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Last active June 8, 2020 21:56
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  • Save Wsiegenthaler/af911bb61e3d65a106031af4a9e363b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Mac Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10

Install Steps

  1. Download and install AutoHotKeys
  2. Disable WorkstationLock using regedit
  • This is needed so url bar focus (Cmd+L) works in browsers
  • Registry Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
  • Registry Key: DisableLockWorkstation
  • Registry Value: 1
  1. Download and execute MacKeyboard.ahk
; Mac keyboard to Windows Key Mappings
; TODO: For any Command+L shortcuts to work (like browser url bar focus), the "DisableWorkstationLock" param must be set to 0x1 in regedit:
;RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableLockWorkstation, 1
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; ! = ALT
; ^ = CTRL
; + = SHIFT
; # = WIN
; Debug action snippet: MsgBox You pressed Control-A while Notepad is active.
#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SendMode Input
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Mac-like screenshots in Windows (requires Windows 10 Snip & Sketch)
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Capture entire screen with CMD/WIN + SHIFT + 3
#+3::send #{PrintScreen}
; Capture portion of the screen with CMD/WIN + SHIFT + 4
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; media/function keys all mapped to the right option key
; --------------------------------------------------------------
RAlt & F7::SendInput {Media_Prev}
RAlt & F8::SendInput {Media_Play_Pause}
RAlt & F9::SendInput {Media_Next}
F10::SendInput {Volume_Mute}
F11::SendInput {Volume_Down}
F12::SendInput {Volume_Up}
; Swap left command/windows key with left alt
;LAlt::LWin ; add a semicolon in front of this line if you want to disable the windows key
; Swap Windows key to Spotlight shortcut
#space::Send, {LWin}
; Zoom
;#+=::Send, ^+=
;#+-::Send, ^+-
#=::Send, ^=
#-::Send, ^-
; F13-15, standard windows mapping
F13::SendInput {PrintScreen}
F14::SendInput {ScrollLock}
F15::SendInput {Pause}
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Tab Navigation
; --------------------------------------------------------------
#+[::Send, ^{PgUp}
#+]::Send, ^+{PgDn}
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; OS X system shortcuts
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Make Ctrl + S work with cmd (windows) key
#s::Send, ^s
; Selecting
#a::Send, ^a
; Copying
#c::Send, ^c
; Pasting
#v::Send, ^v
; Cutting
#x::Send, ^x
; Opening
#o::Send ^o
; Finding
#f::Send ^f
; Undo
#z::Send ^z
; Redo
#y::Send ^y
; New tab
#t::Send ^t
; close tab
#w::Send ^w
; Close windows (cmd + q to Alt + F4)
#q::Send !{F4}
; Remap Windows + Tab to Alt + Tab.
Lwin & Tab::AltTab
; "hide" current window
#h::WinMinimize, A
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Google Chrome
; --------------------------------------------------------------
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
; Cmd+Click to open link in new tab
#LButton::Send, ^{LButton}
; Focus on url bar (this requires workstation locking to be disabled via regedit, see above)
#l::SendInput ^l
; New window
#n::Send, ^n
; New private window
#+p::Send, ^+p
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Firefox
; --------------------------------------------------------------
#IfWinActive ahk_class MozillaWindowClass
; Cmd+Click to open link in new tab
#LButton::Send, ^{LButton}
; Focus on url bar (this requires workstation locking to be disabled via regedit, see above)
#l::SendInput ^l
; New window
#n::Send, ^n
; New private window
#+p::Send, ^+p
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Visual Studio
; --------------------------------------------------------------
#IfWinActive ahk_class HwndWrapper[DefaultDomain;;1f78a8d9-6c25-4f26-92bc-43695c3f485c]
; Cmd+click to follow references
;{LWin down}::SendInput ^
;TODO fix this ^^^
; Cmd+click to follow references
; Send {LCtrl down}
; KeyWait, {LWin}
; Send {LCtrl up}
; return
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