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Last active May 7, 2019 07:31
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type Nil = null | undefined;
class Maybe<T> {
private wrappedValue: T | Nil;
constructor(value: T | Nil) {
this.wrappedValue = value;
map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): Maybe<U> {
if (!this.wrappedValue) {
return this as Maybe<any>;
return new Maybe(fn(this.wrappedValue));
flatMap<U>(fn: (value: T) => Maybe<U>): Maybe<U> {
if (!this.wrappedValue) {
return this as Maybe<any>;
return fn(this.wrappedValue);
get<K extends keyof T>(key: K): Maybe<T[K]> {
return => value[key]);
valueOrDefault(defaultValue: T | Nil): T {
return this.wrappedValue ? this.wrappedValue : defaultValue;
interface Person {
name: string;
town: {
city: {
country: string;
const alice: Person = {
name: 'Alice',
town: {
city: {
country: 'AliceCountry'
const bob: any = {
name: 'Bob'
const maybeAlice = new Maybe(alice);
const aliceCountry = maybeAlice.get('town').get('city').get('country').valueOrDefault('default value');
console.log(aliceCountry); // <= logs 'AliceCountry'
const maybeBob = new Maybe<Person>(bob);
const bobCountry = maybeBob.get('town').get('city').get('country').valueOrDefault('default value');
console.log(bobCountry); // <= logs 'default value'
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