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Last active March 25, 2020 14:27
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module UniverseSIP where
open import Cubical.Data.Prod
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Core.Glue
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.CartesianKanOps
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
module _ where
Σ-cong : ∀ {ℓx ℓa ℓb}{X : Type ℓx} (A : X → Type ℓa) (B : X → Type ℓb)
→ (A≃B : ∀ x → A x ≃ B x) → Σ _ A ≃ Σ _ B
Σ-cong A B A≃B = isoToEquiv (iso f g f∘g g∘f) where
f : Σ _ A → Σ _ B
f (x , xa) = x , equivFun (A≃B x) xa
g : Σ _ B → Σ _ A
g (x , xb) = x , equivFun (invEquiv (A≃B x)) xb
f∘g : ∀ x → f (g x) ≡ x
f∘g (x , xb) i = x , A≃B x .snd .equiv-proof xb .fst .snd i
g∘f : ∀ x → g (f x) ≡ x
g∘f (x , xa) i = x , A≃B x .snd .equiv-proof (A≃B x .fst xa) .snd (xa , refl) i .fst
Σ-change-of-variables : ∀{ℓx ℓy ℓa}{X : Type ℓx}{Y : Type ℓy}{A : Y → Type ℓa}
→ (e : X ≃ Y) → Σ X (A ∘ equivFun e) ≃ Σ Y A
Σ-change-of-variables {X = X} {Y} {A} e = isoToEquiv (iso f g f∘g g∘f) where
loop : ∀ y → equivFun e (equivFun (invEquiv e) y) ≡ y
loop y i = e .snd .equiv-proof y .fst .snd i
pool : ∀ x → equivFun (invEquiv e) (equivFun e x) ≡ x
pool x i = e .snd .equiv-proof (equivFun e x) .snd (x , refl) i .fst
f : Σ X (A ∘ equivFun e) → Σ Y A
f (x , a) = equivFun e x , a
g : Σ Y A → Σ X (A ∘ equivFun e)
g (y , a) = equivFun (invEquiv e) y , subst A (sym (loop y)) a
f∘g : ∀ x → f (g x) ≡ x
f∘g (y , a) i = loop y i , coe0→i (λ j → A (loop y (~ j))) (~ i) a
g∘f : ∀ x → g (f x) ≡ x
g∘f (x , a) i = pool x i , subst
(λ b → PathP (λ k → A (equivFun e (pool x k))) (subst A (sym (loop (equivFun e x))) a) b)
(substRefl {B = A} a) path i where
path : PathP (λ k → A (equivFun e (pool x k))) (subst A (sym (loop (equivFun e x))) a) (subst A refl a)
path i = subst A (sym (e .snd .equiv-proof (equivFun e x) .snd (x , refl) i .snd)) a
module BigSIP {u} (UNIV : Type u) (e : Level) where
record Universe : Type (ℓ-max u (ℓ-suc e)) where
_≊_ : (S T : UNIV) → Type e
id≊ : (S : UNIV) → S ≊ S
≡→≊ : ∀ {S T : UNIV} → (S ≡ T) → (S ≊ T)
isEquiv≡→≊ : (S T : UNIV) → isEquiv (≡→≊ {S} {T})
refl→id : ∀ {S} → ≡→≊ refl ≡ id≊ S
module SIPDefinitions (U : Universe) {s : Level} (S : UNIV → Type s) where
open Universe U
ℓ-sns : Level → Level
ℓ-sns w = ℓ-max (ℓ-max s (ℓ-suc w)) (ℓ-max u e)
record SNS (w : Level) : Type (ℓ-sns w) where
ι : (X Y : Σ _ S) → (X .fst ≊ Y .fst) → Type w
ρ : (X : Σ _ S) → ι X X (id≊ _)
