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Created August 19, 2012 02:54
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Math tools
#pragma once
//Row Major templated matrix class.
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
template <class T>
class Matrix
explicit Matrix(int r = 0, int c = 0, T init_with = T())
: rows_( r < 1 ? 4 : r), columns_( c < 1 ? 4 : c ),
data_( rows_ * columns_, init_with ) {}
template <typename U>
explicit Matrix(Matrix<U> const &other)
: rows_( other.rows() ), columns_( other.columns() ),
data_( &*other, &*other+(rows_*columns_) ) {}
//Allows data to be access as a RxC matrix such as mat(x,y)
T &operator()(int row, int column) { return data_[column+(columns_*row)]; }
//Allows data to be access as a RxC matrix such as mat(x,y)
T const &operator()(int row, int column) const { return data_[column+(columns_*row)]; }
//Returns number of rows
unsigned int rows() const { return rows_; }
//Returns number of columns
unsigned int columns() const { return columns_; }
//Access the data as a pointer
operator T*() { return data_.empty() ? (T*)NULL : &data_[0]; }
//Access the data as a pointer
operator T const*() const { return data_.empty() ? 0 : &data_[0]; }
Matrix &operator+=(const Matrix& other)
if ( rows() != other.rows() || columns() != other.columns() ) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Unable to add: Matrices must have same dimensions.");
std::transform( data_.begin(), data_.end(),
std::plus<T>() );
return *this;
Matrix &operator-=(const Matrix& other)
if ( rows() != other.rows() || columns() != other.columns() ) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Unable to subtract: Matrices must have same dimensions.");
std::transform( data_.begin(), data_.end(),
std::minus<T>() );
return *this;
template <class U>
friend const Matrix<U> operator*(const Matrix<U>& one, const Matrix<U>& two);
Matrix &operator*=(const Matrix& other)
return *this = *this * other;
Matrix &operator*=(T const &scale)
std::transform( data_.begin(), data_.end(),
std::bind2nd( std::multiplies<T>(), scale ) );
return *this;
Matrix &operator/=(T const &scale)
std::transform( data_.begin(), data_.end(),
std::bind2nd( std::divides<T>(), scale ) );
return *this;
Matrix &operator+=(T const &add)
std::transform( data_.begin(), data_.end(),
std::bind2nd( std::plus<T>(), add ) );
return *this;
Matrix &operator-=(T const &sub)
std::transform( data_.begin(), data_.end(),
std::bind2nd( std::minus<T>(), sub ) );
return *this;
//Number of elements in the matrix
std::size_t Count() const
return data_.size();
//Size of the matrix in bytes
std::size_t Size() const
return data_.size()*sizeof(T);
//Loads identity matrix
//Matrix size must be that of a square.
void LoadIdentity() const
if ( rows() != columns() )
throw std::invalid_argument("Identity matrice only works on squared matrices.");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<rows(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<columns(); j++)
i==j ? (operator()( i, j ) = static_cast<T>(1.0)) : 0;
//Returned the transposed matrix such that rows become columns
//Useful for openGL
Matrix<T> Transpose() const
if ( rows() != columns() )
throw std::invalid_argument("Transposition can only occur for squared matrices");
Matrix<T> trans(rows(),columns());
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < rows(); i++)
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < columns(); j++)
trans(j,i) = operator()(i,j);
return trans;
//Returns the cofactor of the matrix
Matrix<T> Cofactor() const
if ( rows() != columns() )
throw std::invalid_argument("Transposition can only occur for squared matrices");
Matrix<T> result(rows(),columns());
case 1:
case 2:
result(0,0) = operator()(1,1);
result(0,1) = -operator()(1,0);
result(1,0) = -operator()(0,1);
result(1,1) = operator()(0,0);
std::vector<std::vector<Matrix<T>>>temp;//oh god.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rows(); i++)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows(); i ++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < columns(); j ++)
temp[i][j] = Matrix<T>(rows()-1,columns()-1);
for(unsigned int k1 = 0; k1 < rows(); k1++)
for(unsigned int k2 = 0; k2 < rows(); k2++)
unsigned int i1 = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rows(); i++)
unsigned int j1 = 0;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < rows(); j++)
if ( k1 == i || k2 == j)
(temp[k1][k2])(i1,j1++) = operator()(i,j);
if (k1 != i)
bool sign = true;
for(unsigned int k1 = 0; k1 < rows(); k1++)
sign = ((k1 % 2) == 0);
for(unsigned int k2 = 0; k2 < rows(); k2++)
if(sign == true)
result(k1,k2) = -temp[k1][k2].Determinant();
sign = false;
result(k1,k2) = temp[k1][k2].Determinant();
sign = true;
return result;
//Returns the adjugate of the matrix.
