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Last active May 5, 2024 20:21
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  • Save Wunkolo/249646f7a922ee045c70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Wunkolo/249646f7a922ee045c70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ascii Raymarcher(old)
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <immintrin.h>
using namespace std;typedef float R;
#define _W 79
#define _H 39
#define EP 0.01f
#define OP operator
#define C const
#define E return
#define PQ M*(3.1415f/180)
union J{__m128 V;J(__m128 V):V(V){}J(R X,R Y,R Z):X(X),Y(Y),Z(Z){}struct{R X,Y,Z;};R L()C{E _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_sqrt_ss(_mm_dp_ps(V,V,0x71)));}J N()C{E _mm_mul_ps(V,_mm_rsqrt_ps(_mm_dp_ps(V,V,0x7f)));}R D(C J& O)C{E _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_dp_ps(V,O.V,0x71));}J A()C{E J{abs(X),abs(Y),abs(Z)};}J OP+(C J& O)C{E _mm_add_ps(V,O.V);}J OP-(C J& O)C{E _mm_sub_ps(V,O.V);}J OP*(C J& O)C{E _mm_mul_ps(V,O.V);}J OP/(C J& O)C{E _mm_div_ps(V,O.V);}J OP+(C R& O)C{E _mm_add_ps(V,_mm_set1_ps(O));}J OP-(C R& O)C{E _mm_sub_ps(V,_mm_set1_ps(O));}J OP*(C R& O)C{E J{_mm_mul_ps(V,_mm_set1_ps(O))};}};R BX(C J& P,J B){J D=P.A()-B;E min(max(D.X,max(D.Y, D.Z)),.0f)+J{max(D.X,.0f),max(D.Y,.0f),max(D.Z,0.0f)}.L();}R RB(C J& P,J B,R R){E BX(P,B)-R;}J RY(C J& P,R A){E J{P.Z*sin(A)+P.X*cos(A),P.Y,P.Z*cos(A)-P.X*sin(A),};}J RZ(C J& P,R A){E J{P.X*cos(A)-P.Y*sin(A),P.X*sin(A)+P.Y*cos(A),P.Z,};}static size_t M=0;R Q(C J& P){R D=P.Y+2;D=min(D,RB(RY(RZ(P,PQ),PQ),J{2,2,2},0.5f));E D;}J Nor(C J& P){E J{Q(P+J{EP,0,0})-Q(P-J{EP,0,0}),Q(P+J{0,EP,0})-Q(P-J{0,EP,0}),Q(P+J{0,0,EP})-Q(P-J{0,0,EP}),}.N();}R Y(C J& O,C J& D,bool* H){R T=0;for(size_t i=0;i<128;i++){R Y=Q(O+(D*T));if(Y<EP){*H=1;break;}T+=Y;}E T;}R B(C J& O,C J& D,R U,R I,R K){R S=1;for(R t=U;t<I;){R di=Q(O+D*t);if(di<EP){E 0;}S=min(S,K*di/t);t+=di;}E S;}int main(){J LD=J{0.5,1,0.25}.N();J G=J{0,1,-8};string S;S.reserve(_W*_H);do{M++;for(size_t y=0;y<_H;y++){for(size_t x=0;x<_W;x++){J K(x,y,1);K=K/J(_W,_H,1);K=(K*2.0)-1;K.Y=-K.Y;K.X*=_W/_H;K.Z=R(1/0.726);K=K.N();bool H=0;R Z=Y(G,K,&H);J P=G+(K*Z);if(H){J N=Nor(P);R D=N.D(LD);D*=0.5;D+=0.5;D*=D;D*=B(P,LD,R(0.5),10,10);S+=".:*oe$&#%@"[static_cast<size_t>(D*10)];}else{S+=' ';}}S+="\n";}printf("%s",S.c_str());S.clear();}while(M<360);E 0;}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#ifdef _WIN32
#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>
#include <fstream>
void CaptureScreen(HWND Window, const char* filename)
RECT WindowBounds;
GetWindowRect(Window, &WindowBounds);
int Width = WindowBounds.right - WindowBounds.left;
int Height = WindowBounds.bottom -;
std::ofstream fOut(filename, std::ios::binary);
if( !fOut ) return;
BmpHeader.bfType = 0x4d42;
BmpHeader.bfSize = 0;
BmpHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
BmpHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;
BmpHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
InfoHeader.biSize = sizeof(InfoHeader);
InfoHeader.biWidth = Width;
