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Created May 26, 2018 20:27
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module wallace_mult #(
parameter W = 32
) (
input wire sext_a,
input wire sext_b,
input wire [W-1:0] a,
input wire [W-1:0] b,
output wire [W*2-1:0] out
reg [W*W*2-1:0] pprod_noinv;
reg [W*W*2-1:0] pprod;
integer i;
always @ (*) begin
for (i = 0; i < W; i = i + 1) begin
pprod_noinv[i * W * 2 +: W * 2] = ({2*W{b[i]}} & {{W{sext_a && a[W-1]}}, a}) << i;
if (sext_b && i == W - 1) begin
pprod[i * W * 2 +: W * 2] = -pprod_noinv[i * W * 2 +: W * 2];
end else begin
pprod[i * W * 2 +: W * 2] = pprod_noinv[i * W * 2 +: W * 2];
wallace_adder #(
.W(W * 2),
) add0 (
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