Matrix<T> Adjugate() const
if ( rows() != columns() )
throw std::invalid_argument("Transposition can only occur for squared matrices");
return Cofactor().Transpose();
//Returns the inverse of the matrix
Matrix<T> Inverse() const
T d = Determinant();
if ( std::abs(d) < std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon())
throw std::runtime_error("Inverse matrix does not exist.");
return Adjugate() / Determinant();
//Returns the determinate of the matrix
T Determinant() const
if ( rows() != columns() )
throw std::invalid_argument("Determinant can only be calculated"
"on sqared matrices");
T result = static_cast<T>(0);
case 1:
result = operator()(0,0);
case 2:
result = operator()(0,0) * operator()(1,1) - operator()(0,1) * operator()(1,0);
Matrix<T> recur(rows()-1,columns()-1);
for(unsigned int count = 0; count < rows(); count++)
unsigned int icount = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < rows(); i++)
unsigned int jcount = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < rows(); j++)
if ( j == count) continue;
recur(icount,jcount) = operator()(i,j);
result += pow(-1,count) * operator()(0,count) * recur.Determinant();
return result;
//Returns the trace of the matrix
T trace() const
if ( rows() != columns() )
throw std::invalid_argument("Transposition can only occur for squared matrices");
T result = (T)0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows(); i++)
result += operator()(i,i);
return result;
template <typename U>
Matrix &operator=(Matrix<U> const &other)
// note that the assign needs to be done first for exception safety.
data_.assign( other.data_.begin(), other.data_.end() );
rows_ = other.rows_;
columns_ = other.columns_;
return *this;
unsigned int rows_;
unsigned int columns_;
std::vector<T> data_;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator+(Matrix<T> one, Matrix<T> const &two)
return one += two;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator-(Matrix<T> one, Matrix<T> const &two)
return one -= two;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator*(const Matrix<T>& one, const Matrix<T>& two)
if ( one.columns() != two.rows() ) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Matrices can only be multiplied if the first has"
" exactly as many columns as the second has rows.");
Matrix<T> result( one.rows(), two.columns() );
for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.rows(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<result.columns(); j++)
for (unsigned int a=0; a<one.columns(); a++)
result(i,j) += one(i,a) * two(a,j);
return result;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator*(Matrix<T> one, T const &factor)
return one *= factor;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator*(T const &factor, Matrix<T> one)
return one *= factor;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator+(Matrix<T> one, T const &add)
return one += add;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator+(T const &add, Matrix<T> one)
return one += add;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator-(Matrix<T> one, T const &sub)
return one += sub;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator-(T const &sub, Matrix<T> one)
return one += sub;
template <class T>
const Matrix<T> operator/(Matrix<T> one, T const &factor)
return one /= factor;
template <typename T, typename U>
bool operator==(Matrix<T> const &one, Matrix<U> const &two)
return (one.rows() == two.rows()
&& one.columns() == two.columns()
&& std::equal( &*one, &*one + one.rows()*one.columns(),
&*two ));
template <typename T, typename U>
bool operator!=(Matrix<T> const &one, Matrix<U> const &two)
return !( one == two );
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Matrix<T>& mat)
for (unsigned int i=0; i< mat.rows(); i++) {
os << "[";
for (unsigned int j=0; j<mat.columns(); j++) {
os << mat(i,j);
if ( j+1 < mat.columns() )
os << "\t";
os << "]" << std::endl;
return os;
//Remember, column major so you must do Vertex * Matrix and not Matrix * Vertex.
//In openGL if you do not transpose you must do the same as well in GLSL.
