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Last active October 23, 2023 11:23
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Repro case for shader crash on Linux Chrome Intel
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<title>Compiling & linking a large shader</title>
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<script id="vertexShader" type="x-shader/x-vertex">#version 300 es
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
struct UniformBuffer {
vec3 top_left_corner_position;
uint colormap_function;
vec3 extent_u;
uint sample_type;
vec3 extent_v;
float depth_offset;
vec4 multiplicative_tint;
uvec2 outline_mask;
vec2 range_min_max;
uint color_mapper;
float gamma;
uint minification_filter;
uint magnification_filter;
uint decode_srgb;
uint multiply_rgb_with_alpha;
struct VertexOut {
vec4 position;
vec2 texcoord;
struct FrameUniformBuffer {
mat4x3 view_from_world;
mat4x4 projection_from_view;
mat4x4 projection_from_world;
vec3 camera_position;
float pixel_world_size_from_camera_distance;
vec3 camera_forward;
float pixels_from_point;
vec2 tan_half_fov;
float auto_size_points;
float auto_size_lines;
uint device_tier;
const float f32max = 3.40282e38;
const float f32min = -1.7014116e38;
const float f32min_normal = 1.1754944e-38;
const int i32min = -2147483648;
const int i32max = 2147483647;
const uint u32min = 0u;
const uint u32max = 4294967295u;
const float f32eps = 1.1920929e-7;
const vec3 X = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
const vec3 Y = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
const vec3 Z = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const vec4 ZERO = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
const vec4 ONE = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
const vec4 ERROR_RGBA = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
const uint SAMPLE_TYPE_FLOAT = 1u;
const uint SAMPLE_TYPE_SINT = 2u;
const uint SAMPLE_TYPE_UINT = 3u;
const uint SAMPLE_TYPE_NV12_ = 4u;
const uint COLOR_MAPPER_OFF = 1u;
const uint COLOR_MAPPER_FUNCTION = 2u;
const uint COLOR_MAPPER_TEXTURE = 3u;
const uint FILTER_NEAREST = 1u;
const uint FILTER_BILINEAR = 2u;
const uint DEVICE_TIER_GLES = 0u;
const uint DEVICE_TIER_WEBGPU = 1u;
uniform UniformBuffer_block_0Vertex { UniformBuffer _group_1_binding_0_vs; };
uniform FrameUniformBuffer_block_1Vertex {
FrameUniformBuffer _group_0_binding_0_vs;
smooth out vec2 _vs2fs_location0;
vec4 apply_depth_offset(vec4 position, float offset) {
float w_scale_bias = 0.0;
w_scale_bias = (f32eps * offset);
uint _e7 = _group_0_binding_0_vs.device_tier;
if ((_e7 == DEVICE_TIER_GLES)) {
float _e11 = w_scale_bias;
w_scale_bias = (_e11 * 5120.0);
float _e14 = w_scale_bias;
float w_scale = (1.0 - _e14);
return vec4(, (position.w * w_scale));
void main() {
uint v_idx = uint(gl_VertexID);
VertexOut out_ = VertexOut(vec4(0.0), vec2(0.0));
vec2 texcoord = vec2(float((v_idx / 2u)), float((v_idx % 2u)));
vec3 _e11 = _group_1_binding_0_vs.extent_u;
vec3 _e16 = _group_1_binding_0_vs.extent_v;
vec3 _e21 = _group_1_binding_0_vs.top_left_corner_position;
vec3 pos = (((texcoord.x * _e11) + (texcoord.y * _e16)) + _e21);
mat4x4 _e27 = _group_0_binding_0_vs.projection_from_world;
float _e33 = _group_1_binding_0_vs.depth_offset;
vec4 _e34 = apply_depth_offset((_e27 * vec4(pos, 1.0)), _e33);
out_.position = _e34;
out_.texcoord = texcoord;
uint _e38 = _group_1_binding_0_vs.sample_type;
if ((_e38 == SAMPLE_TYPE_NV12_)) {
float _e44 = out_.texcoord.y;
out_.texcoord.y = (_e44 / 1.5);
VertexOut _e46 = out_;
gl_Position = _e46.position;
_vs2fs_location0 = _e46.texcoord;
gl_Position.yz = vec2(-gl_Position.y, gl_Position.z * 2.0 - gl_Position.w);
<script id="fragmentShader" type="x-shader/x-fragment">#version 300 es
