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Last active January 6, 2021 00:05
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  • Save WyattCast44/5156eb0316cb4651f7bbf64e06741b10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WyattCast44/5156eb0316cb4651f7bbf64e06741b10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A collection of VBA for MS Access functions related to dealing with the filesystem
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'' Function: createFolder
'' ===========================================
'' Params
'' ===========================================
'' - path (string|required): The path to create the folder
'' - failIfAlreadyExists (boolean|optional|default=False): If the folder already exists should the function indicate failure
'' - successCallback (string|optional|default=Null): The function to call on success, must conform to standard success callback interface
'' - errorCallback (string|optional|default=Null): The function to call on error, must conform to standard success callback interface
'' Return
'' ===========================================
'' - boolean
'' Author
'' ===========================================
'' - Wyatt Castaneda
'' References
'' ===========================================
'' -
Public Function createFolder(path As String, Optional failIfAlreadyExists As Boolean = False, Optional successCallback As Variant = Null, Optional errorCallback As Variant = Null) As Boolean
On Error GoTo handleError
Dim FSO As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If path <> "" Then
FSO.createFolder path
End If
If FSO.folderExists(path) Then
GoTo handleSuccess
GoTo handleError
End If
Exit Function
createFolder = True
If Not IsNull(successCallback) Then
Application.Run successCallback, path
End If
GoTo cleanUp
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 58 And Not failIfAlreadyExists Then
createFolder = True
GoTo handleSuccess
createFolder = False
If Not IsNull(errorCallback) Then
Application.Run errorCallback, Err.Number, Err.Description, "createFolder", path
End If
End If
GoTo cleanUp
Set FSO = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'' Function: deleteFile
'' ===========================================
'' Params
'' ===========================================
'' - path (string|required): The path to the file to delete
'' - failIfAlreadyExists (boolean|optional|default=False): If the file does not exists, should the function indicate failure
'' - successCallback (string|optional|default=Null): The function to call on success, must conform to standard success callback interface. successCallback(functionName, path)
'' - errorCallback (string|optional|default=Null): The function to call on error, must conform to standard success callback interface
'' Return
'' ===========================================
'' - boolean
'' Author
'' ===========================================
'' - Wyatt Castaneda
'' References
'' ===========================================
'' -
Public Function deleteFile(path As String, Optional failIfFileDoesntExist As Boolean = False, Optional successCallback As Variant = Null, Optional errorCallback As Variant = Null) As Boolean
On Error GoTo handleError
Dim FSO As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.fileExists(path) Then
FSO.deleteFile path
GoTo handleSuccess
If failIfFileDoesntExist Then
GoTo handleError
GoTo handleSuccess
End If
End If
Exit Function
deleteFile = True
If Not IsNull(successCallback) Then
Application.Run successCallback, path
End If
GoTo cleanUp
Exit Function
deleteFile = False
If Not IsNull(errorCallback) Then
Application.Run errorCallback, Err.Number, Err.Description, "deleteFile", path
End If
GoTo cleanUp
Exit Function
Set FSO = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'' Function: deleteFolder
'' ===========================================
'' Params
'' ===========================================
'' - path (string|required): The path to the folder to delete
'' - failIfDoesNotExist (boolean|optional|default=False): If the folder does not exist, should the function indicate failure
'' - successCallback (string|optional|default=Null): The function to call on success, must conform to standard success callback interface
'' - errorCallback (string|optional|default=Null): The function to call on error, must conform to standard success callback interface
'' Return
'' ===========================================
'' - boolean
'' Author
'' ===========================================
'' - Wyatt Castaneda
'' References
'' ===========================================
'' -
Public Function deleteFolder(path As String, Optional failIfDoesNotExist As Boolean = False, Optional successCallback As Variant = Null, Optional errorCallback As Variant = Null) As Boolean
On Error GoTo handleError
Dim FSO As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If path <> "" Then
GoTo handleError
End If
path = IIf(Right(path, 1) = "\", Left(path, Len((path)) - 1), path)
If FSO.folderExists(path) Then
FSO.deleteFolder path
GoTo handleSuccess
If failIfDoesNotExist Then
GoTo handleError
End If
End If
Exit Function
deleteFolder = True
If Not IsNull(successCallback) Then
Application.Run successCallback, path
End If
GoTo cleanUp
Exit Function
deleteFolder = False
If Not IsNull(errorCallback) Then
Application.Run errorCallback, Err.Number, Err.Description, "deleteFolder", path
End If
GoTo cleanUp
Set FSO = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function handleError(errorNum As Variant, errDesc As Variant, Optional functionName As String = "", Optional params As Variant)
' Handle your errors here
End Function
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