//Really this should be a 3x3 matrix to allow for translations but vectors
//can simply be added to each other to save memory and to allow for packed vertex arrays
//without the additional W value.
template <class T>
class Matrix2D : public Matrix<T>
Matrix2D() : Matrix<T>(3,3)
//Returns a matrix used for scaling.
static const Matrix2D<T> Scale(T factor)
Matrix2D<T> temp;
temp(0,0) = factor;
temp(1,1) = factor;
return temp;
//Returns a matrix used for scaling.
static const Matrix2D<T> Scale(T xfactor, T yfactor)
Matrix2D<T> temp;
temp(0,0) = xfactor;
temp(1,1) = yfactor;
return temp;
//Returns a matrix used for rotation.
//Counter clock-wise with the X axis being 0 degrees.
static const Matrix2D<T> RotateAng(T angle)
//Just convert it to rads
return RotateRad(angle*(M_PI/180));
//Returns a matrix used for rotation.
//Counter clock-wise with the X axis being 0 radians.
static const Matrix2D<T> RotateRad(T radian)
Matrix2D<T> temp;
temp(0,0) = cos(radian);
temp(0,1) = sin(radian);
temp(1,0) = -sin(radian);
temp(1,1) = cos(radian);
return temp;
//Returns a matrix used for translation
static const Matrix2D<T> Translate(T x,T y)
Matrix2D<T> temp;
temp(2,0) = x;
temp(2,1) = y;
return temp;
typedef Matrix2D<double> Matrix2Dd;
typedef Matrix2D<float> Matrix2Df;
typedef Matrix2D<int> Matrix2Di;
typedef Matrix2D<unsigned int> Matrix2Dui;
//Remember, column major so you must do Vertex * Matrix and not Matrix * Vertex.
//In openGL if you do not transpose you must do the same as well in GLSL.
//Really this should be a 4x4 matrix to allow for translations but vectors
//can simply be added to each other to save memory and to allow for packed vertex arrays
//without the additional W value.
template <class T>
class Matrix3D : public Matrix<T>
Matrix3D() : Matrix<T>(4,4)
//Returns a matrix used for scaling.
static const Matrix3D<T> Scale(T factor)
Matrix3D<T> temp;
temp(0,0) = factor;
temp(1,1) = factor;
temp(2,2) = factor;
return temp;
//Returns a matrix used for scaling.
static const Matrix3D<T> Scale(T xfactor, T yfactor, T zfactor)
Matrix3D<T> temp;
temp(0,0) = xfactor;
temp(1,1) = yfactor;
temp(2,2) = zfactor;
return temp;
//Returns a matrix used for X axis rotation.
static const Matrix3D<T> RotateXAng(T angle)
//Just convert it to rads
return rotateXRad(angle*(M_PI/180));
//Returns a matrix used for Z axis rotation.
static const Matrix3D<T> RotateXRad(T radian)
Matrix3D<T> temp;
temp(1,1) = cos(radian);
temp(1,2) = sin(radian);
temp(2,1) = -sin(radian);
temp(2,2) = cos(radian);
return temp;
//Returns a matrix used for Y axis rotation.
static const Matrix3D<T> RotateYAng(T angle)
//Just convert it to rads
return rotateZRad(angle*(M_PI/180));
//Returns a matrix used for Y axis rotation.
static const Matrix3D<T> RotateYRad(T radian)
Matrix3D<T> temp;
temp(0,0) = cos(radian);
temp(0,2) = sin(radian);
temp(2,0) = -sin(radian);
temp(2,2) = cos(radian);
return temp;
//Returns a matrix used for Z axis rotation.
static const Matrix3D<T> RotateZAng(T angle)
//Just convert it to rads
return rotateZRad(angle*(M_PI/180));
//Returns a matrix used for Z axis rotation.
