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Last active December 19, 2022 14:08
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How to get the difference between two dates with MomentJS? Article: WIP
// These are our dynamic variables
const format = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss"
const start = moment(1578240964000); // Input starting timestamp
const end = moment(1578244564000); // Input ending timestamp
// Main Difference Logic
const countDownStart = start.add(1, "second");
const then = moment(countDownStart).format(format);
const now = moment(end).format(format);
const ms = moment(now, format).diff(
  moment(then, format)
const duration = moment.duration(ms);
const formattedDifference = duration.format("d[d]  hh:mm:ss"); // Output formatting
console.log("Formatted Difference: ", formattedDifference); //  3d 14:05:41
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