newVar <<< rest
captureP = SProxy :: _ "capture"
varP = SProxy :: _ var
else instance parseRowVar ::
( IsSymbol var
, Symbol.Append "var_" var sym
, ParseRow tail specs from from'
, Row.Cons "capture" { | capspecs } spectail specs
, Row.Cons "capture" (Builder { | cfrom } { | cto}) from' to
, ParseCapture var capspecs () cto
, Row.Lacks "capture" from'
) => ParseRow (RL.Cons sym vtype tail) specs from ( capture :: Builder (Record ()) (Record cto) | from') where
parseRow _ _ url = do
rest <- parseRow (RLProxy :: _ tail) (RProxy :: _ specs) url
capture <- parseCapture varP (RProxy :: _ capspecs) url
let newVar = Builder.insert captureP capture
pure $ newVar <<< rest
captureP = SProxy :: _ "capture"
varP = SProxy :: _ var
else instance parseRows ::
( ParseRow tail specs from to
) => ParseRow (RL.Cons sym vtype tail) specs from to where
parseRow _ _ url = parseRow (RLProxy :: _ tail) (RProxy :: _ specs) url
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