static const Matrix3D<T> RotateZRad(T radian)
Matrix3D<T> temp;
temp(0,0) = cos(radian);
temp(0,1) = sin(radian);
temp(1,0) = -sin(radian);
temp(1,1) = cos(radian);
return temp;
//Returns a matrix used for traslation
static const Matrix3D<T> Translate(T x,T y, T z)
Matrix3D<T> temp;
temp(3,0) = x;
temp(3,1) = y;
temp(3,2) = z;
return temp;
typedef Matrix3D<double> Matrix3Dd;
typedef Matrix3D<float> Matrix3Df;
typedef Matrix3D<int> Matrix3Di;
typedef Matrix3D<unsigned int> Matrix3Dui;
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "Matrix.hpp"
#include "Vector.hpp"
template<class T>
class Quaternion
T w,x,y,z;
Quaternion(const T &w, const T &x, const T &y, const T &z): w(w), x(x), y(y), z(z) {};
Quaternion(const T &x, const T &y, const T &z): w(T()), x(x), y(y), z(z) {};
Quaternion(const Vector3D<T> &vec): w(T()), x(vec.x()), y(vec.y()), z(vec.z()) {};
Quaternion(const T &real): w(r), x(T()), y(T()), z(T()) {};
Quaternion(): w(T()), x(T()), y(T()), z(T()) {};
//Creates quaternion from matrix
Quaternion(const Matrix<T> &mat)
if ( mat.rows() == 3 && mat.columns() == 3 ||
mat.rows() == 4 && mat.columns() == 4)
if ( mat.trace() > (T)0)
T S = 0.5 / sqrt(mat.trace());
w = (T)0.25 / S;
x = ( mat(2,2) - mat(1,2)) * S;
y = ( mat(0,2) - mat(2,0)) * S;
z = ( mat(1,0) - mat(0,1)) * S;
//find out which column has the greatest value.
unsigned int i = 0;
if ( mat(1,1) > mat(0,0))
i = 1;
if ( mat(2,2) > mat(1,1))
i = 2;
//depending on the largest column, calculate the quaternion
switch (i)
case 0:
T S = mat.trace();
x = (T)0.5 / S;
y = ( mat(0,1) + mat(1,0) ) / S;
z = ( mat(0,2) + mat(2,0) ) / S;
w = ( mat (1,2) + mat(2,1) ) / S;
case 1:
T S = mat.trace();
x = ( mat(0,1) + mat(1,0) ) / S;
y = (T)0.5 / S;
z = ( mat (1,2) + mat(2,1) ) / S;
w = ( mat(0,2) + mat(2,0) ) / S;
case 2:
T S = mat.trace();
x = ( mat(0,2) + mat(2,0) ) / S;
y = ( mat (1,2) + mat(2,1) ) / S;
z = (T)0.5 / S;
w = ( mat(0,1) + mat(1,0) ) / S;
throw std::invalid_argument("Only 3x3 and 4x4 matrices may be converted "
"into quaternions.");
//Creates a quaternion from the given axis and angle(in degrees)
Quaternion(Vector3D<T> axis, T angle)
Quaternion<T> temp = AxisAngle(axis,angle);
x = temp.x;
y = temp.y;
z = temp.z;
w = temp.w;
Quaternion(const Quaternion<T> &quat): w(quat.w), x(quat.x), y(quat.y), z(quat.z) {};
Quaternion<T>& operator=(const Quaternion &quat)
w=quat.w; x=quat.x; y=quat.y; z=quat.z; return *this;
Quaternion<T> operator-() const
return Quaternion<T>(-w, -x, -y, -z);
T Squared() const
return (T)w*w + x*x + y*y + z*z;
T Norm() const
return (T)(w*w + x*x + y*y + z*z);
T Length() const
return ( sqrt( Norm() ) );
Quaternion<T> Normalized() const
return Quaternion<T>(w/Length(),x/Length(),y/Length(),z/Length());
Quaternion<T> Conjugate() const
return Quaternion<T>(w, -x, -y, -z);
Quaternion<T> Inverse() const
return Quaternion<T>(Conjugate() *=((T)1/Norm()));
T DotProduct(const Quaternion<T> & quat) const
return (w*quat.w + x*quat.x + y*quat.y + z*quat.z);
Quaternion<T> Exponent() const
Quaternion<T> quat;
T theta = sqrt(Vector3D<T>(x,y,z).DotProduct(Vector3D<T>(x,y,z))),
sinTheta = sin(theta);
quat.w = cos(theta);
if(std::abs(sinTheta) > (T)0)
quat.x = x/sinTheta*theta;
quat.y = y/sinTheta*theta;
quat.z = z/sinTheta*theta;
quat.x = x;
quat.y = y;
