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Created June 27, 2022 17:55
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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © angelportinari17
strategy("Probabilistic Strategy", overlay=true, max_bars_back=5000, max_labels_count=500, margin_long=0.01, margin_short=0.01, initial_capital = 1000)
import Wpkenpachi/WpProbabilisticLib/1 as WpProb
int days_before =, "Qtd. Dias atrás", minval = 1, maxval = 50, step = 1)
int qtd_candles_before =, "Qtd. Candles para trás", minval = 5, maxval = 500, step = 1)
opts() => ["NO", "AS_RED", "AS_GREEN"]
[opt_no, opt_as_red, opt_as_green] = opts()
string consider_dojis = input.string("NO", "Considerar Dojis", options=["NO", "AS_RED", "AS_GREEN"])
float percent_diff_to_open_order = input.float(16, "Valor de %diff para entrar nas operações", minval=0, maxval=99, step=0.1)
float percent_to_break_pattern = input.float(9, "Valor de %diff para sair da operação", minval=0, maxval=100, step=0.1)
float qtd_tp_points_to_break_pattern = input.float(100, "Qtd em pontos de TAKE PROFIT", minval=1, step=1)
float qtd_sl_points_to_break_pattern = input.float(100, "Qtd em pontos de STOP LOSS", minval=1, step=1)
int qtd_ctt_default =, "Quantidade de contratos padrão", minval=1, maxval=10000, step=1)
float cap_per_ctt = input.float(1000, "R$ para cada 1 Ctt", minval=100)
float cap_min_to_order = input.float(100, "R$ valor minimo para abrir uma ordem de 1Ctt na B3", minval=100)
float max_profit_percent_day = input.float(15, "Máximo % valor de alavancagem diária")
float max_drawdown = input.float(-800, "R$ valor de drawdown máximo do capital")
// ===
var bool reached_max_drawdown = float(0)
var bool reached_daily_profit = bool(na)
var float daily_profit_meta = float(0)
var float last_day_profit_value = float(0)
var float daily_profit_value = float(0)
MS_IN_3H = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 3)
MS_IN_24H = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
current_time = time - MS_IN_3H
// ===
IsSessionStart(sessionTime, sessionTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
inSess = not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTime, sessionTimeZone))
inSess and not inSess[1]
IsLastBarSession(sessionTime, sessionTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
var int lastBarHour = na
var int lastBarMinute = na
var int lastBarSecond = na
inSess = not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTime, sessionTimeZone))
if not inSess and inSess[1]
lastBarHour := hour[1]
lastBarMinute := minute[1]
lastBarSecond := second[1]
hour == lastBarHour and minute == lastBarMinute and second == lastBarSecond
TimeInRange(tf, session) =>
time(tf, session) != 0
IsBetween(period) =>
TimeInRange(timeframe.period, period)
isToday = year(timenow) == year(time) and month(timenow) == month(time) and dayofmonth(timenow) == dayofmonth(time) + days_before ? true : false
isDaysBefore = year(timenow) == year(time) and month(timenow) == month(time) and dayofmonth(timenow - MS_IN_24H) == dayofmonth(time) + days_before ? true : false
isUnAvaliableTime = (IsBetween("0900-0916") or IsBetween("1000-1016") or IsBetween("1700-1802"))
// ===
var int first_bar_today = int(na)
var int last_bar_today = int(na)
if isToday and IsBetween("0900-0901") and barstate.isfirst
first_bar_today := bar_index
if isToday and barstate.islast
last_bar_today := bar_index
var first_bar_last_day = int(na)
var last_bar_last_day = int(na)
if isDaysBefore and IsBetween("0900-0901")
first_bar_last_day := bar_index
if isDaysBefore and IsLastBarSession("1754-1800")
last_bar_last_day := bar_index
// ===
// Utils functions
// ===
// Strategy Calcs and variables
get_daily_profit() =>
math.round(strategy.netprofit - last_day_profit_value, 2)
get_daily_profit_percent() =>
math.round(get_daily_profit() * 100 / strategy.equity, 2)
if isDaysBefore and IsBetween("0900-0901"), y=na, text=str.tostring(bar_index), style=label.style_none, textcolor=color.white, yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.huge)
if isDaysBefore and IsLastBarSession("1754-1800"), y=na, text=str.tostring(bar_index), style=label.style_none, textcolor=color.white, yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.huge)
if ta.change(time("1D"))
days_before += 1
if IsBetween("0900-0903") and IsSessionStart("0900-0905") // Starting Day
reached_daily_profit := false
daily_profit_meta := math.round((strategy.equity * max_profit_percent_day) / 100, 2)
//string txt = "Profit Open: Cur[" + str.tostring(get_daily_profit()) + "] Meta[" + str.tostring(daily_profit_meta) + "]"
//, y=na, text=txt, style=label.style_none,, yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.normal)
if IsBetween("1754-1800") and IsLastBarSession("1754-1800") // Closing Day
daily_profit_value := 0
//string txt = "Profit Close: Reached[" + str.tostring(get_daily_profit()) + " " + str.tostring(get_daily_profit_percent()) + "%] Meta[" + str.tostring(daily_profit_meta) + "]"
//, y=na, text=txt, style=label.style_none,, yloc=yloc.belowbar, size=size.normal)
last_day_profit_value := get_daily_profit()
if barstate.isnew
qtd_ctt_default := math.round(strategy.equity / cap_per_ctt)
reached_max_drawdown := strategy.equity <= max_drawdown
// Reached the daily profit meta
reached_daily_profit := get_daily_profit() >= daily_profit_meta
var float diff_p = int(0)
var int lower_p = int(0)
[d_p, l_p] = WpProb.CandleTypePercentDiff(open, close, qtd_candles_before, consider_dojis)
if ta.change(time("1"))
diff_p := d_p
lower_p := l_p
if barstate.isnew and not na(bar_index[qtd_candles_before])
bool entry_condition = diff_p >= percent_diff_to_open_order and not strategy.opentrades
bool close_condition_diff_back = diff_p <= percent_to_break_pattern and strategy.opentrades
bool has_equity_to_open_order = (strategy.equity / cap_min_to_order) >= 1
call_direction = lower_p == 1 ? strategy.long : strategy.short
string call_direction_name = lower_p == 1 ? "BUY" : "SELL"
if has_equity_to_open_order and not reached_max_drawdown and not reached_daily_profit
strategy.entry(call_direction_name, call_direction, qtd_ctt_default, when = entry_condition)
strategy.exit("[TAKE OR STOP]", call_direction_name, profit = qtd_tp_points_to_break_pattern, loss = qtd_sl_points_to_break_pattern)
strategy.close_all(when = close_condition_diff_back, comment = "[DIFF_BACK]")
strategy.close_all(when = reached_daily_profit, comment = "[DAILY_PROFIT_REACHED] " + str.tostring(get_daily_profit_percent()) + "%")
strategy.close_all(when = strategy.opentrades and IsBetween("1730-1800"), comment = "[MARKET_WILL_CLOSE]")
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