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
struct UniformBuffer {
vec3 top_left_corner_position;
uint colormap_function;
vec3 extent_u;
uint sample_type;
vec3 extent_v;
float depth_offset;
vec4 multiplicative_tint;
uvec2 outline_mask;
vec2 range_min_max;
uint color_mapper;
float gamma;
uint minification_filter;
uint magnification_filter;
uint decode_srgb;
uint multiply_rgb_with_alpha;
struct VertexOut {
vec4 position;
vec2 texcoord;
const float f32max = 3.40282e38;
const float f32min = -1.7014116e38;
const float f32min_normal = 1.1754944e-38;
const int i32min = -2147483648;
const int i32max = 2147483647;
const uint u32min = 0u;
const uint u32max = 4294967295u;
const float f32eps = 1.1920929e-7;
const vec3 X = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
const vec3 Y = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
const vec3 Z = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const vec4 ZERO = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
const vec4 ONE = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
const vec4 ERROR_RGBA = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
const uint COLORMAP_GRAYSCALE = 1u;
const uint COLORMAP_INFERNO = 2u;
const uint COLORMAP_MAGMA = 3u;
const uint COLORMAP_PLASMA = 4u;
const uint COLORMAP_TURBO = 5u;
const uint COLORMAP_VIRIDIS = 6u;
const uint SAMPLE_TYPE_FLOAT = 1u;
const uint SAMPLE_TYPE_SINT = 2u;
const uint SAMPLE_TYPE_UINT = 3u;
const uint SAMPLE_TYPE_NV12_ = 4u;
const uint COLOR_MAPPER_OFF = 1u;
const uint COLOR_MAPPER_FUNCTION = 2u;
const uint COLOR_MAPPER_TEXTURE = 3u;
const uint FILTER_NEAREST = 1u;
const uint FILTER_BILINEAR = 2u;
uniform UniformBuffer_block_0Fragment { UniformBuffer _group_1_binding_0_fs; };
uniform highp sampler2D _group_1_binding_1_fs;
uniform highp isampler2D _group_1_binding_2_fs;
uniform highp usampler2D _group_1_binding_3_fs;
uniform highp sampler2D _group_1_binding_4_fs;
smooth in vec2 _vs2fs_location0;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _fs2p_location0;
vec3 linear_from_srgb(vec3 srgb) {
vec3 cutoff = ceil((srgb - vec3(0.04045)));
vec3 under = (srgb / vec3(12.92));
vec3 over = pow(((srgb + vec3(0.055)) / vec3(1.055)), vec3(2.4));
return mix(under, over, cutoff);
vec4 linear_from_srgba(vec4 srgb_a) {
vec3 _e2 = linear_from_srgb(;
return vec4(_e2, srgb_a.w);
vec3 srgb_from_linear(vec3 color_linear) {
vec3 selector = ceil((color_linear - vec3(0.0031308)));
vec3 under_1 = (12.92 * color_linear);
vec3 over_1 = ((1.055 * pow(color_linear, vec3(0.41666))) - vec3(0.055));
return mix(under_1, over_1, selector);
vec4 srgba_from_linear(vec4 srgb_a_1) {
vec3 _e2 = srgb_from_linear(;
return vec4(_e2, srgb_a_1.w);
vec3 colormap_viridis_srgb(float t) {
vec3 c0_ = vec3(0.27772734, 0.0054073445, 0.3340998);
vec3 c1_ = vec3(0.10509304, 1.4046135, 1.3845901);
vec3 c2_ = vec3(-0.33086184, 0.21484756, 0.095095165);
vec3 c3_ = vec3(-4.6342306, -5.799101, -19.332441);
vec3 c4_ = vec3(6.22827, 14.179934, 56.69055);
vec3 c5_ = vec3(4.776385, -13.745146, -65.353035);
vec3 c6_ = vec3(-5.435456, 4.6458526, 26.312435);
return (c0_ + (t * (c1_ + (t * (c2_ + (t * (c3_ + (t * (c4_ + (t * (c5_ + (t * c6_))))))))))));
vec3 colormap_inferno_srgb(float t_1) {
vec3 c0_1 = vec3(0.00021894037, 0.0016510047, -0.019480899);
vec3 c1_1 = vec3(0.10651342, 0.56395644, 3.9327123);
vec3 c2_1 = vec3(11.602493, -3.972854, -15.942394);
vec3 c3_1 = vec3(-41.703995, 17.4364, 44.354145);
vec3 c4_1 = vec3(77.16293, -33.40236, -81.80731);
vec3 c5_1 = vec3(-71.31943, 32.626064, 73.20952);
vec3 c6_1 = vec3(25.131126, -12.242669, -23.070326);
return (c0_1 + (t_1 * (c1_1 + (t_1 * (c2_1 + (t_1 * (c3_1 + (t_1 * (c4_1 + (t_1 * (c5_1 + (t_1 * c6_1))))))))))));
vec3 colormap_turbo_srgb(float t_2) {
vec4 r4_ = vec4(0.13572139, 4.6153927, -42.660324, 132.13109);