quat.z = z;
return quat;
Quaternion<T> Power(const T t) const
return Quaternion<T>((Log()*t).Exponent());
Quaternion<T> Log() const
Quaternion<T> quat;
quat.w = 0;
T theta = acos(w),sinTheta = sin(theta);
if(std::abs(sinTheta) > 0)
quat.x = x/sinTheta*theta;
quat.y = y/sinTheta*theta;
quat.z = z/sinTheta*theta;
quat.x = x;
quat.y = y;
quat.z = z;
return quat;
Quaternion<T> Slerp(const Quaternion<T> &quat, const T t) const
if(DotProduct(quat) >= (T)0)
return (*this) * ((Inverse() * quat).Power(t));
return (*this) * ((Inverse()* (T)-1 * quat).Power(t));
//Returns the quaternion as a rotation matrix
Matrix3D<T> RotationMatrix() const
Matrix3D<T> result;
result(0,0) = (T)1 - (T)2 * (y*y + z*z);
result(0,1) = (T)2 * (x*y - z*w);
result(0,2) = (T)2 * (x*z + y*w);
result(1,0) = (T)2 * (x*z + y*w);
result(1,1) = (T)1 - (T)2 * (x*x + z*z);
result(1,2) = (T)2 * (y*z - x*w);
result(2,0) = (T)2 * (x*z - y*w);
result(2,1) = (T)2 * (y*z + x*w);
result(2,2) = (T)1 - (T)2 * (x*x + y*y);
result(0,3) = result(1,3) = result(2,3) = result(3,0) = result(3,1) = result(3,2) = (T)0;
result(3,3) = 1;
return result;
static const Quaternion<T> Euler(T pitch, T yaw, T roll)
Quaternion<T> qx, qy, qz;
qx = AxisAngle(Vector3D<T>::Xaxis(),pitch);
qy = AxisAngle(Vector3D<T>::Yaxis(),yaw);
qz = AxisAngle(Vector3D<T>::Zaxis(),roll);
return ((qx * qy) * qz);
static const Quaternion<T> AxisAngle(const Vector3D<T> &axis, T angle)
T sina = sin( angle*M_PI/180 / 2);
T cosa = cos( angle*M_PI/180 / 2);
Quaternion<T> temp;
temp.x = axis.x() * sina;
temp.y = axis.y() * sina;
temp.z = axis.z() * sina;
temp.w = cosa;
temp = temp.Normalized();
return temp;
Quaternion& operator+=(const T &real)
{ w += real; return *this; }
Quaternion& operator+=(const Quaternion &quat)
{ w += quat.w; x += quat.x; y += quat.y; z += quat.z; return *this; }
Quaternion& operator-=(const T &real)
{ w -= real; return *this; }
Quaternion& operator-=(const Quaternion &quat)
{ w -= quat.w; x -= quat.x; y -= quat.y; z -= quat.z; return *this; }
Quaternion& operator*=(const T &real)
{ w *= real; x *= real; y *= real; z *= real; return *this; }
Quaternion& operator*=(const Quaternion &quat)
Quaternion<T> old(*this);
w = old.w*quat.w - old.x*quat.x - old.y*quat.y - old.z*quat.z;
x = old.w*quat.x + old.x*quat.w + old.y*quat.z - old.z*quat.y;
y = old.w*quat.y + old.y*quat.w + old.z*quat.x - old.x*quat.z;
z = old.w*quat.z + old.z*quat.w + old.x*quat.y - old.y*quat.x;
return *this;
Vector3D<T> operator*(const Vector3D<T> &vec)
return vec*(*this);
Quaternion operator+(const T &real) const { return Quaternion(*this) += real; }
Quaternion operator+(const Quaternion &quat) const { return Quaternion(*this) += quat; }
Quaternion operator-(const T &real) const { return Quaternion(*this) -= real; }
Quaternion operator-(const Quaternion &quat) const { return Quaternion(*this) -= quat; }
Quaternion operator*(const T &real) const { return Quaternion(*this) *= real; }
Quaternion operator*(const Quaternion &quat) const { return Quaternion(*this) *= quat; }
Quaternion operator/(const T &real) const { return Quaternion(*this) /= real; }
Quaternion operator/(const Quaternion &quat) const { return Quaternion(*this) /= quat; }
bool operator==(const Quaternion &quat) const
