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Last active January 14, 2019 17:31
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the vue cli 3 vue.config.js defination according to document
import { Configuration as IWbpkConf } from "webpack";
import WebpackChain from "webpack-chain";
import { TransformOptions } from "babel-core";
import { Linter } from "eslint";
import ts from "typescript";
export interface IVueCliConfig {
baseUrl?: string;
publicPath?: string;
outputDir?: string;
assetsDir?: string;
indexPath?: string; // index.html path
filenameHashing?: boolean;
pages?: IPagesConfig;
lintOnSave?: boolean | "error";
runtimeCompiler?: boolean;
// compiler?: boolean;
* By default babel-loader ignores all files inside node_modules.
* If you want to explicitly transpile a dependency with Babel,
* you can list it in this option.
transpileDependencies?: Array<string | RegExp>;
* Setting this to false can speed up production builds if you don't need source maps for production.
productionSourceMap?: boolean;
* Configure the crossorigin attribute on <link rel="stylesheet"> and <script> tags in generated HTML.
* Note that this only affects tags injected by html-webpack-plugin - tags directly added in the source template (public/index.html) are not affected.
crossorigin?: string;
Set to true to enable Subresource Integrity (SRI) on <link rel="stylesheet"> and <script> tags in generated HTML.
If you are hosting your built files on a CDN, it is a good idea to enable this for additional security.
Note that this only affects tags injected by html-webpack-plugin -
tags directly added in the source template (public/index.html) are not affected.
Also, when SRI is enabled, preload resource hints are disabled due to a bug in Chrome which causes
the resources to be downloaded twice.
integrity?: boolean;
If the value is an Object, it will be merged into the final config using webpack-merge.
If the value is a function, it will receive the resolved config as the argument.
The function can either mutate the config and return nothing,
OR return a cloned or merged version of the config.
configureWebpack?: IWbpkConf | IWebpackConfigFunction;
chainWebpack?: ChainWebpackFunction;
css?: ICssConfig;
devServer?: IDevServerConfig;
* Whether to use thread-loader for Babel or TypeScript transpilation.
* This is enabled for production builds when the system has more than 1 CPU cores.
parallel?: boolean;
pwa?: IVueLoaderConfig;
pluginOptions?: IVueLoaderConfig;
* Babel can be configured via babel.config.js.
// babel?: TransformOptions;
* ESLint can be configured via .eslintrc or eslintConfig field in package.json.
// ESLint?: Linter.Config;
* TypeScript can be configured via tsconfig.json.
// typescript?: ITsConfig
* When building in multi-page mode,
* the webpack config will contain different plugins (
* there will be multiple instances of html-webpack-plugin and preload-webpack-plugin
* ).
* Make sure to run vue inspect if you are trying to modify the options for those plugins.
interface IPagesConfig {
[name: string]: IPageConfig | string;
// when using the entry-only string format,
// template is inferred to be `public/subpage.html`
// and falls back to `public/index.html` if not found.
// Output filename is inferred to be `subpage.html`.
subpage?: string;
interface IPageConfig {
// entry for the page
entry?: string;
// the source template
template?: string;
// output as dist/index.html
filename?: string;
// when using title option,
// template title tag needs to be <title><%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %></title>
title?: string;
// chunks to include on this page, by default includes
// extracted common chunks and vendor chunks.
chunks?: string[];
* Some values like host, port and https may be overwritten by command line flags.
* Some values like publicPath and historyApiFallback should not be modified
* as they need to be synchronized with publicPath for the dev server to function properly.
interface IDevServerConfig {
open?: boolean;
host?: string;
port?: number;
https?: boolean;
hotOnly?: boolean;
proxy?: string | Object; // TODO: proxy object config
before?: () => void;
it will receive the resolved config as the argument.
The function can either mutate the config and return nothing,
OR return a cloned or merged version of the config.
type IWebpackConfigFunction = (config: IWbpkConf) => IWbpkConf | void;
A function that will receive an instance of ChainableConfig powered by webpack-chain.
Allows for more fine-grained modification of the internal webpack config.
type ChainWebpackFunction = (config: WebpackChain) => WebpackChain;
interface ICssConfig {
modules?: boolean;
// TODO: 此处Object待完善
extract?: boolean | Object;
sourceMap?: boolean;
loaderOptions?: IVueLoaderConfig;
// TODO: 完善PWA config
* Pass options to the PWA Plugin.
interface IPWAConfig extends Object {}
* This is an object that doesn't go through any schema validation,
* so it can be used to pass arbitrary options to 3rd party plugins. For example
* module.exports = {
* pluginOptions: {
* foo: {
* // plugins can access these options as
* // ``.
* }
* }
* };
interface IPluginOptions {
[key: string]: any;
interface IVueLoaderConfig {
[key: string]: any;
// TODO: 添加如下interface
// css-loader
// postcss-loader
// sass-loader
// less-loader
// stylus-loader
* Ts config
interface ITsConfig {
compilerOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions;
exclude?: string[];
compileOnSave?: boolean;
extends?: string;
files?: string[];
include?: string[];
typeAcquisition?: ts.TypeAcquisition;

the vue cli 3 vue.config.js defination according to documentation

this is used by the ts fans who's suffering the new vue configuration;

I spent about 2 hours find these interfaces and types from types and ducument

document :

there are also some todo , i will update it soon;

to use this you need to install at least these packages:

 npm i --save-dev @types/webpack @types/webpack-chain

you need to compile this file to vue.config.js

tsc ./vue.config.ts
import { IVueCliConfig } from "./vue_config";
const devConfig: IVueCliConfig = {
devServer: {
port: 8082
const prodConfig: IVueCliConfig = {};
module.exports = process.env.NODE_ENV == "development" ? devConfig : prodConfig;
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