vec4 g4_ = vec4(0.09140261, 2.1941884, 4.8429666, -14.185034);
vec4 b4_ = vec4(0.1066733, 12.641946, -60.582047, 110.36277);
vec2 r2_ = vec2(-152.9424, 59.28638);
vec2 g2_ = vec2(4.2772985, 2.829566);
vec2 b2_ = vec2(-89.90311, 27.34825);
vec4 v4_ = vec4(1.0, t_2, (t_2 * t_2), ((t_2 * t_2) * t_2));
vec2 v2_ = ( * v4_.z);
return vec3((dot(v4_, r4_) + dot(v2_, r2_)), (dot(v4_, g4_) + dot(v2_, g2_)), (dot(v4_, b4_) + dot(v2_, b2_)));
vec3 colormap_plasma_srgb(float t_3) {
vec3 c0_2 = vec3(0.058732346, 0.023336709, 0.5433402);
vec3 c1_2 = vec3(2.1765146, 0.23838341, 0.75396043);
vec3 c2_2 = vec3(-2.6894605, -7.455851, 3.1108);
vec3 c3_2 = vec3(6.130348, 42.346188, -28.518854);
vec3 c4_2 = vec3(-11.107436, -82.66631, 60.139847);
vec3 c5_2 = vec3(10.023066, 71.41362, -54.072186);
vec3 c6_2 = vec3(-3.6587138, -22.931534, 18.191908);
return (c0_2 + (t_3 * (c1_2 + (t_3 * (c2_2 + (t_3 * (c3_2 + (t_3 * (c4_2 + (t_3 * (c5_2 + (t_3 * c6_2))))))))))));
vec3 colormap_magma_srgb(float t_4) {
vec3 c0_3 = vec3(-0.002136485, -0.00074965507, -0.0053861276);
vec3 c1_3 = vec3(0.25166056, 0.67752326, 2.4940267);
vec3 c2_3 = vec3(8.353717, -3.5777194, 0.3144679);
vec3 c3_3 = vec3(-27.668734, 14.26473, -13.649213);
vec3 c4_3 = vec3(52.17614, -27.943605, 12.944169);
vec3 c5_3 = vec3(-50.768524, 29.046583, 4.234153);
vec3 c6_3 = vec3(18.655704, -11.489774, -5.6019616);
return (c0_3 + (t_4 * (c1_3 + (t_4 * (c2_3 + (t_4 * (c3_3 + (t_4 * (c4_3 + (t_4 * (c5_3 + (t_4 * c6_3))))))))))));
vec3 colormap_srgb(uint which, float t_unsaturated) {
float t_6 = clamp(t_unsaturated, 0.0, 1.0);
if ((which == COLORMAP_GRAYSCALE)) {
return vec3(t_6);
} else {
if ((which == COLORMAP_INFERNO)) {
vec3 _e8 = colormap_inferno_srgb(t_6);
return _e8;
} else {
if ((which == COLORMAP_MAGMA)) {
vec3 _e11 = colormap_magma_srgb(t_6);
return _e11;
} else {
if ((which == COLORMAP_PLASMA)) {
vec3 _e14 = colormap_plasma_srgb(t_6);
return _e14;
} else {
if ((which == COLORMAP_TURBO)) {
vec3 _e17 = colormap_turbo_srgb(t_6);
return _e17;
} else {
if ((which == COLORMAP_VIRIDIS)) {
vec3 _e20 = colormap_viridis_srgb(t_6);
return _e20;
} else {
vec3 colormap_linear(uint which_1, float t_5) {
vec3 _e2 = colormap_srgb(which_1, t_5);
vec3 _e3 = linear_from_srgb(_e2);
return _e3;
vec4 decode_nv12_(highp usampler2D texture, ivec2 coords) {
uint uv_col = 0u;
vec2 texture_dim = vec2(uvec2(textureSize(texture, 0).xy).xy);
uint uv_offset = uint(floor((texture_dim.y / 1.5)));
uint uv_row = uint((coords.y / 2));
uv_col = (uint((coords.x / 2)) * 2u);
uvec4 _e24 = texelFetch(texture, ivec2(uvec2(coords)), 0);
float y = (max(0.0, (float(_e24.x) - 16.0)) / 219.0);
uint _e32 = uv_col;
uvec4 _e37 = texelFetch(texture, ivec2(uvec2(uint(_e32), (uv_offset + uv_row))), 0);
float u = ((float(_e37.x) - 128.0) / 224.0);
uint _e44 = uv_col;
uvec4 _e51 = texelFetch(texture, ivec2(uvec2((uint(_e44) + 1u), (uv_offset + uv_row))), 0);
float v = ((float(_e51.x) - 128.0) / 224.0);
float r = clamp((y + (1.402 * v)), 0.0, 1.0);
float g = clamp((y - ((0.344 * u) + (0.714 * v))), 0.0, 1.0);
float b = clamp((y + (1.772 * u)), 0.0, 1.0);
return vec4(r, g, b, 1.0);
bool is_magnifying(vec2 pixel_coord) {
float _e2 = fwidth(pixel_coord.x);
return (_e2 < 1.0);
uint tex_filter(vec2 pixel_coord_1) {
bool _e1 = is_magnifying(pixel_coord_1);
if (_e1) {
uint _e4 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.magnification_filter;
return _e4;
} else {
uint _e7 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.minification_filter;
return _e7;
vec4 normalize_range(vec4 sampled_value) {
vec2 range = _group_1_binding_0_fs.range_min_max;
return ((sampled_value - vec4(range.x)) / vec4((range.y - range.x)));
vec4 decode_color(vec4 sampled_value_1) {
vec4 rgba = vec4(0.0);