canonicalMap : ∀ {X} → (s t : S X) → s ≡ t → ι (X , s) (X , t) (id≊ _)
canonicalMap {X} s t s≡t = subst _ s≡t (ρ (X , s))
θ : ∀ {X} → (s t : S X) → isEquiv (canonicalMap s t)
canonicalEquiv : ∀ {X} → (s t : S X) → (s ≡ t) ≃ ι (X , s) (X , t) (id≊ _)
canonicalEquiv s t = canonicalMap s t , θ s t
canonicalEquiv′ : ∀ {X} → (s t : S X) → (s ≡ t) ≃ ι (X , s) (X , t) (≡→≊ refl)
canonicalEquiv′ s t = compEquiv (canonicalEquiv s t) (transportEquiv ιPath) where
ιPath : ι (_ , s) (_ , t) (id≊ _) ≡ ι (_ , s) (_ , t) (≡→≊ refl)
ιPath = cong (ι (_ , s) (_ , t)) (sym refl→id)
homomorphism-lemma : (A B : Σ _ S) (p : A .fst ≡ B .fst)
→ (PathP (λ i → S (p i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)) ≃ ι A B (≡→≊ p)
homomorphism-lemma (X , s) (Y , t) p = done where
γ : (s ≡ subst S refl (subst S (sym p) t))
≃ ι (X , s) (X , subst S refl (subst S (sym p) t)) (≡→≊ refl)
γ = canonicalEquiv′ s _
almost : PathP (λ i → S (p i)) s (subst S p (subst S (sym p) t))
≃ ι (X , s) (Y , subst S p (subst S (sym p) t)) (≡→≊ p)
almost =
J (λ Y′ X≡Y′ → PathP (λ i → S (X≡Y′ i)) s (subst S X≡Y′ (subst S (sym p) t))
≃ ι (X , s) (Y′ , subst S X≡Y′ (subst S (sym p) t)) (≡→≊ X≡Y′)) γ p
done : _
done = subst (λ t → PathP (λ i → S (p i)) s t ≃ ι (X , s) (Y , t) (≡→≊ p))
(transportTransport⁻ (λ i → S (p i)) t) almost
homomorphism-refl : (A : Σ _ S) → homomorphism-lemma A A refl ≡ canonicalEquiv′ _ _
homomorphism-refl A =
homomorphism-lemma A A refl
≡[ i ]⟨
subst (λ t → (A .snd ≡ t) ≃ ι A (A .fst , t) (≡→≊ refl))
(transportTransport⁻ refl (A .snd)) (
JRefl (λ Y′ X≡Y′ → PathP (λ i → S (X≡Y′ i)) (A .snd) (subst S X≡Y′ (subst S refl (A .snd)))
≃ ι A (Y′ , subst S X≡Y′ (subst S refl (A .snd))) (≡→≊ X≡Y′)) (
canonicalEquiv′ (A .snd) _
) i)
subst (λ t → (A .snd ≡ t) ≃ ι A (A .fst , t) (≡→≊ refl))
(transportTransport⁻ refl (A .snd)) (
canonicalEquiv′ (A .snd) _
≡[ i ]⟨
subst (λ t → (A .snd ≡ t) ≃ ι A (A .fst , t) (≡→≊ refl))
(λ j → transportTransport⁻ refl (A .snd) (j ∨ i)) (
canonicalEquiv′ (A .snd) _
subst (λ t → (A .snd ≡ t) ≃ ι A (A .fst , t) (≡→≊ refl)) refl (
canonicalEquiv′ (A .snd) _
≡⟨ substRefl {B = λ t → (A .snd ≡ t) ≃ ι A (A .fst , t) (≡→≊ refl)} (canonicalEquiv′ (A .snd) _) ⟩
canonicalEquiv′ _ _
open SNS renaming (ι to homomorphic ; ρ to idHomomorphism ; θ to isEquivCanonicalMap) public
module SIP (U : Universe) where
open SIPDefinitions U public
open Universe U public
_≃[_]_ : ∀ {s} {S : UNIV → Type s} {w} → Σ _ S → SNS S w → Σ _ S → Type _
A ≃[ σ ] B = Σ[ f ∈ (A .fst ≊ B .fst) ] σ .homomorphic A B f