{ return (w == quat.w) && (x == quat.x) && (y == quat.y) && (z == quat.z); }
bool operator!=(const Quaternion &quat) const { return !operator==(q); }
template<class T> friend Quaternion<T> operator+(const T &real, const Quaternion<T> &quat);
template<class T> friend Quaternion<T> operator-(const T &real, const Quaternion<T> &quat);
template<class T> friend Quaternion<T> operator*(const T &real, const Quaternion<T> &quat);
template<class T> friend Quaternion<T> operator/(const T &real, const Quaternion<T> &quat);
template<class T> friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Quaternion<T> &quat);
// Friend functions need to be outside the actual class definition
template<class T>
Quaternion<T> operator+(const T &real, const Quaternion<T> &quat)
return quat+real;
template<class T>
Quaternion<T> operator-(const T &real, const Quaternion<T> &quat)
return Quaternion<T>(real-quat.w, quat.x, quat.y, quat.z);
template<class T>
Quaternion<T> operator*(const T &real, const Quaternion<T> &quat)
return quat*real;
//Multiplying a vector and a quat returns the rotated vector
template<class T>
Vector3D<T> operator*(const Vector3D<T> &vec, const Quaternion<T> &quat)
Vector3D<T> vn(vec);
//vn = vn.Unit();
Quaternion<T> vecquat, resQuat;
vecquat.x = vn.x();
vecquat.y = vn.y();
vecquat.z = vn.z();
vecquat.w = (T)0;
resQuat = vecquat * quat.Conjugate();
resQuat = (quat) * resQuat;
return (Vector3D<T>(resQuat.x,resQuat.y,resQuat.z));
template<class T>
Quaternion<T> operator/(const T &real, const Quaternion<T> &quat)
T n(quat.Squared());
return Quaternion<T>(real*quat.w/n, -real*quat.x/n, -real*quat.y/n, -real*quat.z/n);
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Quaternion<T> &quat)
os << "(";
os << quat.w;
(quat.x < T()) ? (os << " - " << (-quat.x) << "i") : (os << " + " << quat.x << "i");
(quat.y < T()) ? (os << " - " << (-quat.y) << "j") : (os << " + " << quat.y << "j");
(quat.z < T()) ? (os << " - " << (-quat.z) << "k") : (os << " + " << quat.z << "k");
os << ")" << std::endl;
return os;
typedef Quaternion<double> Quaterniond;
typedef Quaternion<float> Quaternionf;
typedef Quaternion<int> Quaternioni;
typedef Quaternion<unsigned int> Quaternionui;
#pragma once
#include "Matrix.hpp"
template <class T>
class Vector2D : public Matrix<T>
Vector2D() : Matrix<T>(1,3)
operator()(0,2) = 1;
Vector2D(T x, T y) : Matrix<T>(1,3)
operator()(0,0) = x;
operator()(0,1) = y;
operator()(0,2) = 1;
Vector2D(T angle) : Matrix<T>(1,3)
operator()(0,0) = (T)cos(angle);
operator()(0,1) = (T)sin(angle);
operator()(0,2) = 1;
const static Vector2D<T> Xaxis()
return Vector2D<T>(1,0);
const static Vector2D<T> Yaxis()
return Vector2D<T>(0,1);
T x() const { return operator()(0,0);}
T& x() { return operator()(0,0);}
T y() const { return operator()(0,1);}
T& y() { return operator()(0,1);}
T w() const { return operator()(0,2);}
T& w() { return operator()(0,2);}
Vector2D<T> operator- ()
return Vector2D<T>(-x(),-y());
//Returns vector length
T Length() const
return sqrt(x()*x() + y()*y());
//Returns normalized vector
Vector2D<T> Unit() const
Vector2D<T> temp(*this);
temp.x() /= Length();
temp.y() /= Length();
return temp;
//Returns dot product of two vectors
T DotProduct(Vector2D<T> other) const
return x()*other.x() + y()*other.y();
//Returns the vector Projected onto this one.