vec4 _e1 = normalize_range(sampled_value_1);
rgba = _e1;
uint _e5 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.decode_srgb;
if ((_e5 != 0u)) {
vec4 _e10 = rgba;
vec4 _e14 = rgba;
if ((all(lessThanEqual(vec3(0.0), && all(lessThanEqual(, vec3(1.0))))) {
vec4 _e21 = rgba;
vec4 _e22 = linear_from_srgba(_e21);
rgba = _e22;
} else {
rgba = ERROR_RGBA;
uint _e26 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.multiply_rgb_with_alpha;
if ((_e26 != 0u)) {
vec4 _e29 = rgba;
float _e32 = rgba.w;
float _e35 = rgba.w;
rgba = vec4(( * _e32), _e35);
vec4 _e37 = rgba;
return _e37;
ivec2 clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor(vec2 coord, vec2 texture_dimension) {
return ivec2(clamp(floor(coord), vec2(0.0), (texture_dimension - vec2(1.0))));
vec4 filter_bilinear(vec2 coord_1, vec4 v00_, vec4 v01_, vec4 v10_, vec4 v11_) {
vec4 top = mix(v00_, v10_, fract((coord_1.x - 0.5)));
vec4 bottom = mix(v01_, v11_, fract((coord_1.x - 0.5)));
return mix(top, bottom, fract((coord_1.y - 0.5)));
void main() {
VertexOut in_ = VertexOut(gl_FragCoord, _vs2fs_location0);
vec4 normalized_value = vec4(0.0);
vec4 texture_color = vec4(0.0);
uint _e4 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.sample_type;
if ((_e4 == SAMPLE_TYPE_FLOAT)) {
vec2 texture_dimensions = vec2(uvec2(textureSize(_group_1_binding_1_fs, 0).xy).xy);
vec2 coord_2 = (in_.texcoord * texture_dimensions);
uint _e13 = tex_filter(coord_2);
if ((_e13 == FILTER_NEAREST)) {
ivec2 _e17 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor(coord_2, texture_dimensions);
vec4 _e19 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_1_fs, _e17, 0);
vec4 _e20 = decode_color(_e19);
normalized_value = _e20;
} else {
ivec2 _e26 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_2 + vec2(-0.5, -0.5)), texture_dimensions);
vec4 _e28 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_1_fs, _e26, 0);
vec4 _e29 = decode_color(_e28);
ivec2 _e35 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_2 + vec2(-0.5, 0.5)), texture_dimensions);
vec4 _e37 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_1_fs, _e35, 0);
vec4 _e38 = decode_color(_e37);
ivec2 _e44 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_2 + vec2(0.5, -0.5)), texture_dimensions);
vec4 _e46 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_1_fs, _e44, 0);
vec4 _e47 = decode_color(_e46);
ivec2 _e53 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_2 + vec2(0.5, 0.5)), texture_dimensions);
vec4 _e55 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_1_fs, _e53, 0);
vec4 _e56 = decode_color(_e55);
vec4 _e57 = filter_bilinear(coord_2, _e29, _e38, _e47, _e56);
normalized_value = _e57;
} else {
uint _e60 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.sample_type;
if ((_e60 == SAMPLE_TYPE_SINT)) {
vec2 texture_dimensions_1 = vec2(uvec2(textureSize(_group_1_binding_2_fs, 0).xy).xy);
vec2 coord_3 = (in_.texcoord * texture_dimensions_1);
uint _e69 = tex_filter(coord_3);
if ((_e69 == FILTER_NEAREST)) {
ivec2 _e73 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor(coord_3, texture_dimensions_1);
ivec4 _e75 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_2_fs, _e73, 0);
vec4 _e77 = decode_color(vec4(_e75));
normalized_value = _e77;
} else {
ivec2 _e83 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_3 + vec2(-0.5, -0.5)), texture_dimensions_1);
ivec4 _e85 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_2_fs, _e83, 0);
vec4 _e87 = decode_color(vec4(_e85));
ivec2 _e93 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_3 + vec2(-0.5, 0.5)), texture_dimensions_1);
ivec4 _e95 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_2_fs, _e93, 0);
vec4 _e97 = decode_color(vec4(_e95));
ivec2 _e103 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_3 + vec2(0.5, -0.5)), texture_dimensions_1);
