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Last active November 9, 2017 19:14
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Routing, trying to move to Accountant from default Luminus
(ns isp.routes
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[reagent.session :as session]
[secretary.core :as secretary :include-macros true]
[accountant.core :as accountant]
[ :as events]
[goog.history.EventType :as HistoryEventType])
(:import goog.History))
;; -------------------------
;; Routes
(secretary/set-config! :prefix "#")
(secretary/defroute "/" []
(session/put! :page :home))
(secretary/defroute applicant-route "/applicant" []
(session/put! :page :app))
(secretary/defroute reviews-dashboard-route "/reviews" []
(session/put! :page :reviews-dashboard))
(secretary/defroute review-route "/review/:application" [application]
(session/put! :application application)
(session/put! :page :review))
(secretary/defroute about-route "/about" []
(session/put! :page :about))
(secretary/defroute register-route "/register" []
(session/put! :page :register))
(secretary/defroute contact-route "/contact" []
(session/put! :page :contact))
;; -------------------------
;; History
;; must be called after routes have been defined
(accountant/configure-navigation! {:nav-handler (fn [path] (secretary/dispatch! path))
:path-exists? (fn [path] (secretary/locate-route path))})
;; (defn hook-browser-navigation! []
;; (doto (History.)
;; (events/listen
;; HistoryEventType/NAVIGATE
;; (fn [event]
;; (secretary/dispatch! (.-token event))))
;; (.setEnabled true)))
;; Default routing function that comes with Luminus (in a different namespace in my file)
;; (def pages
;; {:home #'home-page
;; :about #'about-page
;; :contact #'contact-page
;; :app #'app/app-page
;; :review #'review/review-page
;; :reviews-dashboard #'reviews/reviews-dashboard
;; })
;; (defn page []
;; [(pages (session/get :page))])
;; ;; -------------------------
;; ;; Initialize app
;; (defn mount-components []
;; (r/render [#'nav/navbar] (.getElementById js/document "navbar"))
;; (r/render [#'page] (.getElementById js/document "app"))
;; (r/render [#'shared/footer] (.getElementById js/document "footer")))
;; (defn init! []
;; (load-interceptors!)
;; (routes/hook-browser-navigation!)
;; (mount-components))
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