InfoHeader.biHeight = Height;
InfoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
InfoHeader.biBitCount = 24;
InfoHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
InfoHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
InfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
InfoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
InfoHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
InfoHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
fOut.write((char*)&BmpHeader, sizeof(BmpHeader));
fOut.write((char*)&InfoHeader, sizeof(InfoHeader));
BmpInfo.bmiHeader = InfoHeader;
HDC winDC = GetWindowDC(Window);
HDC memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(winDC);
BYTE* Buffer = 0;
HBITMAP ImageDC = CreateDIBSection(winDC, &BmpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&Buffer, 0, 0);
SelectObject(memDC, ImageDC);
BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, Width, Height, winDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
ReleaseDC(Window, winDC);
size_t Size = (((24 * Width + 31) & (~31)) / 8)*Height;
fOut.write((const char*)Buffer, Size);
typedef float Real;
#define USE_SSE
#ifdef USE_SSE
#include <pmmintrin.h>
// Simd Modulo
inline __m128 _mm_mod_ps2(const __m128& A, const __m128& Divisor)
__m128 C = _mm_div_ps(A, Divisor);
__m128i I = _mm_cvttps_epi32(C);
__m128 Trunc = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(I);
__m128 Base = _mm_mul_ps(Trunc, Divisor);
__m128 Remainder = _mm_sub_ps(A, Base);
return Remainder;
union Vec3
#ifdef USE_SSE
__m128 SimdReals;
Vec3(__m128 Vec)
Vec3(Real X, Real Y, Real Z)
X(X), Y(Y), Z(Z)
Real Reals[3];
Real X, Y, Z;
Real Length() const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return static_cast<Real>(
_mm_dp_ps(SimdReals, SimdReals, 0x71)
return static_cast<Real>(
sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z)
Vec3 Normalized() const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{ _mm_mul_ps(
this->SimdReals, _mm_rsqrt_ps(
_mm_dp_ps(this->SimdReals, this->SimdReals, 0x7f)
const Real Len = Length();
return (*this) / Len;
Real Dot(const Vec3& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return static_cast<Real>(
_mm_dp_ps(SimdReals, Other.SimdReals, 0x71)
return X * Other.X + Y * Other.Y + Z * Other.Z;
Vec3 Abs() const
return Vec3{
Vec3 operator + (const Vec3& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
_mm_add_ps(SimdReals, Other.SimdReals)
return Vec3{
X + Other.X,
Y + Other.Y,
Z + Other.Z
Vec3 operator - (const Vec3& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
X - Other.X,
Y - Other.Y,
Z - Other.Z
Vec3 operator * (const Vec3& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
X * Other.X,
Y * Other.Y,
Z * Other.Z
Vec3 operator / (const Vec3& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
X / Other.X,
Y / Other.Y,
Z / Other.Z
Vec3 operator % (const Vec3& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
Vec3 operator + (const Real& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
X + Other,
Y + Other,
Z + Other