ivec4 _e105 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_2_fs, _e103, 0);
vec4 _e107 = decode_color(vec4(_e105));
ivec2 _e113 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_3 + vec2(0.5, 0.5)), texture_dimensions_1);
ivec4 _e115 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_2_fs, _e113, 0);
vec4 _e117 = decode_color(vec4(_e115));
vec4 _e118 = filter_bilinear(coord_3, _e87, _e97, _e107, _e117);
normalized_value = _e118;
} else {
uint _e121 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.sample_type;
if ((_e121 == SAMPLE_TYPE_UINT)) {
vec2 texture_dimensions_2 = vec2(uvec2(textureSize(_group_1_binding_3_fs, 0).xy).xy);
vec2 coord_4 = (in_.texcoord * texture_dimensions_2);
uint _e130 = tex_filter(coord_4);
if ((_e130 == FILTER_NEAREST)) {
ivec2 _e134 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor(coord_4, texture_dimensions_2);
uvec4 _e136 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e134, 0);
vec4 _e138 = decode_color(vec4(_e136));
normalized_value = _e138;
} else {
ivec2 _e144 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_4 + vec2(-0.5, -0.5)), texture_dimensions_2);
uvec4 _e146 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e144, 0);
vec4 _e148 = decode_color(vec4(_e146));
ivec2 _e154 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_4 + vec2(-0.5, 0.5)), texture_dimensions_2);
uvec4 _e156 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e154, 0);
vec4 _e158 = decode_color(vec4(_e156));
ivec2 _e164 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_4 + vec2(0.5, -0.5)), texture_dimensions_2);
uvec4 _e166 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e164, 0);
vec4 _e168 = decode_color(vec4(_e166));
ivec2 _e174 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_4 + vec2(0.5, 0.5)), texture_dimensions_2);
uvec4 _e176 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e174, 0);
vec4 _e178 = decode_color(vec4(_e176));
vec4 _e179 = filter_bilinear(coord_4, _e148, _e158, _e168, _e178);
normalized_value = _e179;
} else {
uint _e182 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.sample_type;
if ((_e182 == SAMPLE_TYPE_NV12_)) {
vec2 texture_dimensions_3 = vec2(uvec2(textureSize(_group_1_binding_3_fs, 0).xy).xy);
vec2 coord_5 = (in_.texcoord * texture_dimensions_3);
uint _e191 = tex_filter(coord_5);
if ((_e191 == FILTER_NEAREST)) {
ivec2 _e195 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor(coord_5, texture_dimensions_3);
vec4 _e196 = decode_nv12_(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e195);
vec4 _e198 = decode_color(vec4(_e196));
normalized_value = _e198;
} else {
ivec2 _e204 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_5 + vec2(-0.5, -0.5)), texture_dimensions_3);
vec4 _e205 = decode_nv12_(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e204);
vec4 _e207 = decode_color(vec4(_e205));
ivec2 _e213 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_5 + vec2(-0.5, 0.5)), texture_dimensions_3);
vec4 _e214 = decode_nv12_(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e213);
vec4 _e216 = decode_color(vec4(_e214));
ivec2 _e222 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_5 + vec2(0.5, -0.5)), texture_dimensions_3);
vec4 _e223 = decode_nv12_(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e222);
vec4 _e225 = decode_color(vec4(_e223));
ivec2 _e231 = clamp_to_edge_nearest_neighbor((coord_5 + vec2(0.5, 0.5)), texture_dimensions_3);
vec4 _e232 = decode_nv12_(_group_1_binding_3_fs, _e231);
vec4 _e234 = decode_color(vec4(_e232));
vec4 _e235 = filter_bilinear(coord_5, _e207, _e216, _e225, _e234);
normalized_value = _e235;
} else {
_fs2p_location0 = ERROR_RGBA;
vec4 _e237 = normalized_value;
float _e241 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.gamma;
