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Created November 6, 2018 01:47
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Powershell CLI customizer
# customize window
$shell = $Host.UI.RawUI
$shell.WindowTitle=”My Custom CLI”
$shell.BackgroundColor = “Black”
$shell.ForegroundColor = “Magenta”
# allow local unsigned scripts
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$ProfileRoot = (Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
## Add ProfileRoot to PATH (makes all profile scripts callable from CLI
# $env:path += ";$ProfileRoot"
Import-Module $ProfileRoot\Modules\commandsWrapper.psm1
## Add ssh-keys
# ssh-agent
# ssh-add %UserProfile%\.ssh\my_private_key
i #call commandWrapper info function
## Get the directory of this wrapper script
$ModuleRoot = (Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
## Keep each specific command in it's own file, and import it
Import-Module $ModuleRoot\common.psm1
Import-Module $ModuleRoot\customCommand.psm1
## define any additional functions to be available in the CLI
function testme {
info "HELLO!"
function i {
# basic info
info " i: info (this)"
info " testme: say hello"
info " customCommand: advanced behaviors"
info " > customCommand 'Test' 'Arguments' "
info " > customCommand 'Somebody' 'Me' "
info " "
## Only exported functions will be available in the CLI
Export-ModuleMember -Function testme, i
# Convenience methods for formatted/colored output
function info
Write-Host $args -ForegroundColor Green
function warn
Write-Host $args -ForegroundColor Yellow
function dang
Write-Host $args -ForegroundColor Red
Export-ModuleMember -Function info, warn, dang
# Use the common module
$ModuleRoot = (Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
Import-Module $ModuleRoot\common.psm1
class MyObject
[string] $someProperty
## Constructor, called whenever creating a new instance of this object
MyObject([string] $name)
$this.someProperty = $name
[string] action([string] $value)
if ($this.getNameType() -eq 2) {
warn $this.someProperty " once told " $value
return 'gonna roll me'
} else {
info " Called action on " $this.someProperty " for " $value
return 'newValue'
[int] getNameType()
if ($this.someProperty -eq "Test") {
return 1
switch ($this.someProperty) {
"Somebody" {
return 2
"Nobody" {
return 3
return 0
function customCommand {
[ parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true) ]
[ parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false) ]
if ($nameArg) {
$Name = $nameArg.GetValue(0)
$TargetValue = $valueArg.GetValue(0)
$myObj = [MyObject]::new($Name)
$type = $myObj.getNameType()
if ($type -lte 0) {
warn "Unexpected MyObject Type: " $Name
} elseif ($type -eq 2) {
dang "Dang! Somebody Once..."
} else {
info "Something to do!"
$result = $myObj.action($TargetValue)
info " --- the world is " $result " --- "
Export-ModuleMember -Function customCommand
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