Vec3 operator - (const Real& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
X - Other,
Y - Other,
Z - Other
Vec3 operator * (const Real& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
X * Other,
Y * Other,
Z * Other
Vec3 operator / (const Real& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
X / Other,
Y / Other,
Z / Other
Vec3 operator % (const Real& Other) const
#ifdef USE_SSE
return Vec3{
return Vec3{
fmod(Y , Other),
fmod(Z , Other)
namespace Shapes
Real Plane(const Vec3& Position, const Vec3& Normal)
return Position.Dot(Normal.Normalized());
Real Sphere(const Vec3& Position, Real Radius)
return Position.Length() - Radius;
Real Box(const Vec3& Position, Vec3 Bounds)
Vec3 Dist = Position.Abs() - Bounds;
return std::min<Real>(std::max(Dist.X, std::max<Real>(Dist.Y, Dist.Z)), 0.0) +
Vec3{ std::max<Real>(Dist.X,0.0),
std::max<Real>(Dist.Z,0.0) }.Length();
Real RoundBox(const Vec3& Position, Vec3 Bounds, Real Radius)
return Box(Position, Bounds) - Radius;
Real Capsule(const Vec3& Position, Vec3 A, Vec3 B, Real Radius)
Vec3 Pa = Position - A;
Vec3 Ba = B - A;
Real H = (Pa.Dot(Ba) / Ba.Dot(Ba));
H = std::min<Real>(0, std::max<Real>(1.0, H));
return (Pa - (Ba*H)).Length() - Radius;
Real Torus(const Vec3& Position, Real InRadius, Real OutRadius)
Vec3 Q{ Vec3{ Position.X,Position.Z,0 }.Length() - OutRadius,Position.Y,0 };
return Q.Length() - InRadius;
namespace Operations
Real Clamp(Real A, Real Min, Real Max)
const Real T = A < Min ? Min : A;
return T > Max ? Max : T;
Real Lerp(Real A, Real B, Real T)
return std::fma(T, B, std::fma(-T, A, A));
Real Union(Real A, Real B)
return std::min(A, B);
Real SmoothUnion(Real A, Real B, Real K = 1)
Power Smooth
A = std::pow(A, K);
B = std::pow(B, K);
return std::pow((A*B) / (A + B), Real(1) / K);
Real H = Clamp(Real(0.5) + Real(0.5)*(B - A) / K, 0, 1);
return Lerp(B, A, H) - (K*H*(Real(1.0) - H));
Real Intersection(Real A, Real B)
return std::max(A, B);
Real Subtract(Real A, Real B)
return Intersection(-A, B);
namespace Translate
const static Real Pi(static_cast<Real>(3.1415926535897932384626433));
Vec3 RotX(const Vec3& Position, Real Angle)
Angle *= Pi / Real(180);
return Vec3{
Position.Y * cos(Angle) - Position.Z * sin(Angle),
Position.Y * sin(Angle) + Position.Z * cos(Angle),
Vec3 RotY(const Vec3& Position, Real Angle)
Angle *= Pi / Real(180);
return Vec3{
Position.Z * sin(Angle) + Position.X * cos(Angle),
Position.Z * cos(Angle) - Position.X * sin(Angle),
Vec3 RotZ(const Vec3& Position, Real Angle)
Angle *= Pi / Real(180);
return Vec3{
Position.X * cos(Angle) - Position.Y * sin(Angle),
Position.X * sin(Angle) + Position.Y * cos(Angle),
Vec3 Repeat(const Vec3& Position, const Vec3& Bounds)
return (Position % Bounds) - (Bounds*Real(0.5));
Vec3 RepeatGround(const Vec3& Position, const Vec3& Bounds)
Vec3 Rep{ Position };
Rep.X = std::remainder(Rep.X, Bounds.X) - (Bounds.X * Real(0.5));
Rep.Z = std::remainder(Rep.Z, Bounds.Z) - (Bounds.Z * Real(0.5));
return Rep;
#define WIDTH (79)
#define HEIGHT (39)
#define PREC 0.002
static size_t Tick = 0;
//// SCENE
Real Scene(const Vec3& Point)
