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Created March 1, 2018 08:08
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Play Tetris with Python
Python implementation of text-mode version of the Tetris game
Quick play instructions:
- a (return): move piece left
- d (return): move piece right
- w (return): rotate piece counter clockwise
- s (return): rotate piece clockwise
- e (return): just move the piece downwards as is
import os
import random
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
# raw_input renamed in python3 to input
raw_input = input
# in python3 xrange doesnt exists
range = xrange
# Extra two are for the walls, playing area will have size as BOARD_SIZE
[[1], [1], [1], [1]],
[[1, 0],
[1, 0],
[1, 1]],
[[0, 1],
[0, 1],
[1, 1]],
[[0, 1],
[1, 1],
[1, 0]],
[[1, 1],
[1, 1]]
# Constants for user input
NO_MOVE = 'e'
def print_board(board, curr_piece, piece_pos, error_message=''):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
Prints out the board, piece and playing instructions to STDOUT
If there are any error messages then prints them to STDOUT as well
os.system('cls' if'nt' else 'clear')
print("Text mode version of the TETRIS game\n\n")
board_copy = deepcopy(board)
curr_piece_size_x = len(curr_piece)
curr_piece_size_y = len(curr_piece[0])
for i in range(curr_piece_size_x):
for j in range(curr_piece_size_y):
board_copy[piece_pos[0]+i][piece_pos[1]+j] = curr_piece[i][j] | board[piece_pos[0]+i][piece_pos[1]+j]
# Print the board to STDOUT
for i in range(EFF_BOARD_SIZE):
for j in range(EFF_BOARD_SIZE):
if board_copy[i][j] == 1:
print(" ",)
print("Quick play instructions:\n")
print(" - a (return): move piece left")
print(" - d (return): move piece right")
print(" - w (return): rotate piece counter clockwise")
print(" - s (return): rotate piece clockwise")
# In case user doesn't want to alter the position of the piece
# and he doesn't want to rotate the piece either and just wants to move
# in the downward direction, he can choose 'f'
print(" - e (return): just move the piece downwards as is")
print(" - q (return): to quit the game anytime")
if error_message:
print("Your move:",)
def init_board():
board - the matrix with the walls of the gameplay
board = [[0 for x in range(EFF_BOARD_SIZE)] for y in range(EFF_BOARD_SIZE)]
for i in range(EFF_BOARD_SIZE):
board[i][0] = 1
for i in range(EFF_BOARD_SIZE):
board[EFF_BOARD_SIZE-1][i] = 1
for i in range(EFF_BOARD_SIZE):
board[i][EFF_BOARD_SIZE-1] = 1
return board
def get_random_piece():
piece - a random piece from the PIECES constant declared above
idx = random.randrange(len(PIECES))
return PIECES[idx]
def get_random_position(curr_piece):
curr_piece - piece which is alive in the game at the moment
piece_pos - a randomly (along x-axis) chosen position for this piece
curr_piece_size = len(curr_piece)
# This x refers to rows, rows go along y-axis
x = 0
# This y refers to columns, columns go along x-axis
y = random.randrange(1, EFF_BOARD_SIZE-curr_piece_size)
return [x, y]
def is_game_over(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
True - if game is over
False - if game is live and player can still move
# If the piece cannot move down and the position is still the first row
# of the board then the game has ended
if not can_move_down(board, curr_piece, piece_pos) and piece_pos[0] == 0:
return True
return False
def get_left_move(piece_pos):
piece_pos - position of piece on the board
piece_pos - new position of the piece shifted to the left
# Shift the piece left by 1 unit
new_piece_pos = [piece_pos[0], piece_pos[1] - 1]
return new_piece_pos
def get_right_move(piece_pos):
piece_pos - position of piece on the board
piece_pos - new position of the piece shifted to the right
# Shift the piece right by 1 unit
new_piece_pos = [piece_pos[0], piece_pos[1] + 1]
return new_piece_pos
def get_down_move(piece_pos):
piece_pos - position of piece on the board
piece_pos - new position of the piece shifted downward
# Shift the piece down by 1 unit
new_piece_pos = [piece_pos[0] + 1, piece_pos[1]]
return new_piece_pos
def rotate_clockwise(piece):
piece - matrix of the piece to rotate
piece - Clockwise rotated piece
We first reverse all the sub lists and then zip all the sublists
This will give us a clockwise rotated matrix
piece_copy = deepcopy(piece)
reverse_piece = piece_copy[::-1]
return list(list(elem) for elem in zip(*reverse_piece))
def rotate_anticlockwise(piece):
piece - matrix of the piece to rotate
Anti-clockwise rotated piece
If we rotate any piece in clockwise direction for 3 times, we would eventually
get the piece rotated in anti clockwise direction
piece_copy = deepcopy(piece)
# Rotating clockwise thrice will be same as rotating anticlockwise :)
piece_1 = rotate_clockwise(piece_copy)
piece_2 = rotate_clockwise(piece_1)
return rotate_clockwise(piece_2)
def merge_board_and_piece(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
Fixes the position of the passed piece at piece_pos in the board
This means that the new piece will now come into the play
We also remove any filled up rows from the board to continue the gameplay
as it happends in a tetris game
curr_piece_size_x = len(curr_piece)
curr_piece_size_y = len(curr_piece[0])
for i in range(curr_piece_size_x):
for j in range(curr_piece_size_y):