characterization-of-≡ : ∀ {s} {S : UNIV → Type s} {w} (σ : SNS S w)
→ (A B : Σ _ S)
→ (A ≡ B) ≃ (A ≃[ σ ] B)
characterization-of-≡ {S = S} σ A B =
(A ≡ B)
≃⟨ invEquiv Σ≡ ⟩
Σ[ p ∈ (A .fst ≡ B .fst) ] PathP (λ i → S (p i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
≃⟨ Σ-cong _ _ (homomorphism-lemma S σ A B) ⟩
Σ[ p ∈ (A .fst ≡ B .fst) ] homomorphic σ A B (≡→≊ p)
≃⟨ Σ-change-of-variables (≡→≊ , isEquiv≡→≊ (A .fst) (B .fst)) ⟩
A ≃[ σ ] B
characterization-of-refl : ∀ {s} {S : UNIV → Type s} {w} (σ : SNS S w) → {X : Σ _ S}
→ characterization-of-≡ σ X X .fst refl ≡ (id≊ (X .fst) , idHomomorphism σ X)
characterization-of-refl {S = S} σ {X} =
characterization-of-≡ σ X X .fst refl
≡⟨ refl ⟩
( ≡→≊ refl , homomorphism-lemma _ σ X X refl .fst refl)
≡[ i ]⟨ ≡→≊ refl , homomorphism-refl S σ _ i .fst refl ⟩
( ≡→≊ refl , canonicalEquiv′ S σ _ _ .fst refl)
≡⟨ refl ⟩
( ≡→≊ refl , subst (homomorphic σ _ _) (sym refl→id) (canonicalMap S σ _ _ refl))
≡[ i ]⟨ ≡→≊ refl , subst (homomorphic σ _ _) (sym refl→id) (transportRefl (idHomomorphism σ X) i) ⟩
( ≡→≊ refl , subst (homomorphic σ _ _) (sym refl→id) (idHomomorphism σ X))
≡[ i ]⟨ refl→id i , coe1→i (λ i → homomorphic σ _ _ (refl→id i)) i (idHomomorphism σ X) ⟩
(id≊ (X .fst) , idHomomorphism σ X)
module IteratedSIP {u} {UNIV : Type u} {e} {U : BigSIP.Universe UNIV e} where
open BigSIP UNIV e
open SIP U
iteratedUniv : ∀ {s} {S : UNIV → Type s} {w} (σ : SNS S w)
→ BigSIP.Universe (Σ _ S) _
BigSIP.Universe._≊_ (iteratedUniv σ) = _≃[ σ ]_≊ (iteratedUniv σ) X = _ , idHomomorphism σ X
BigSIP.Universe.≡→≊ (iteratedUniv σ) = characterization-of-≡ σ _ _ .fst
BigSIP.Universe.isEquiv≡→≊ (iteratedUniv σ) A B = characterization-of-≡ σ A B .snd
BigSIP.Universe.refl→id (iteratedUniv σ) = characterization-of-refl σ
-- the "normal" sip
module PlainSIP (ℓ : Level) where
open BigSIP (Type ℓ) ℓ
TypeUniverse : Universe
BigSIP.Universe._≊_ TypeUniverse = _≃_≊ TypeUniverse = idEquiv
BigSIP.Universe.≡→≊ TypeUniverse = univalence .fst
BigSIP.Universe.isEquiv≡→≊ TypeUniverse _ _ = univalence .snd
BigSIP.Universe.refl→id TypeUniverse = pathToEquivRefl
open SIP TypeUniverse public
-- example, using the techniques from SIP for a structure depending on a family of types
module PointedSIP {ℓa} (𝒜 : Type ℓa) (ℓ-struct : Level) (ℓ : Level) where
open BigSIP (𝒜 → Type ℓ) (ℓ-max ℓa ℓ)
PointedUniverse : Universe
PointedUniverse = record
{ _≊_ = _≊_
; id≊ = id≊
; ≡→≊ = sliceId→Eq _ _
; isEquiv≡→≊ = isEquivSliceId→Eq
; refl→id = sliceId→Eq≡idEquiv
} where
