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Last active December 14, 2019 01:19
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' Procedure : printAllFormNames
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function is called to debug all form names
' Params    : none
' Returns   : none
' Test      : none

Public Function printAllFormNames()
    Dim db As Object
    Set db = Application.CurrentProject
    Dim frm As AccessObject
    For Each frm In db.AllForms
    Next frm
End Function

' Procedure : closeForm
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function is called to close a form
' Params    : none
' Returns   : none
' Test      : none

Public Function closeForm(formName As String)
    DoCmd.Close acForm, formName
End Function

' Procedure : openForm
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function is called to open a form
' Params    : formName as string
'           : openArgs as string - OPTIONAL
'           : formFilter as string - OPTIONAL
' Returns   : none
' Test      : none

Public Function openForm(formName As String, Optional openArgs As String = "", Optional formFilter As String = "")
    If formFilter = "" Then
        DoCmd.openForm formName, acNormal, , , , , openArgs
        DoCmd.openForm formName, acNormal, , formFilter, , , openArgs
    End If
End Function

' Procedure : setFormOrderBy
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function is sets a forms order by property and toggles between DESC and ASC
' Params    : formName as Form object
'           : orderByField As string
' Returns   : none
' Test      : none

Public Function setFormOrderBy(formName As Form, orderByField As String)
    If [formName].OrderBy = [orderByField] & " ASC" Then
        [formName].OrderBy = [orderByField] & " DESC"
        [formName].OrderByOn = True
    ElseIf ([formName].OrderBy = [orderByField] & " DESC") Then
        [formName].OrderBy = [orderByField] & " ASC"
        [formName].OrderByOn = True
        [formName].OrderBy = [orderByField] & " DESC"
        [formName].OrderByOn = True
    End If

End Function

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

' Procedure : properCase
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function proper cases a string
' Params    : toFix as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function properCase(toFix As String) As String
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        properCase = StrConv(toFix, vbProperCase)
        Exit Function
    properCase = toFix
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : upperCase
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function uppercases a string
' Params    : toFix as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function upperCase(toFix As String) As String
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        upperCase = StrConv(toFix, vbUpperCase)
        Exit Function
    upperCase = toFix
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : lowerCase
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function lowercases a string
' Params    : toFix as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function lowerCase(toFix As String) As String
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        lowerCase = StrConv(toFix, vbLowerCase)
        Exit Function
    lowerCase = toFix
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : ucFirst
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function uppercases the first letter of a string
' Params    : toFix as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function ucFirst(toFix As String) As String
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        ucFirst = StrConv(Left(toFix, 1), vbUpperCase) & Right(toFix, Len(toFix) - 1)
        Exit Function
    ucFirst = toFix
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : lcFirst
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function lowercases the first letter of a string
' Params    : toFix as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function lcFirst(toFix As String) As String
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        lcFirst = StrConv(Left(toFix, 1), vbLowerCase) & Right(toFix, Len(toFix) - 1)
        Exit Function
    lcFirst = toFix
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : escapeSQL
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function escapes a string for use in an SQL statement
' Params    : originalString as string
'           : deleteSingleQuotes as boolean - OPTIONAL
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function escapeSQL(originalString As String, Optional deleteSingleQuotes As Boolean = True) As String

    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        If IsNull(originalString) Then
            escapeSQL = ""
            Exit Function
        End If
        If deleteSingleQuotes = True Then
            originalString = Replace(originalString, "'", "")
            originalString = Replace(originalString, ";", "")
            escapeSQL = originalString
            Exit Function
            originalString = Replace(originalString, "'", "''")
            originalString = Replace(originalString, ";", "")
            escapeSQL = originalString
            Exit Function
        End If
    escapeSQL = originalString
    Exit Function

End Function

' Procedure : stripPhoneNumber
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function strips the extra characters from a phone number
' Params    : phoneNumber as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function stripPhoneNumber(phoneNumber As String) As String
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        If (IsNull(phoneNumber) Or IsEmpty(phoneNumber)) Then
            stripPhoneNumber = ""
            Exit Function
        End If
        phoneNumber = Replace(phoneNumber, "(", "")
        phoneNumber = Replace(phoneNumber, ")", "")
        phoneNumber = Replace(phoneNumber, "-", "")
        phoneNumber = Replace(phoneNumber, " ", "")
        stripPhoneNumber = phoneNumber
        Exit Function
    stripPhoneNumber = phoneNumber
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : formatPhoneNumber
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function adds the proper formatting to a plain phone number
' Params    : phoneNumber as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber As String) As String

On Error GoTo failGracefully
    phoneNumber = stripPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
    formatPhoneNumber = "(" & Left(phoneNumber, 3) & ") " & Right(Left(phoneNumber, 6), 3) & "-" & Right(phoneNumber, 4)
    Exit Function
    phoneNumber = phoneNumber
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : stripSSN
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function strips the dashes from SSN strings
' Params    : toFix as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function stripSSN(toFix As String) As String
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        toFix = Replace(toFix, "-", "")
        toFix = Replace(toFix, " ", "")
        stripSSN = toFix
        Exit Function
    stripSSN = toFix
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : formatSSN
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function adds dashes to a plain SSN
' Params    : SSN as string
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function formatSSN(SSN As String) As String
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        SSN = stripSSN(SSN)
        formatSSN = Left(SSN, 3) & "-" & Right(Left(SSN, 5), 2) & "-" & Right(SSN, 4)
        Exit Function
    formatSSN = SSN
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : notNull
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function checks if a value is null
' Params    : value as variant
' Returns   : bool
' Test      : none

Public Function notNull(value As Variant) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo failGracefully
        If (Not IsNull(value) And value <> "") Then
            notNull = True
            notNull = False
        End If
        Exit Function

    notNull = False
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : contains
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : This function checks if given strings occurs in a base string
' Params    : toCheck as string
'           : searchTerms as paramArray
' Returns   : bool
' Test      : none

Public Function contains(toCheck As String, ParamArray searchTerms()) As Boolean
    Dim term As Variant
    contains = False
    For Each term In searchTerms
        If InStr(toCheck, term) <> 0 Then
            GoTo doesContainString
        End If
    Exit Function
    contains = True
    Exit Function
End Function

' Procedure : interpolate
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : Interpolates given values into a given string based on indentifiers.
'             The indentifiers is a increasing interger wrapped in colons, example :1: or :2:
' Params    : base as string
'           : terms as paramArray
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function interpolate(base As String, ParamArray terms()) As String

    Dim term, currentNumber, currentIdentifier, returnString As Variant
    currentNumber = 1
    returnString = base
    For Each term In terms
        currentIdentifier = ":" & CStr(currentNumber) & ":"
        returnString = Replace(returnString, currentIdentifier, term)
        currentNumber = currentNumber + 1
    interpolate = returnString

End Function

' Procedure : truncate
' Author    : Wyatt Castaneda
' Date      : 10/19/2018
' Purpose   : Truncates a string to the desired length, and optionally adds a padding
'           : string at the end. Note padding string is not included in length
' Params    : originalStr as string
'           : length as integer
'           : paddingString as string - OPTIONAL
' Returns   : string
' Test      : none

Public Function truncate(originalStr As String, length As Integer, Optional paddingString = "") As String
    truncate = Trim(Left(originalStr, length)) & paddingString
End Function
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