board[piece_pos[0]+i][piece_pos[1]+j] = curr_piece[i][j] | board[piece_pos[0]+i][piece_pos[1]+j]
# After merging the board and piece
# If there are rows which are completely filled then remove those rows
# Declare empty row to add later
empty_row = [0]*EFF_BOARD_SIZE
empty_row[0] = 1
empty_row[EFF_BOARD_SIZE-1] = 1
# Declare a constant row that is completely filled
filled_row = [1]*EFF_BOARD_SIZE
# Count the total filled rows in the board
filled_rows = 0
for row in board:
if row == filled_row:
filled_rows += 1
# The last row is always a filled row because it is the boundary
# So decrease the count for that one
filled_rows -= 1
for i in range(filled_rows):
# Add extra empty rows on the top of the board to compensate for deleted rows
for i in range(filled_rows):
board.insert(0, empty_row)
def overlap_check(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
True - if piece do not overlap with any other piece or walls
False - if piece overlaps with any other piece or board walls
curr_piece_size_x = len(curr_piece)
curr_piece_size_y = len(curr_piece[0])
for i in range(curr_piece_size_x):
for j in range(curr_piece_size_y):
if board[piece_pos[0]+i][piece_pos[1]+j] == 1 and curr_piece[i][j] == 1:
return False
return True
def can_move_left(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
True - if we can move the piece left
False - if we cannot move the piece to the left,
means it will overlap if we move it to the left
piece_pos = get_left_move(piece_pos)
return overlap_check(board, curr_piece, piece_pos)
def can_move_right(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
True - if we can move the piece left
False - if we cannot move the piece to the right,
means it will overlap if we move it to the right
piece_pos = get_right_move(piece_pos)
return overlap_check(board, curr_piece, piece_pos)
def can_move_down(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
True - if we can move the piece downwards
False - if we cannot move the piece to the downward direction
piece_pos = get_down_move(piece_pos)
return overlap_check(board, curr_piece, piece_pos)
def can_rotate_anticlockwise(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
True - if we can move the piece anti-clockwise
False - if we cannot move the piece to anti-clockwise
might happen in case rotating would overlap with any existing piece
curr_piece = rotate_anticlockwise(curr_piece)
return overlap_check(board, curr_piece, piece_pos)
def can_rotate_clockwise(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
board - matrix of the size of the board
curr_piece - matrix for the piece active in the game
piece_pos - [x,y] co-ordinates of the top-left cell in the piece matrix
w.r.t. the board
True - if we can move the piece clockwise
False - if we cannot move the piece to clockwise
might happen in case rotating would overlap with any existing piece
curr_piece = rotate_clockwise(curr_piece)
return overlap_check(board, curr_piece, piece_pos)
def play_game():
- Initializes the game
- Reads player move from the STDIN
- Checks for the move validity
- Continues the gameplay if valid move, else prints out error msg
without changing the board
- Fixes the piece position on board if it cannot be moved
- Pops in new piece on top of the board
- Quits if no valid moves and possible for a new piece
- Quits in case user wants to quit
# Initialize the game board, piece and piece position
board = init_board()
curr_piece = get_random_piece()
piece_pos = get_random_position(curr_piece)
print_board(board, curr_piece, piece_pos)
# Get player move from STDIN
player_move = raw_input()
while (not is_game_over(board, curr_piece, piece_pos)):
ERR_MSG = ""
do_move_down = False
if player_move == MOVE_LEFT:
if can_move_left(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
piece_pos = get_left_move(piece_pos)
do_move_down = True
ERR_MSG = "Cannot move left!"
elif player_move == MOVE_RIGHT:
if can_move_right(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
piece_pos = get_right_move(piece_pos)
do_move_down = True
ERR_MSG = "Cannot move right!"
elif player_move == ROTATE_ANTICLOCKWISE:
if can_rotate_anticlockwise(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
curr_piece = rotate_anticlockwise(curr_piece)
do_move_down = True
ERR_MSG = "Cannot rotate anti-clockwise !"
elif player_move == ROTATE_CLOCKWISE:
if can_rotate_clockwise(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
curr_piece = rotate_clockwise(curr_piece)
do_move_down = True
ERR_MSG = "Cannot rotate clockwise!"
elif player_move == NO_MOVE:
do_move_down = True
elif player_move == QUIT_GAME:
print("Bye. Thank you for playing!")
ERR_MSG = "That is not a valid move!"
if do_move_down and can_move_down(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
piece_pos = get_down_move(piece_pos)
# This means the current piece in the game cannot be moved
# We have to fix this piece in the board and generate a new piece
if not can_move_down(board, curr_piece, piece_pos):
merge_board_and_piece(board, curr_piece, piece_pos)
curr_piece = get_random_piece()
piece_pos = get_random_position(curr_piece)
# Redraw board
print_board(board, curr_piece, piece_pos, error_message=ERR_MSG)
# Get player move from STDIN
player_move = raw_input()
print("GAME OVER!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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