Vector2D<T> Project(Vector2D<T> other) const
Vector2D<T> temp(*this);
temp = temp.Unit();
temp *= DotProduct(other);
return temp;
//Returns the signed area of two vectors
//divide this by two to get the area of a triangle.
T Wedgeproduct(Vector2D<T> other) const
return x()*other.y() - y()*other.x();
//Returns the vector perpendicular to this one
//It is preferred that it "points" to the "left" of the vector
//so that the perpendicular of the X axis is the Y axis.
Vector2D<T> Perpendicular() const
Vector2D<T> temp(*this);
temp.x() = -y();
temp.y() = x();
return temp;
//Returns the current vector as an angle.
//Counter clock-wise with the x axis being angle 0
T Angle() const
return (T)Radian()*180/M_PI;
//Returns the current vector as a radian.
//Counter clock-wise with the x axis being angle 0
T Radian() const
return (T)atan2(y(),x());
//Returns the angle between this vector and another
//Counter clock-wise with the x axis being angle 0
T Angle(Vector2D<T> other) const
return (T)Radian(other)*180/M_PI;
//Returns the radian between this vector and another
//Counter clock-wise with the x axis being angle 0
T Radian(Vector2D<T> other) const
return (T)atan2(other.y(),other.x()) - (T)atan2(y(),x());
typedef Vector2D<double> Vector2Dd;
typedef Vector2D<float> Vector2Df;
typedef Vector2D<int> Vector2Di;
typedef Vector2D<unsigned int> Vector2Dui;
template <class T>
class Vector3D : public Matrix<T>
Vector3D() : Matrix<T>(1,4)
operator()(0,3) = 1;
Vector3D(T x, T y, T z) : Matrix<T>(1,4)
operator()(0,0) = x;
operator()(0,1) = y;
operator()(0,2) = z;
operator()(0,3) = 1;
//Create vector from pitch and yaw angles(in degrees).
//The X axis is the origin of all rotations mathematically
Vector3D(T yaw,T pitch) : Matrix<T>(1,4)
operator()(0,0) = cos(pitch*M_PI/180)*cos(yaw*M_PI/180);
operator()(0,1) = cos(pitch*M_PI/180)*sin(yaw*M_PI/180);
operator()(0,2) = sin(pitch*M_PI/180);
operator()(0,3) = 1;
const static Vector3D<T> Xaxis()
return Vector3D<T>(1,0,0);
const static Vector3D<T> Yaxis()
return Vector3D<T>(0,1,0);
const static Vector3D<T> Zaxis()
return Vector3D<T>(0,0,1);
T x() const { return operator()(0,0);}
T& x() { return operator()(0,0);}
T y() const { return operator()(0,1);}
T& y() { return operator()(0,1);}
T z() const { return operator()(0,2);}
T& z() { return operator()(0,2);}
T w() const { return operator()(0,3);}
T& w() { return operator()(0,3);}
Vector3D<T> operator- ()
return Vector3D<T>(-x(),-y(),-z());
//Returns vector length
T Length() const
return sqrt(x()*x() + y()*y() + z()*z());
//Returns normalized vector
Vector3D<T> Unit() const
Vector3D<T> temp(*this);
temp.x() /= Length();
temp.y() /= Length();
temp.z() /= Length();
return temp;
//Returns dot product of two vectors
T DotProduct(Vector3D<T> other) const
return x()*other.x() + y()*other.y() + z()*other.z();
//Returns the cross product vector of this vector to another
Vector3D<T> CrossProduct(Vector3D<T> other) const
Vector3D<T> temp(*this);
temp.x() = y()*other.z() - z() * other.y();
temp.y() = z() * other.x() - x() * other.z();
temp.z() = x() * other.y() - y() * other.x();
return temp;
//Returns the angle between this vector and another
T Angle(Vector3D<T> other) const
return (T)Radian(other)*180/M_PI;
//Returns the radian between this vector and another
T Radian(Vector3D<T> other) const
return (T)acos((*this).Unit().DotProduct(other.Unit()));
typedef Vector3D<double> Vector3Dd;
typedef Vector3D<float> Vector3Df;
typedef Vector3D<int> Vector3Di;
typedef Vector3D<unsigned int> Vector3Dui;
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