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Created May 26, 2018 20:43
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module tb();
localparam W = 29;
localparam TEST_LEN = 10000;
reg [W-1:0] a;
reg [W-1:0] b;
wire [W*2-1:0] out;
wallace_mult #(.W(W)) inst_radix2_mult (.sext_a(1'b0), .sext_b(1'b0), .a(a), .b(b), .out(out));
integer i;
initial begin
for (i = 0; i < TEST_LEN; i = i + 1) begin
a = $random;
b = $random;
if (out != a * b) begin
$display("Fail: %d * %d != %d", a, b, out);
$display("Test PASSED.");
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