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Last active November 7, 2022 18:50
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Installation notes for solana development with anchor

what to install

general stuff


# general deps
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gcc g++ pkg-config libudev-dev libssl-dev make build-essential libclang-dev

curl -o- | bash
nvm install --lts

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup component add rustfmt


npm --version
rustc --version

solana stuff


sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

npm i -g mocha
npm i -g @project-serum/anchor@0.14.0

cargo install --git --tag v0.14.0 anchor-cli --locked

add the following to ~/.bashrc

node_exec=$(which node)
export NODE_PATH=${node_exec%/node}/../lib/node_modules/


npm list -g --depth 0 | grep anchor
anchor --version

validate on a real project

anchor init anchor-test-proj
cd anchor-test-proj
anchor test

# the project should get built and deployed to the local blockchain
# an empty test should succeed

update once needed

solana-install update #may be a bit outdated tho, better to use installation script
rest of them - just use installation scripts with updated versions


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