Real Distance = 0;
Distance = Shapes::Plane(Point, Vec3{ 0,1,0 });
Distance = Operations::Union(
Point - Vec3{ -5,2,5 }, Real(15 + Tick * 15)
Vec3{ 1,2,1 }, 0.525f)
Distance = Operations::Union(
Vec3{ 5,5,6 },
Vec3{ -5,5,6 },
Distance = Operations::SmoothUnion(
Translate::RotX(Point - Vec3{ 0,Real(0.5),12 }, 45),
Real(0.5), Real(7)
), 3
for( size_t i = 1; i < 5; i++ )
Distance = Operations::SmoothUnion(
Translate::RotX(Point - Vec3{ 0,Real(0.5),Real(12 + i * 7) }, 85), Real(i * 30 + (Tick * 5))
Real(1), Real(6)
), 3);
return Distance;
Vec3 CalcNormal(const Vec3& Point)
#define EPSILON static_cast<Real>(0.001)
return Vec3{
Scene(Point + Vec3{ EPSILON,0,0 }) - Scene(Point - Vec3{ EPSILON,0,0 }),
Scene(Point + Vec3{ 0,EPSILON,0 }) - Scene(Point - Vec3{ 0,EPSILON,0 }),
Scene(Point + Vec3{ 0,0,EPSILON }) - Scene(Point - Vec3{ 0,0,EPSILON }),
Real March(const Vec3& Origin, const Vec3& Ray, bool* Hit)
Real Distance = 0;
for( size_t i = 0; i < 128; i++ )
Real ClosestSurface = Scene(Origin + (Ray * Distance));
if( ClosestSurface < PREC )
// "Hit" a surface
if( Hit != nullptr )
*Hit = true;
Distance += ClosestSurface * Real(0.75);
return Distance;
Real Shadow(const Vec3& LightPos, const Vec3& LightDir, Real Min, Real Max, Real K)
Real Res = 1;
for( Real t = Min; t < Max;)
Real Distance = Scene(LightPos + LightDir*t);
if( Distance < PREC )
return 0.0;
Res = std::min(Res, K*Distance / t);
t += Distance;
return Res;
const char Shades[] = ".:*oe&#%@";
int main()
Vec3 LightDir = Vec3{ 1,1,1 }.Normalized();
Vec3 EyePos = Vec3{ 0,2,-6 };
std::string Screen;
Screen.reserve(WIDTH * HEIGHT);
EyePos.Z += Real(0.25);
for( size_t y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++ )
Vec3 UV{
1 };
UV = UV / Vec3{
1 };
// Recanonicalize [-1,1]
UV = (UV * 2.0) - 1.0;
// Flip Y axis
UV.Y *= Real(-1);
// Aspect Ratio Correction
//UV.X *= 0.75;
/* Fov
15deg bisec = tan((pi/12)/2) = 30 degrees fov = 0.1316524975873958
30deg bisec = tan((pi/6)/2) = 60 degrees fov = 0.26794919243112270
36deg bisec = tan(((2pi)/5)/2) = 72 degrees fov = 0.7265425280053608858
45dec bisec = tan((pi/2)/2) = 90 degrees fov = 1
UV.Z = Real(1 / 0.7265425280053608858);
UV = UV.Normalized();
bool Hit = false;
Real Distance = March(EyePos, UV, &Hit);
Vec3 Point = EyePos + (UV * Distance);
if( Hit )
Vec3 Normal = CalcNormal(Point);
Real Diffuse = Normal.Dot(LightDir);
Diffuse *= 0.5;
Diffuse += 0.5;
Diffuse *= Diffuse;
Diffuse *= Shadow(Point, LightDir, Real(0.5), 10, 10);
Screen += Shades[static_cast<size_t>(Diffuse*(sizeof(Shades) - 2))];
Screen += ' ';
Screen += "\n";
printf("%s", Screen.c_str());
#ifdef _WIN32
//CaptureScreen(GetForegroundWindow(), (std::to_string(Tick) + ".bmp").c_str());
} while( Tick < 300 );
return 0;
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Vafilor commented Dec 30, 2015

Daaang. Very cool.

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morontt commented Jan 17, 2016


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Just saw your video. This is incredible!

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