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Last active June 19, 2019 21:17
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Simulation modular automata
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module modularAutomata where
open import Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Prod
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
-- first, setup a type of infinite (coinductive) lists, we will need it later for simulation
record νList (A : Set) : Set where
constructor _,_
head : A
tail : Maybe (νList A)
-- next, define what we need from a queue to compute with it
-- we want to access its head and tail, and prepend must be
-- "inverse" to those.
-- we don't use the laws so far, but they would be nice to have
-- in a correctness proof I guess
record QueueType (Word : Set) : Set₁ where
Queue : Set
-- operations
prepend : Word → Word → Queue → Queue
head : Queue → Word
tail : Queue → Queue
head-prepend : ∀ a b q → head (prepend a b q) ≡ a
head-tail-prepend : ∀ a b q → head (tail (prepend a b q)) ≡ b
tail-tail-prepend : ∀ a b q → tail (tail (prepend a b q)) ≡ q
data LR : Set where
L R : LR
module Automata (Word : Set) (QT : QueueType Word) where
open QueueType QT
State = Queue × Queue
getLeft = proj₁
getRight = proj₂
-- group in a record for readability
record ConfigurationResult : Set where
constructor _∣_,_
side : LR
first second : Word
-- a configuration is a total function that maps two words
-- to either nothing (a terminal state) or two words and a side
-- to push them
Configuration = Word → Word → Maybe ConfigurationResult
-- helper to prepend a configuration result in front of a given state
prepend-result : State → ConfigurationResult → State
prepend-result state (L ∣ first , second) = prepend first second (getLeft state) , getRight state
prepend-result state (R ∣ first , second) = getLeft state , prepend first second (getRight state)
-- one step of the simulation. Evaluate the configuration at the heads, the prepend-result on the tail state
simulateStep : Configuration → State → Maybe State
simulateStep config state = (prepend-result stateTail) (config firstLeft firstRight) where
firstLeft = getLeft state .head
firstRight = getRight state .head
stateTail = getLeft state .tail , getRight state .tail
-- full simulation. This just loops simulate step, gradually unfolding into a νList
simulate : Configuration → State → νList State
νList.head (simulate config state) = state
νList.tail (simulate config state) with simulateStep config state
... | nothing = nothing
... | just nextStep = just (simulate config nextStep)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin using (Fin)
module FiniteAutomata (m : ℕ) = Automata (Fin m)
open import Cubical.Codata.Stream
open import Data.List
-- two possible queue types. Although StreamQueue is not used later on, it's
-- nice to show off. Since a stream can't be collapsed into a single value like List
-- it's not as nice to debug, though
StreamQueue : ∀ A → QueueType A
StreamQueue A = record
{ Queue = Stream A
; prepend = λ a b q → a , b , q
; head = Stream.head
; tail = Stream.tail
; head-prepend = λ a b q i → a
; head-tail-prepend = λ a b q i → b
; tail-tail-prepend = λ a b q i → q
-- note that for a ListQueue you need to choose a default element that head returns
-- if the list is empty
ListQueue : ∀ A → A → QueueType A
ListQueue A zr = record
{ Queue = List A
; prepend = λ a b ls → a ∷ b ∷ ls
; head = λ { [] → zr ; (x ∷ xs) → x }
; tail = λ { [] → [] ; (x ∷ xs) → xs }
; head-prepend = λ a b q i → a
; head-tail-prepend = λ a b q i → b
; tail-tail-prepend = λ a b q i → q
module Example where
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; toℕ; #_)
open import Data.Nat.DivMod
-- if we have a configuration for some type A, and two functions (not necessarily an isomorphism) between A and B
-- we can construct a configuration of type B
remapConfig : ∀ {A B P Q} → (B → A) → (A → B) → Automata.Configuration A P → Automata.Configuration B Q
remapConfig {A} {B} {P} {Q} f g configA a b = mapResult (configA (f a) (f b)) where
open Automata -- to get the constructor _∣_,_ in scope
mapResult : Automata.ConfigurationResult A P → Automata.ConfigurationResult B Q
mapResult (side ∣ first , second ) = (side ∣ g first , g second )
-- takeLimit: get a potentially infinite list and take at most n elements from it
takeLimit : ∀ {A} → (n : ℕ) → νList A → List A
takeLimit zero vl = []
takeLimit (suc x) vl with vl .νList.tail
... | nothing = vl .νList.head ∷ []
... | just tl = vl .νList.head ∷ takeLimit x tl
-- for automata over lists over some finite field, we can display the state as simply integers
module _ {m : ℕ} {d : Fin m} where
open FiniteAutomata m (ListQueue _ d)
collapseToℕ : ∀ {m} → List (Fin m) → ℕ
collapseToℕ [] = 0
collapseToℕ {m} (x ∷ xs) = collapseToℕ xs * m + toℕ x
humanizeState : State → ℕ × ℕ
humanizeState (l , r) = collapseToℕ l , collapseToℕ r
simulateStepSample : Configuration → State → Maybe (ℕ × ℕ)
simulateStepSample config state = humanizeState (simulateStep config state)
simulateAndSample : Configuration → State → List (ℕ × ℕ)
simulateAndSample config state = humanizeState (takeLimit 10 (simulate config state))
-- now, let's finally construct our example
open FiniteAutomata 5 (ListQueue _ (# zero))
hiding (_∣_,_) -- hide this, we will remap the configuration from ℕ
pattern one = suc 0
pattern two = suc (suc 0)
pattern four = suc (suc (suc (suc 0)))
testConfig : Configuration
testConfig = remapConfig toℕ (_mod 5) config where
open Automata
config : Automata.Configuration ℕ (ListQueue ℕ zero)
config zero zero = just (R ∣ 2 , zero )
config two two = just (L ∣ 4 , zero )
config four one = just (R ∣ zero , zero )
config x y = nothing
testState : State
testState = # 2 ∷ # 2 ∷ [] , # 2 ∷ # 1 ∷ []
stepTest : _
stepTest = simulateStepSample testConfig testState
test : _
test = simulateAndSample testConfig testState
testResult : test ≡ (12 , 7) ∷ (54 , 1) ∷ (10 , 0) ∷ (2 , 2) ∷ (4 , 0) ∷ []
testResult = refl
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