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Created October 23, 2021 10:19
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Python PNG parser
# PNG spec
import argparse
import binascii
import struct
from typing import cast
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="png_parse",
description="Parse a PNG file and show the file information",
epilog="See for the PNG spec")
help="PNG file(s) to parse",
args = parser.parse_args()
image_names = args.filenames
class ParsingError(Exception):
def propcol(s: str) -> str:
return f"\033[31;1m{s}\033[0m"
def err(s: str) -> str:
raise ParsingError
def pop_first(n: int, b: bytearray) -> bytearray:
if len(b) < n:
err("Not enough bytes remaining in file")
ret = b[:n]
del b[:n]
return ret
def uint32(b) -> int:
assert len(b) == 4
return struct.unpack('!I', b)[0]
def parseIHDR(chunkData):
ihdrData = chunkData.copy()
width = uint32(pop_first(4, ihdrData))
height = uint32(pop_first(4, ihdrData))
bitDepth = pop_first(1, ihdrData)[0]
colorType = pop_first(1, ihdrData)[0]
if not colorType in [0, 2, 3, 4, 6]:
err(f"Invalid color type {colorType}, only 0, 2, 3, 4, 6 are allowed")
if (colorType == 0 and not bitDepth in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
or colorType == 2 and not bitDepth in [8, 16]
or colorType == 3 and not bitDepth in [1, 2, 4, 8]
or colorType == 4 and not bitDepth in [8, 16]
or colorType == 6 and not bitDepth in [8, 16]):
err(f"Invalid bit depth {bitDepth} for color type {colorType}. See")
compressionMethod = pop_first(1, ihdrData)[0]
filterMethod = pop_first(1, ihdrData)[0]
interlaceMethod = pop_first(1, ihdrData)[0]
print(" " + propcol("Width: ") + str(width),
propcol("Height: ") + str(height), propcol("Bit depth: ") + str(bitDepth),
propcol("Color type: ") + str(colorType) + ' \033[90m' + ' '.join(("PALETTE" if colorType & 1 else '',
"COLOR" if colorType & 2 else '',
"ALPHA" if colorType & 4 else '')) + '\033[0m',
propcol("Compression method: ") + str(compressionMethod), propcol("Filter method: ") + str(filterMethod),
for image_name in image_names:
with open(image_name, 'rb') as f:
data = bytearray(
print(f"\033[1mImage \033[32m\"{image_name}\"\033[0m")
PNGmagick = pop_first(8, data)
print(propcol("PNGmagick:"), bytes(PNGmagick), sep='\t')
if PNGmagick != b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n":
err("File magic does not match b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n'")
chunk_i = 0
seen_iend = False # the chunk of type IEND must appear last
while data:
print(f"\033[34;1m Chunk nr. {chunk_i}\033[0m")
chunkLen = uint32(pop_first(4, data))
print(propcol(" chunkLen:"), chunkLen, sep='\t')
chunkType = pop_first(4, data)
print(propcol(" chunkType:"), bytes(chunkType), sep='\t', end=' \033[90m')
for c in chunkType:
if c < 65 or c > 90 and c < 97 or c > 122:
err(f" Byte {c} not allowed in Chunk Type")
print("ANCILLARY" if chunkType[0] & 32 else "CRITICAL",
"PRIVATE" if chunkType[1] & 32 else "PUBLIC",
"NOT CONFORMING" if chunkType[1] & 32 else "1.2-CONFORMING",
"SAFE-TO-COPY" if chunkType[1] & 32 else "UNSAFE-TO-COPY",
if chunk_i == 0 and chunkType != b"IHDR":
err(f" Chunk type of chunk nr. 0 must be b'IHDR' and not {chunkType}")
if seen_iend:
err(f" There are more chunks after the b'IEND' chunk")
if chunkType == b"IEND":
seen_iend = True
if chunkLen != 0:
err("Chunk with type b'IEND' must be empty")
chunkData = pop_first(chunkLen, data)
if chunkType == b"IHDR": # Parse IHDR chunk
print(propcol(" chunkData:"), str(bytes(chunkData[:8])) + ("..." if chunkLen > 8 else ''), sep='\t')
chunkCRC = uint32(pop_first(4, data))
print(propcol(" chunkCRC:"), "0x" + format(chunkCRC, 'X'), sep='\t', end=' ')
if (calcCRC := binascii.crc32(chunkType + chunkData)) != chunkCRC:
err(f"ChunkCRC (0x{chunkCRC:X}) does not match calculated crc (0x{calcCRC:X})")
chunk_i += 1
except ParsingError:
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