_≊_ : (S T : 𝒜 → Type ℓ) → Type (ℓ-max ℓa ℓ)
S ≊ T = ∀ a → S a ≃ T a
id≊ : (S : 𝒜 → Type ℓ) → S ≊ S
id≊ S _ = idEquiv _
sliceId→Eq : (S T : 𝒜 → Type ℓ)
→ S ≡ T → S ≊ T
sliceId→Eq S T f a = pathToEquiv (funExt⁻ f a)
isEquivSliceId→Eq : (S T : 𝒜 → Type ℓ)
→ isEquiv (sliceId→Eq S T)
isEquivSliceId→Eq S T = isoToIsEquiv (iso (sliceId→Eq S T) sliceEq→Id s r) where
sliceEq→Id : S ≊ T → S ≡ T
sliceEq→Id S≊T = funExt λ x → ua (S≊T x)
s : ∀ x → sliceId→Eq S T (sliceEq→Id x) ≡ x
s x = funExt λ a → pathToEquiv-ua (x a)
r : ∀ p → sliceEq→Id (sliceId→Eq S T p) ≡ p
r p i = funExt (λ x → ua-pathToEquiv (funExt⁻ p x) i)
sliceId→Eq≡idEquiv : ∀ {X} → sliceId→Eq X X refl ≡ (id≊ X)
sliceId→Eq≡idEquiv i _ = pathToEquivRefl i
open Universe PointedUniverse
renaming (≡→≊ to sliceId→Eq ; isEquiv≡→≊ to isEquivSliceId→Eq ; refl→id to sliceId→Eq≡idEquiv)
open SIP PointedUniverse public
-- another example, working out associative ∞-magmas:
module ∞-magma (u : Level) where
open PlainSIP u
associative : {X : Type u} → (X → X → X) → Type u
associative _·_ = ∀ x y z → (x · y) · z ≡ x · (y · z)
∞-magma-structure : Type u → Type u
∞-magma-structure X = X → X → X
∞-magma : Type (ℓ-suc u)
∞-magma = Σ[ X ∈ Type u ] ∞-magma-structure X
magma-homomorphic : {X Y : Type u} → (X → X → X) → (Y → Y → Y) → (X → Y) → Type u
magma-homomorphic {X} {Y} _·_ _*_ f = (λ (x y : X) → f (x · y)) ≡ (λ x y → f x * f y)
magma-sns-data : SNS ∞-magma-structure u
homomorphic magma-sns-data X Y (f , _) = magma-homomorphic (X .snd) (Y .snd) f
idHomomorphism magma-sns-data X = refl
isEquivCanonicalMap magma-sns-data s t = isoToIsEquiv (iso _ (idfun _) lemma lemma) where
lemma : (a : s ≡ t) → subst (λ h → s ≡ h) a refl ≡ a
lemma s≡t = fromPathP {A = λ k → s ≡ s≡t k} {x = refl} λ i j → s≡t (i ∧ j)
∞-amagma-structure : ∞-magma → Type u
∞-amagma-structure (_ , _·_) = (associative _·_)
∞-amagma : Type (ℓ-suc u)
∞-amagma = Σ ∞-magma ∞-amagma-structure
respect-assoc : {X A : Type u } (_·_ : X → X → X) (_*_ : A → A → A)
→ associative _·_ → associative _*_
→ (f : X → A) → magma-homomorphic _·_ _*_ f → Type u
respect-assoc _·_ _*_ α β f h = fα ≡ βf
l : ∀ x y z → f ((x · y) · z) ≡ (f x * f y) * f z
l = λ x y z → f ((x · y) · z) ≡[ i ]⟨ h i (x · y) z ⟩
f (x · y) * f z ≡[ i ]⟨ h i x y * f z ⟩
(f x * f y) * f z ∎
r : ∀ x y z → f (x · (y · z)) ≡ f x * (f y * f z)
r = λ x y z → f (x · (y · z)) ≡[ i ]⟨ h i x (y · z) ⟩
f x * f (y · z) ≡[ i ]⟨ f x * h i y z ⟩
f x * (f y * f z) ∎
fα βf : ∀ x y z → (f x * f y) * f z ≡ f x * (f y * f z)
