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Created June 30, 2017 22:52
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Shared with Script Lab
name: Dropdown - NG1 - FabricJS
description: ''
author: WrathOfZombies
host: WEB
api_set: {}
content: |-
declare var fabric: any;
(() => {
var appModule = angular
.module('app', [])
.controller('demoCtrl', function ($scope) {
this.label = 'Animal sounds';
this.items = [{
'key': 'Dog barking'
'key': 'Lion roaring'
'key': 'Duck quacking'
'key': 'Cow mooing'
this.changed = item => console.log('Selection changed: ', item);
.directive('dropdown', () => {
return <ng.IDirective>{
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
label: '@',
items: '=',
selected: '=',
onChange: '&'
template: `
<div class="ms-Dropdown" tabindex="0">
<label class="ms-Label">{{label}}:</label>
<i class="ms-Dropdown-caretDown ms-Icon ms-Icon--ChevronDown"></i>
<select class="ms-Dropdown-select" ng-options="item as item.key for item in items track by $index" ng-model="selected" ng-change="update()"></select>
link: (scope, elem) => {
const dropdownElement = elem.find('.ms-Dropdown');
const Dropdown = new fabric['Dropdown'](dropdownElement[0]);
(scope as any).update = () => {
var [selectedElement] = dropdownElement.find('');
if (!selectedElement) return;
const selectedItem = (scope as any).items.find(({key}) => {
return key == selectedElement.textContent;
(scope as any).selected = selectedItem;
if ((scope as any).onChange) {
(scope as any).onChange({ item: selectedItem });
angular.bootstrap(document.body, ['app']);
language: typescript
content: |-
<div ng-controller="demoCtrl as demo">
<dropdown label="{{demo.label}}" items="demo.items" selected="demo.selected" on-change="demo.changed(item)"></dropdown>
language: html
content: "/* Your style goes here */\r\n"
language: css
libraries: |
# CSS Libraries
# NPM libraries
# IntelliSense: @types/library or node_modules paths or URL to d.ts files
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