float _e245 = normalized_value.w;
normalized_value = vec4(pow(, vec3(_e241)), _e245);
uint _e250 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.color_mapper;
if ((_e250 == COLOR_MAPPER_OFF)) {
vec4 _e253 = normalized_value;
texture_color = _e253;
} else {
uint _e256 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.color_mapper;
if ((_e256 == COLOR_MAPPER_FUNCTION)) {
uint _e261 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.colormap_function;
float _e263 = normalized_value.x;
vec3 _e264 = colormap_linear(_e261, _e263);
texture_color = vec4(_e264, 1.0);
} else {
uint _e269 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.color_mapper;
if ((_e269 == COLOR_MAPPER_TEXTURE)) {
uvec2 colormap_size = uvec2(textureSize(_group_1_binding_4_fs, 0).xy).xy;
float _e276 = normalized_value.x;
float color_index = (_e276 * float((colormap_size.x * colormap_size.y)));
uint color_index_u32_ = uint(roundEven(color_index));
uint x = (color_index_u32_ % colormap_size.x);
uint y_1 = (color_index_u32_ / colormap_size.x);
vec4 _e291 = texelFetch(_group_1_binding_4_fs, ivec2(uvec2(x, y_1)), 0);
texture_color = _e291;
} else {
_fs2p_location0 = ERROR_RGBA;
vec4 _e293 = texture_color;
vec4 _e296 = _group_1_binding_0_fs.multiplicative_tint;
_fs2p_location0 = (_e293 * _e296);
<canvas id="glcanvas" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
function compileShader(gl, shaderSource, shaderType) {
// Create the shader object
var shader = gl.createShader(shaderType);
// Set the shader source code.
gl.shaderSource(shader, shaderSource);
// Compile the shader
// Check if it compiled
var success = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);
if (!success) {
// Something went wrong during compilation; get the error
throw "could not compile shader:" + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
return shader;
function createProgram(gl, vertexShader, fragmentShader) {
// create a program.
var program = gl.createProgram();
// attach the shaders.
gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader);
gl.attachShader(program, fragmentShader);
// link the program.
// Check if it linked.
var success = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS);
if (!success) {
// something went wrong with the link
throw "program failed to link:" + gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
return program;
function createShaderFromScript(gl, scriptId, opt_shaderType) {
// look up the script tag by id.
var shaderScript = document.getElementById(scriptId);
if (!shaderScript) {
throw "*** Error: unknown script element" + scriptId;
// extract the contents of the script tag.
var shaderSource = shaderScript.text;
// If we didn't pass in a type, use the 'type' from
// the script tag.
if (!opt_shaderType) {
if (shaderScript.type == "x-shader/x-vertex") {
opt_shaderType = gl.VERTEX_SHADER;
} else if (shaderScript.type == "x-shader/x-fragment") {
opt_shaderType = gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER;
} else if (!opt_shaderType) {
throw "*** Error: shader type not set";
return compileShader(gl, shaderSource, opt_shaderType);
function createProgramFromScripts(gl, shaderScriptIds) {
var vertexShader = createShaderFromScript(
var fragmentShader = createShaderFromScript(
return createProgram(gl, vertexShader, fragmentShader);
console.log("creating webgl context");
const canvas = document.querySelector("#glcanvas");
const gl = canvas.getContext("webgl2");
if (gl === null) {
throw "Unable to initialize WebGL. Your browser or machine may not support it.";
gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
console.log("compiling shader");
var program = createProgramFromScripts(gl, ["vertexShader", "fragmentShader"]);
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