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Last active August 21, 2020 01:55
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Kth Smallest Number in M Sorted Lists using MinHeap<T> and custom IComparable class ElementArrayIndexPair
Kth Smallest Number in M Sorted Lists:
Given ‘M’ sorted arrays, find the K’th smallest number among all the arrays.
Input: L1=[2, 6, 8], L2=[3, 6, 7], L3=[1, 3, 4], K=5
Output: 4
Naive Approach:
// Dump all elements into a list
// Sort the list
// Return index[k-1]
// tO(N log N)
// sO(N)
Next Approach:
// Push all lists into maxHeap
// Maintain maxHeap size of K by only pushing in elements that are less than the root of maxheap
// Give root at end
//tO(N log K + k Log k) => tO(N log K)
Best Approach:
// Initialize first element from each list into a MinHeap
// We insert K more additional items from M sorted arrays until the count of total elements inserted reaches K
// To do this, we keep track of the array and element indices using a new class called ElementArrayPair
// tO(MlogM + K logM) => tO(K logM)
// sO(M)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Solution
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] l1 = new int[] {1,2,3};
int[] l2 = new int[] {4,5,6};
int[] l3 = new int[] {7,8,9};
List<int[]> lists = new List<int[]>();
public class ElementArrayPair : IComparable<ElementArrayPair>
public int ElementIndex {get; set;}
public int ArrayIndex {get; set;}
public List<int[]> Lists {get; set;}
public ElementArrayPair(List<int[]> lists, int eIndex, int aIndex)
Lists = lists;
ElementIndex = eIndex;
ArrayIndex = aIndex;
public int CompareTo(ElementArrayPair otherPair)
if (otherPair == null)
return 1;
return this.Lists[ArrayIndex][ElementIndex].CompareTo(otherPair.Lists[otherPair.ArrayIndex][otherPair.ElementIndex]);
public static int FindKSmallestAmongMLists(List<int[]> lists, int k)
MinHeap<ElementArrayPair> minHeap = new MinHeap<ElementArrayPair>();
for (int i = 0; i < lists.Count; i++)
if(lists[i] != null)
minHeap.Push(new ElementArrayPair(lists, 0, i));
int numberCount = 0;
int result = 0;
while (minHeap.Count > 0)
ElementArrayPair pair = minHeap.Pop();
result = lists[pair.ArrayIndex][pair.ElementIndex];
if (++numberCount == k)
if(lists[pair.ArrayIndex].Length > pair.ElementIndex)
return result;
public class MinHeap<T> where T: System.IComparable<T>
public List<T> heapList {get; set;}
public int Count {get => heapList.Count;}
private int GetLeftChildIndex(int elementIndex) => 2 * elementIndex + 1;
private int GetRightChildIndex(int elementIndex) => 2 * elementIndex + 2;
private int GetParentIndex(int elementIndex) => (elementIndex - 1) / 2;
private bool HasLeftChild(int elementIndex) => GetLeftChildIndex(elementIndex) < Count;
private bool HasRightChild(int elementIndex) => GetRightChildIndex(elementIndex) < Count;
private bool IsRoot(int elementIndex) => elementIndex == 0;
private T GetLeftChild(int elementIndex) => heapList[GetLeftChildIndex(elementIndex)];
private T GetRightChild(int elementIndex) => heapList[GetRightChildIndex(elementIndex)];
private T GetParent(int elementIndex) => heapList[GetParentIndex(elementIndex)];
public MinHeap()
heapList = new List<T>();
public void PrintHeap()
foreach (T item in heapList)
public void Push (T item)
BubbleUp(Count - 1);
public T Pop ()
if (Count == 0)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
// store copy to return at the end of the method
T firstItemCopy = heapList[0];
// move last item to first position
heapList[0] = heapList[Count - 1];
// remove the last thing off the list because it's redundant (it's now at the top of the heap)
heapList.RemoveAt(Count - 1);
return firstItemCopy;
public T Peek()
if (Count == 0)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
return heapList[0];
public bool IsEmpty()
return Count == 0;
void Swap (int firstIndex, int secondIndex)
T temp = heapList[firstIndex];
heapList[firstIndex] = heapList[secondIndex];
heapList[secondIndex] = temp;
void BubbleUp (int index)
while (!IsRoot(index) && heapList[index].CompareTo(GetParent(index)) < 0)
int parentIndex = GetParentIndex(index);
Swap(parentIndex, index);
index = parentIndex;
void FilterDown (int index)
// set currentIndex
int currentIndex = index;
// while loop: check if index has a left child
while (HasLeftChild(currentIndex))
// if it does, establish a smaller index
int smallerIndex = GetLeftChildIndex(currentIndex);
// check and see which of the left or right child has a smaller value
// allocate the smaller value child as the smaller index
if (HasRightChild(currentIndex) && GetRightChild(currentIndex).CompareTo(GetLeftChild(currentIndex)) < 0)
smallerIndex = GetRightChildIndex(currentIndex);
// if the element at smallerindex is bigger than the element at current index, then break
if (heapList[smallerIndex].CompareTo(heapList[currentIndex]) >= 0)
// otherwise, swap element[currentindex] with element[smallerindex]
Swap(smallerIndex, currentIndex);
// set index to smallerIndex
currentIndex = smallerIndex;
// while loop will break when the index no longer has a left child
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