fα x y z = sym (l x y z) ∙ cong f (α x y z) ∙ r x y z
βf x y z = β (f x) (f y) (f z)
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
rrr : ∀ {a}{A : Type a}{x y : A} (p : x ≡ y) → refl ∙ p ∙ refl ≡ p
rrr p = sym (lUnit (p ∙ refl)) ∙ sym (rUnit p)
p : ∀ {X} _·_ → (α : ∞-amagma-structure (X , _·_))
→ (λ x y z → sym (refl ∙ refl ∙ refl) ∙ (α x y z) ∙ (refl ∙ refl ∙ refl)) ≡ α
p _ α = funExt λ x → funExt λ y → funExt λ z →
sym (refl ∙ refl ∙ refl) ∙ α x y z ∙ (refl ∙ refl ∙ refl)
≡[ i ]⟨ sym (rrr refl i) ∙ α x y z ∙ rrr refl i ⟩
refl ∙ α x y z ∙ refl
≡⟨ rrr (α x y z) ⟩
α x y z
module ∞-magmaSIP = BigSIP.SIP _ _ (IteratedSIP.iteratedUniv magma-sns-data)
amagma-sns-data : ∞-magmaSIP.SNS ∞-amagma-structure u
homomorphic amagma-sns-data ((X , _·_) , α) ((Y , _⋆_) , β) ((f , _) , h) = respect-assoc _·_ _⋆_ α β f h
idHomomorphism amagma-sns-data ((X , _·_) , α) = p _·_ α
isEquivCanonicalMap amagma-sns-data {X = (X , _·_)} α β =
isoToIsEquiv (iso intr elim intr∘elim elim∘intr) where
intr : α ≡ β → respect-assoc _·_ _·_ α β _ _
intr α≡β = subst (λ v → respect-assoc _·_ _·_ α v _ _) α≡β (p _·_ α)
elim : respect-assoc _·_ _·_ α β _ _ → α ≡ β
elim respects = sym (p _·_ α) ∙ respects
intr∘elim : ∀ ras → intr (elim ras) ≡ ras
intr∘elim ras =
subst (λ v → respect-assoc _·_ _·_ α v _ _) (sym (p _·_ α) ∙ ras) (p _·_ α)
≡⟨ fromPathP {A = λ k → respect-assoc _·_ _·_ α ((sym (p _·_ α) ∙ ras) k) _ _} (λ i j → compPath-filler (p _·_ α) (sym (p _·_ α) ∙ ras) i j) ⟩
(p _·_ α) ∙ (sym (p _·_ α) ∙ ras)
≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩
((p _·_ α) ∙ sym (p _·_ α)) ∙ ras
≡[ i ]⟨ rCancel (p _·_ α) i ∙ ras ⟩
refl ∙ ras
≡⟨ sym (lUnit _) ⟩
ras ∎
elim∘intr : ∀ α≡β → elim (intr α≡β) ≡ α≡β
elim∘intr α≡β =
sym (p _·_ α) ∙ subst (λ v → respect-assoc _·_ _·_ α v _ _) α≡β (p _·_ α)
≡[ i ]⟨ sym (p _·_ α) ∙ fromPathP {A = λ k → respect-assoc _·_ _·_ α (α≡β k) _ _} (λ i j → compPath-filler (p _·_ α) α≡β i j) i ⟩
sym (p _·_ α) ∙ (p _·_ α ∙ α≡β)
≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩
(sym (p _·_ α) ∙ (p _·_ α)) ∙ α≡β
≡[ i ]⟨ lCancel (p _·_ α) i ∙ α≡β ⟩
refl ∙ α≡β
≡⟨ sym (lUnit _) ⟩
α≡β ∎
_∞-amagma-≅_ : ∞-amagma → ∞-amagma → Type u
((X , _·_) , α) ∞-amagma-≅ ((Y , _*_) , β) =
Σ[ ((f , _) , h) ∈ Σ[ (f , _) ∈ X ≃ Y ] magma-homomorphic _·_ _*_ f ] respect-assoc _·_ _*_ α β f h
characterization-of-∞-aMagma-≡ : (A B : ∞-amagma) → (A ≡ B) ≃ (A ∞-amagma-≅ B)
characterization-of-∞-aMagma-≡ = ∞-magmaSIP.characterization-of-≡ amagma-sns-data
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