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Last active March 25, 2018 04:19
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Salesforce Client Setup
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Text (Text)
import Haskforce
import Haskforce.API.Resources
-- User Credential, they are fake so dont try those...
-- We have a type UserCred which will hold all of our salesforce user credential.
-- For security reason these values would be set as environment variable.
cred :: UserCred
cred =
UserCred (Just . Username $ "")
(Just . Userpassword $ "mypassword")
(Just . SecretKey $ "WbLqWxsdlxjFsf")
-- Salesforce as three types of oauth request. We will be using the token one.
-- This TokenRequest type follows the salesforce structure. Requiring a Grant type
-- Oauth Type (UserPassword) and Credentials. The rest are optional values hence the reason
-- for the Nothing values.
tokenRequest :: TokenRequest
tokenRequest =
TokenRequest (GrantType Password)
-- Salesforce Oauth endpoint
salesforceUrl :: BaseUrl
salesforceUrl = (BaseUrl Https "" 443 "/services/oauth2")
--- This function will return to us a SFClient which will contain an access token.
--- that we can use to perform actions later on. below is the login function type definition
--- login :: ClientRequest a => a -> SFBaseUrl -> SFApiNumber -> IO (Either ServantError SFClient)
sfclient :: IO (Either ServantError SFClient)
sfclient = login tokenRequest salesforceUrl "v42.0"
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